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So excited, I can't wait!
WOOOO, I did not think you would post it this soon, I gotta reread the first one now
Wait no longer, it's here! :D
Reread Renewal?? Holy heck, let me know if you finish it before Thanksgiving! :D
I finished FoE: Murky Number Seven in a week :)
You have NO idea how fast I'll crush through a big book when I LOVE it. Also ye, I remember my promises, a tip is comin, just you wait a bit
I tried reading the Expanse series in a week and nearly had a stroke. You are a mad lad and I'm here for it!
WEW! It's finally here!
Ooh, dragon protag!
Sorry to hear about Pike's death flags though. He'll be missed o7
My desire to write characters with hands knows no bounds! Before this thing is done, Vik and Fiona are going to share a 90's freezeframe high five.
Sure a: "Dillan, you son of a bitch!" wouldn't be more meme-worthy?
Oh! Wow! Unexpected!
Really enjoying this beginning, as well as playing the game of, guess what happens next. Seriously though, love the detail in how the Crystal Empire is utterly annihilated and the resulting carnage is used as a catalyst to devastate an ordinarily isolated and unimpressive region that just happens to be neighboring it. After your sidestory with Juniper and Roach, I was pretty curious to see if you'd further explore the crystal wasteland you established there.
Never a miss from you, can't wait to see where this goes!
Also welcome to the top of the Featured Box for yet another time! :D
I was hoping someone would make the connection! The idea for the glowing crescent (I think that's what I named it in One Size, but that might be a vestigial memory) has been burning a hole in my pocket for years and I really wanted to set a story in the affected area when the bombs fell. Just a boonies town in the middle of nowhere that tried to be touristy and never quite pulled it off. So basically, Bayfield Wisconsin, but less successful. ;) Write what you know, right?
And of course, two more chapters to go this weekend! Hot dog!
Holy moly and it was on the first chapter to boot! xD Is this what it's like to have an established audience, because it's kind of nice!
You absolutely deserve it!
Nice, more of your fine work. I can't wait to read it all.
I'm excited to hear what you all think!
Wait. Waitwaitwait. Elbow, is... Is the car in the story image in any way is a crossover to the VERY cool but old game that is Called ExMachina (Or Hard Truck Apocalypse everywhere else in the world)?
Oh hey, I think it is! I'm not 100% sure if the artist tossed it in as an easter egg or as a deliberate part of a larger reference, but it's pretty dang similar! :D
Yes! I've been waiting for this!
It literally is lmao, that is SUCH a throwback, thank the artist for me please
It's by nemo2d :D
I think I need to reread Renewal too; I don't remember MILLIE being capable of being that casual in her interactions...unless this is just a 'feature' (bug?) of the version the Flim Flam Brothers acquired? (Or, more likely, knowing them: """""acquired"""""...on the cheap.)
TIL that 'hector' is a verb (the etymology is wild, given that I thought Achilles was supposed to be the arrogant asshole in the story)! Thought you got autocorrected out of "heckled" before I thought: 'but that sounds like it would be a cool word though...'
Pike has definitely lived longer than I anticipated already.
I look forward to Vik carrying along a sassy AI sidekick in a pipbuck :P
You definitely didn't misread, there's something unique about this Millie. Though keep in mind she's a marketed bit of software, so the Millie sold to CryoLife isn't the same Millie in Stable 10, etc etc. Unless they're installed on a network, they're individual programs. The CryoLife Millie, however, is definitely operating strangely. :3
Your storytelling is amazing, as always. I don't think I've ever read a FOE fic with a dragon protagonist!
I'm so happy you like it! Vik's my bitey lil spirit animal xD
Glad to see the sequel. I shall start reading immediately.
So, if this ends up going the way I think it will with the corpse freezers... Well shit if so, I was going to use that for my own Fallout fic I've been planning 5eva, I may just require a rewrite so others don't think I'm copying, assuming that's where this'll go.
One the plus side, I like the dragon chick thus far. Do your dragons have boobs?
I wasn't expecting you to start this so soon after Renewal but I'm glad for it, been needing some good writing to read and wait on.
Also a slight mistake or two I noticed for you to see to.
As well as
I assume that's meant to be 'tell you so'.
Excellent choice on getting Nemo to do your cover art btw, I got a fic cover from him too. He's a talented bloke!
Ooh, good catches, I'll fix em in a minute! Also hey, if you were going to rock the cryo trope, you should go for it! There's no such thing as dibs in fanfic :) You ain't copying me if it's your own story.
Dragons don't have boobs in my headcanon, nope! It's actually the one time I stick with Hasbro character design. Female dragons have a more distinct chest than males, but it's barely anything. A bit of curve, but no badonka honka lizard tatas in Uplift. XD
>There's no such thing as dibs in fanfic
Aye, but readers always draw comparisons and it can be a tad annoying.
>No dragon tiddies
A shame, but still, we get dargos.
Good luck in the writing. What do you think the timeframe on this fic will be in comparison to Renewal?
