I'll join you. But only because I'm weak and give in easily to peer pressure... *Sigh* -Sadneil, Kenshi
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is the story name a refrence to a false hydra?
Yes, that was my inspiration for the story, and the song
Seeing those red tags ain't good for the male alicorn, does it?
There's more red flags in this story than at a communist parade.
A song that acts as a hard perception filter?
Anyone that hears it
forgetsdoesn'tCANT know he exists?11926753
Anyone who hears the song is completely incapable of acknowledging his existence.
So it is a perception filter.
Is it mind magic based or is it something else? Some kind of imperceptible magic tone while he sings?
Are there consequences to being affected by it other than the main effect?
I didn't plan on there being any consequences to him singing, it's just a hard magic song that, if heard, makes the listener completely unable to acknowledge the singer.
Pretty solid start. You got me interested.
Nice story so far, when I read the title I was confused when the main character was an alicorn but then when the mention of others forgetting about him when he started singing I got some DnD PTSD and realized that he was a false hydra
Then he shouldn't ever sing again so they don't forget about him, duh.
The thing is that he's deliberately been making everyone forget and ignore him so far because that's what he wants.
Well, that's a bit stupid and is gonna backfire eventually.
Because, one red tag ( Suicide/Self-harm. ) I'm concern with is there for a reason.
I'm interested in where this is going, if I was him I would have kept up the singing even if they knew of me but that might just be me.
This seems interesting!
The story is looking good, the little twist you've given the Mc is definitely unique. Loving it so far!
Can't wait to see what happens next!
Very interesting! I look forward to more!
For some reason this character just screams Sandman perhaps his eventual powers will use Sand and Gold Dust?
my theory is he goes into the dream world while singing but it's just on the edge of reality?
An alicorn able to instinctively sing the tune of the False Hydra... Very interesting.
I am always intrigued by stories like this. No, not Human turned Alicorn, nor am I talking about RGRE, although these two happen to be quite entertaining just about every time. No, I find such an interest in stories where the MC is just doing the things they want, living their own life the way they want even if most people would consider it not the best way to live. Can it be bad for health, both physically and or mentally? Sure, but I am not reading stories for perfectionism.
I don't know anything about the MC, besides that they are anti-social, don't want to be involved in the bigger picture, and are ambitious, and yet, I find myself far more comfortable and familiar than most stories' main characters. It's simple, but it's written in a very fine, refined way that I cannot get enough of.
Thank you for writing this gem, dear author.
I only hope to be worthy of such praise throughout the rest of the story. Thank you for your kind words.
One chapter in and I am FASCINATED by this
I am very much into this. Please don’t disappear
So far the story is really interesting, I like it. The next chapter is gonna do me good to see if the mc has either a deep social anxiety or a bad case of Agoraphobia....
I will watch your career with great interest.
I wonder why he skipped the earth pony and pegasus parts as he's and alicorn
Supposedly those are subconscious and come naturally, but unicorn magic requires conscious effort and training.
Very enjoyable story so far, hope the mc gets fleshed out more. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Me encanta espero el próximo capítulo 😌😃
Honestly this is interesting, it's like the boogie woogie from jjk but instead of clapping g his hooves and swapping with someone or something, he just sings and he magically dissappears
Makes sense for him to make this mistake since he doesn’t know that the song of a False Hydra is constantly being used unless issue of discovery and information gathering occurs.
OK, you got my attention. I’ll be an avid reader. I would like to see where this goes.
Nice update! A little concerned about how afraid he is, however I'm sure it'll be revealed in time!
A very interesting read.
Interesting. Thanks for the chapter.
A new chapter appeared right before my eyes
Thanks for the chapter.
Actually expected Celestia to be unaffected to the singing. I guess not.
You know, as I read the chapter, and put a few things together, I realized I heard somewhere about a monster that was similar to the things the MC does. I kept on looking before I came across something called a 'false hydra,' and I have to say, it's been a while since I've encountered something so horrifying. I expected this to be creepy, but the deeper I looked the more I realized what horror he is capable of, and the depiction of how a false hydra sounds. Like, please tell me if you heard of this song:
Now this is definitely something that's piqued my interest! Was already familiar with the False Hydra, but I'd never thought to try something like this before!
I am... familiar with its dulcet tunes.
It'll be interesting to see how folks will react when news of Aurum's vocal-based ability gets around.
Nice. I was about to post that song too. Great minds think alike ;)
Dude going with pony False Hydra. That one of the nastier if not he nastiest creatures I've ever read lore about. I hope you won't integrate Daemonculaba to the story...
I actually have that song playing on repeat whenever I start writing
Already infinitely better than aa%a due to the MC not being an insufferable douche. Also, what a refreshing unique power. Looking forward to what you do here!
Very cute story so far! Seems in contrast against all those red tags, unless they are related to the MC's backstory...
The red tags all come into play later.
Hmmm. Very interesting, then. You've definitely painted a picture of a more kind and softer Equestria than Earth.
I wonder if this has to do with the switch to "We" instead of "I" in the 3rd to last paragraph. Grammar error, or hinting that there's something else in his head, hmm?
Nice story so far keep it up.
False hydra false hydra!!!! Alert the mages College!