• Member Since 6th Jun, 2024
  • offline last seen Dec 23rd, 2024



When strange occurences begin to plague the world of Canterlot High, Twilight Sparkle must enlist the help of Discord to find the culprit! ... Much to her chagrin. A movie novelization in three acts!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 4 )

I clicked on this story on a whim and I'm very glad I did. You have a really striking style of prose that perfectly blends vivid descriptions with colorful metaphors - I'm actually shocked that this is apparently your first fic on the site.

You definitely deserve more views and I'm very eager to see where this story goes.

A warped gravity stretched Twilight into a strand of chewed gum, swirling her down a nauseating, iridescent funnel. Round and round, she twisted, feeling the change like a numbing smother…

To quote Douglas Adams:
"It's rather unpleasantly like being drunk."
"How can being drunk be unpleasant?"
"Ask a glass of water."

In any case, fascinating opening. Forcing a being (probably?) older than the princesses into a teenage body is both fascinating and more than a little cruel, but it definitely offers a hint at who and what they're dealing with. Plus, I'm just happy to see more iterations of human Discord; it's a surprisingly underutilized concept. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

I suspected as much. Who else could create such chaotic catastrophes? (Assuming, of course, that the chaos mage is indeed the local Discord and didn't just pick him out of the crowd.)

Also, excellent scene with the two Twilights. Sometimes self-reflection calls for another instance of yourself, one without the prejudices that are keeping you from seeing the heart of the matter.

Looking forward to the thrilling conclusion.

A lavish ballgown, heavy with lace with sleeves like cotton candy: "Too much!" A severe black dress with a petticoat of silken webs, hemmed by a beaded border of pearly skulls: "Too bleak!" An elaborate cloud of feathers puckering into the curled crook of a stuffed swan's neck, hooked boa-like around Twilight's shoulders: "Too fowl!" A funny miniskirt paired by a sailor-collared top and elbow length gloves: "Too derivative!"

Took me a moment to figure this one out lol.

This really does feel like a lost Equestria Girls special, and I mean that in the best way.

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