There are some things Celestia must never forget.
Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III. Cover art by Vinylshadow.
Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams
There are some things Celestia must never forget.
Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III. Cover art by Vinylshadow.
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Good ponies don't need rules. Never try to find out why Celestia has so many.
Wow, the paragraphs leading up to the end. Really nice.
What's a few war crimes to a demi-god, cmon?
You had us until the very end. No denying that.
Those with a connection to fire are often potaryed in media as being violent and or ill tempered and as the sun is just a very intense ball of fire, I'm surprised that there aren't more depictions of Celestia having the more negative traits associated with fire, even in her younger years.
In other words, I like your depiction of Tia, really embodies the Paarthurnax question.
That was awesome. I always like stories that portray Celestia as a competent leader.
Nothing makes one feel more alive than slaughtering one's enemies, or so I've heard.
"I have no enemies... left." – Celestia probably
What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Conan of Cimmeria 🔥
Is this a reference to Superman vs. The Elite?
Rage, rage against the dying of the light... except it's not the light that's doing the dying here.
"Murdering creatures... calms me down." - also Celestia, probably
EDIT as of 06/21: "This story is hot right now." Well, that's really fitting, all things considered!
Edit edit: I only noticed now this was posted on the day of the Summer solstice. TOO fitting.
Celestia really struggles to contain herself and I think this isn't something Twilight wants to know. It might be good her to learn of it anyway though.
Very good story!
That's what being peaceful is about. Harmless creatures don't need rules, the more power you possess, the more rules you need. Letting it all go is easy, restraining is hard. Once you can restrain yourself to such a degree, you will be able to make the world a better place like Celestia.
It's not wrong to miss the moments when you can let yourself be crazy and can do as you please without a care in the world. We are allowes to have desires from the best to the worst, because it is desires that help us develop and become better than before. But once you forget about the consequences, more regrets will arise. Thus, Celestia keeps track of the worst desires here, thousands of lives' demise concentrated in one skull, to keep her grounded.
Are you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go ape shitt?
Very true. Too many people mistake being peaceful for being harmless. Being peaceful is choosing not to do harm, despite having the capability for it. Celestia is very peaceful, right up until you give her a reason not to be. As they say 'beware the wrath of the gentle man/mare'.
The most powerful choose peace because they know how terrible their wrath can be. You get used to stepping lightly, because you appreciate the weight of your power and how much damage you can cause.
But sometimes - ohhh, sometimes...sometimes, you wish so very, very much for a foe vile enough that you can let loose. Because it feels really, really good.
But there will be collateral damage, and that is a bad thing, and so...restraint reigns.
Take a look at superman's 'world of cardboard' for a perfect example of that.
I nearly cited that speech as a good example. Superman, Celestia, etc - Do not piss them off. It won't end well <3
Golden rays of the glorious sunshine setting down, such a blood red light...
Celestia, probably
"I'm not a pacifist for my sake. I'm a pacifist for yours. Please, give me a reason to choose otherwise."
This is an homage to the Attila campaign narrative in AoE2, isn’t it? The last sentence struck me, and Father Armand says much the same thing while also contemplating a skull.
I usually don't like fics that just depict Celestia Uber powerful but tbh this was nice. However the last sentence ruined it for me.
Made a audio adaptation of this amazing fic I hope you all like it
Now THAT is a twist I wasn't expecting.
ooh love this historical anecdote! such an adversary would really be a formative one to have early in Celestia’s reign
and oof also quite a lesson to learn
hehe that one is just fun
and augh so true!
and a millenium is a long time! long enough for the peaceful and innocent Equestria of today to have forgotten a past of less innocence
and ooh love the twist! all the more powerful for being so compact. great structure too, really getting into the visceral details and setting up for a final note of regret before the reveal. well done, thank you for writing!
there we go!