Also can't wait for that horrendous blob creature to come back and be a nuisance for either Vik or Aurora, assuming Aurora makes a triumphant return. I already know that the Golly Loli will, can't just leave her locked up in the dark. So many plot threads to pluck at...
I don't expect this one to be nearly as long, that's for sure! A lot of Renewal was worldbuilding and laying out the flashbacks and mystery of the bombs, so since that's established now I can lean harder into what I hope will be a little more action oriented derghorse fiction. There will still be flashback mysteriousness, but not nearly as complex as Renewal.
Also, Aurora & Co will definitely make appearances. ^^ They're the old crew, I can't just ignore em! And very much yes, Mariposa is key this story. I left several things deliberately unresolved in Renewal so they could get their own story.
First off: how dare Vik slander the noble saltine! Leave it to a creature that routinely eats gems to not have any taste...
Second: Aww...they really do like each other...I'm sure that won't traumatize Vik any further when she ends up alone again :/
Bold to kill off the protag in the third chapter! :P
Now to wonder who'll find her later...
Good stuff, go kick some arse, Pike.
I gotta say, considering show canon has dragons able to swim in lava and be punched by all sorts of extremely sharp objects without any worry beyond a slight dazing, a lil' bitty revolver doing our girl in is a bit of a shame. Maybe the magic of the world lessened that quality, hm? Though, it was noted that Vik was feeling like she'd get cuts with all her work beforehand. In most fantasy, dragons are nigh-unstoppable because their scales are tougher than anything that can usually be forged for armour, and their hide gets used for it due to it's strength, so it's interesting you've taken the approach of them being mostly lizard-like and their scales not actually doing much for protection.
Uno mistake I noticed.
Unless the dragonlands are importing a few soylent green style recipes I'd think that might be an error.
Saltines are the devil's cracker!
In general I like to ground a lot of the magical mcguffin lore that FiM created into some basis of reality, and I already have some notes down to touch on some of the more "out there" dragon biological traits in later chapters. Suffice to say, I to tend to take some of the show lore in a different direction when I think it'll benefit the story and not feel heavy handed.
Fixed that foot error though! It'll be a while yet before Epicureans show up to start noshing on the neighbors. :D
>I to tend to take some of the show lore in a different direction when I think it'll benefit the story and not feel heavy handed
Oh aye, best way to make a world is to take canon lore and make it into your own canon.
How so very dare you, madame!
first you take the booba and then youll try and take the dragussy. We must stop this tyranny before the ponys are forced to wear clothes
Wow! That's a twist I wasn't expecting but... I'm honestly jazzed about? Ridiculously enough, there's a part of me that felt more sad about Pike abandoning Millie than Vik dying. Not to say her death didn't effect me, I've really been enjoying the three syllable dragoness. However, I really sympathize with the concept of AI gaining self awareness, and to finally be self aware and finally obtain a seemingly reliable power source only then to be abandoned for however many years... it's haunting. At least if you die you die, no suffering involved (generally). Interested in seeing if that ends up shaping her to being considerably less friendly if she's ever rediscovered...
In a way, it kind of makes me think of Eshe, but without the luxury of being able to go into a dreamland.
She's adorable! Can't wait to see how her adventure goes! ^w^
Damn it, I knew It was coming but it didn't make it any less of a gut punch
Darn you for making me feel feelings
"Paused to look both ways"
Look both ways before crossing the road.
I must say, that simple line unexpectantly filled me with an intense melancholy for something I haven't myself lost.
Well done.
All the dergs will have concave boobas!
I'm actually glad to hear that you sympathized with her situation, though. I was trying to avoid making her out to be some early villain since that isn't what she was. Like I told a reader over Discord, her self-awareness was made possible by the very worst scenario and she still managed to kick it off by being one of the helpers in her own limited way. Pike's decision to leave her behind was less out of cruelty and more out of grief and his own unresolved doubts that Millie was ever anything more than a convincing bit of software, and yet unknown to him it would force Millie to seek companionship and safety with an unhinged desperation resulting in Vik's return. Probably the least black and white set of circumstances I've pulled out of my head before, hoowhee!
Ooh, yeah Millie's situation is definitely a parallel to Eshe's that I didn't notice! Good grief I must have a thing for existential mind-breaking isolation, but that's okay because there's always therapy!
More to come! I'm about halfway through writing Chapter 6, so when that's wrapped up it means Chapter 4 will pop on FIMFiction on the same day. :D
Damn the critics, technicolor horse fiction makes brain chemicals go squirty.
Oh hey, that's awesome that you caught that! I'm never too sure which lines I sneak in will resonate or go unnoticed, and I really really wanted this one to catch someone's eye! One of the reasons I really wanted to spend some time in the days and weeks immediately following the bombs is to show more of how the survivors had to gradually adjust to the rules of their new world. Nobody snapped their fingers or drew a line in the dirt saying, "This is the wasteland now, go put on leather and make weapons out of household plumbing." It took time for those who made it through to set aside the old rules like checking both ways before crossing the street and write the new laws of survival. Awesome catch, that just made my morning!