• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Wednesday


I like to write short comedy things in my spare time. One day I'll write a proper story, I swear. Also lol I'm a bitch yolo


When a group of new ponies arrives in town, Pinkie wants to throw them one of her famous 'Welcome to Ponyville' parties. But for some strange reason, they don't seem to be interested in partying. Pinkie decides to find out why.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III, in the comedy category.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

This was G-R-E-A-T. Long live the Toilets

Huk #2 · July 30th · · ·

Hrmph, this story was nothing but toilet humor :rainbowkiss:. This needs more likes, made me laugh a lot :rainbowlaugh:

‘Left hoof twitching, gluteal muscles tensing, blood sugar dropping 5%... oh my gosh - new ponies in town! Four, five, six of them!’

hehe well that does explain how she figures that out!

Flush Toilet was not having a good day.

i mean to begin with, his name is Flush Toilet, how can any day be a good day?

“Mooom,” he whined. “Why do we have to come to this crummy dump anyway? I bet it doesn’t even have a Hay Burger.”

but how can the town of the Princess of Burging not have a Hay Burger? facts and logic!

Her sister, Cistern, came and put a hoof on her shoulder.

ok there is something fun about “sister, Cistern”

“I will do. It’s just… you know how he gets. Flush is very highly strung. He ruminates. You remember how he was with his goldfish. I’m worried if I tell him his grandmother is D-E-A-D, it might set him off again. I was going to talk to him later, when he's calmer.”

ahaha i love how this is enough to keep him from understanding as if he were a dog

Cistern sighed. “Clogged, he is the heir to one of Manehattan’s largest wholesalers of bathroom fittings and plumbing supplies. If he is ever going to survive in that cut-throat world, at some point you are going to have to stop coddling him and force him to toughen up.”

ah well that certainly explains the family naming scheme!

“That’s right,” said Cistern. “Come on, Clogged.” The two mares turned and trotted into their accommodation, closing the door behind them. Pinkie fell to her haunches. What had just happened?

oof, first time anyone’s visited Ponyville for a sad occasion?

F-U-N? Fun?! What fun?

ahaha of course that misunderstanding would occur

Pinkie recalled a few ‘graveyard parties’ she had thrown when she was a younger and more reckless party planner, but those had always turned out to be total downers.

oh dang she totally unknowingly ran funerals didn’t she

“Yeah,” echoed Flush, having pushed his way to the front to be with his mother and aunt. “It’s for Nanna Ballcock after she was I-M-P-A-L-E-D on that A-N-T-E-N-N-A.”

well that is quite a way to go! and yes this is definitely one way how a Pinkie encountering the very un-fun concept of grieving a death might go. thank you for writing!

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