• Member Since 19th Aug, 2023
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Sometime after the incident with Sludge happens, Spike's been more and more conflicted on where he really came from, he never properly got the answer as to where he came from, and this incident only made him question it more. But one day, he wakes up to receive a strange letter that's in his room. And upon reading it, the letter surprises him greatly when it says that it's from someone who claims to be his mom, and that she is in a world of Dragons, the Dragon Realm, and for them to finally meet and for Spike to understand where he came from, he needs to go there in order to find her.

The letter had a potion that looked to be able to teleport Spike to this world, and after heavy thinking, Spike decides to go on his own to find out what really happened to him by himself, he leaves a letter for Twilight and the others to let them know he's going out on his own to find his own calling. When he arrives in this world, he meets a purple dragon by the name of Spyro, and after learning about eachother's problems, Spike and Spyro team up in order to stop the threats that come in their way, while also trying to find Spike's mother..

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 36 )

Good start here, especially that talk between Spike/Smolder before all of this started! Looking forward to more! :moustache:

Look at these



She becomes an ally after leaving the sorceress.







She has a pet wolf she has attack with her.






I'm interested so far, keep it up.

Gotta love Nestor's reaction to what that slimeball Sludge did to Spike, looking forward to see what happens from here on out for Spike in this world! :moustache:

Speaking of which I hope we get to see Ember/Smolder help out Spike somewhat back in Equestria, especially in the payback department against a certain fat scaly loser! :twilightangry2:

So which Spyro the Dragon game is Spike going to appear in?

Dude... I said I'm going through the whole original trilogy, these next few chapters are just taking place before them to help establish Spike's relationship with Spyro and how he's adjusting to this world, he's going through the Reignited Trilogy, I thought that would be clear in my Author Notes, am I that bad at the detail?

It's the one that got reignited

Spyro Trilogy huh? The only Spyro game I played was Spyro 1 on PS1 but never beat it. I didn't get the Trilogy because only Spyro 1 was on it and you have to download the other 2 games to get them which is ridiculous, so I didn't buy it.

The reignited trilogy is around 30$ on all major platforms, PC, Switch, Xbox, Playstation, if you have any of those consoles, it's easy to buy, and it's 3 whole games in one that look amazing. I seriously wish we got a Spyro animated series in this style with how great the game looks, but it's very easy to get it now a days.

Problem: 2 and 3 you have to download them, only 1 is on the disc. If all 3 were on the disc and you didn't have to download them, I would buy it, but I don't connect my consoles to the Internet and never will. Physical is where I go and always will be for me.

I'm not saying you have to download them, even if it's just 1 on the disk, I'm just saying it's easy to get them, digital of physical, they're on all platforms and it's easy to play them, if not, just watch a walkthrough of the game, it's easy to understand how the game works, I'm not trying to be rude here or anything, but I'm just saying there's ways for you to play it, even without downloading it, if it's physical, all 3 of them are available in one package.

I know I can buy them on PS1 and play them on my PS2, but the cutscenes on the Trilogy I like more than the PS1 cutscenes. Oh well, I'll just have to watch walkthroughs on YouTube, unless Ad-Block pop-ups won't let me watch certain videos like some of my favorite game walkthrough people I watch the most.

I'm not talking about the original trilogy, I'm talking about the Reignited Trilogy( Or the remastered version for other words), when I say it's easy to get them on all platforms, and you don't have to worry about downloading the other games if you get a physical copy.

Yep, that was enjoyable.

Honestly I can see Spike really hating those egg-thieves due to not only they are annoying, but also the fact its really touchy for him due to his situation with his egg and such. So seeing other dragon eggs being stolen and separated from their families is really gonna piss him off.
And boy, I bet he's REALLY gonna hate the Sorceress in the 3rd game for her taking the eggs and her essentially trying to kill the unborn baby dragons for magic.

Wouldn't this also require the Skylander series too?

No. Skylanders is a completely separate timeline and world compared to the Legends series and Original, plus the Skylanders world is more on the Legend of Spyro side considering Cynder and Malefor still exist there, so no, this story doesn't tie into Skylanders at all, and it wouldn't make sense if it did.

Meh, that's reasonable. Didn't see the harm in asking.

Glad to see Nestor & rest of the dragons here treating Spike well, their reaction mirroring Spike's regarding what that loser dragon did to him! :twilightangry2:

Looking forward to see how Spike's training goes from here on out alongside Spyro while also looking for clues regarding Spike's mom here, also thanks for the shout-out Dragonfan, keep up the great work! :moustache:

BTW will Spike mention at least the 2 cool dragon girls later to Nestor/Spyro & the other dragons later in this story Dtagonfan? :moustache:

Remember my comment on the first chapter?

So Spike got his own dragonfly per say, sweet! :twilightsmile:

Looking forward to see how Spike tackles classes before we go into the first game proper, also looking forward to our Equestrian counterparts dealing with Spike's disappearance! :moustache:

Looks like Spike got his Dragonfly.
He's probably gonna need him.(hope he can handle certain bs jumps later on. Nearly drove me insane trying to make this one jump to find one of the swamp dragons. You have to angle and jump at the right bloody time when running down the path to the ramp)

I love spyro the original trilogy and I hope someday this story will be completed without any complications!

Edit:read the chapters so far, love it

Keep up the work!

Was very cool seeing both Spike/Spyro flying though the obstacle course, Spike even mentioning his *flying teacher* so to speak! :moustache: Looking forward to more training between these 2!

Luckily Spike didn't say that Twilight and the others were ponies that took care of him, because if the dragons find that out, who knows what would happen?

Good to see how things are back in Equestria after Spike's disappearance, glad to see Ember/Smolder taking center stage regarding Spike's found egg & why wasn't the details about it mentioned before all of this! :moustache:

I feel like Ember and Smolder would also be questioning on why is Celestia having ponies mess with a dragon egg with magic too.
Since it could have done harm to the egg.

Comment posted by Justin Mershimer deleted Jul 15th, 2024
Comment posted by Dragonfan101 deleted Jul 14th, 2024

I am bloody loving this story so far :)

I know you may be upset but.. I just needed that egg for that project

That's a little selfish, isn't it Celly?

Love how Spike's getting used to this world before heading into the first game proper, that wake-up call he gave to Spyro was golden! :rainbowlaugh:

As for when Spike/Spyro should meet Spike's mom I think near the end of the first game when they are about to face Gnasty Gnorc is a good jump-in point for her! :moustache:

So, Spike and Spyro are going on their journey soon, can't wait.

Sweet chapter here Dragonfan! Seems everything's ready for the first game romp as Gnasty Gnorc just made his move, glad that Spike's mom wasn't affected by that lousy spell!:moustache:

Looking forward to more chapters soon Dragonfan! 😁👍

Been waiting for this to get updated, Spike and Spyro are finally on their journey.

This is amazing! I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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