• Member Since 4th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Nitpicking your math errors is how I show I care.


Inky Rose doesn't really interact with other ponies all that much. But that doesn't mean she doesn't ever leave the house, and underground shows are exactly her scene.

But the last thing she expected to find at a show like this is Troubleshoes, who looks like he wouldn't know the difference between a goth and a punk if his life depended on it.

Written for the 2024 May Pairings Contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

Inky Rose doesn't really interact with other ponies all that much.

But isn’t she a famous fashion designer? I mean, she has to be at least somewhat popular if Rarity knows her that well.

I love this. And an absolutely brilliant entry for may pairings, I won't be surprised if you place! Anyways, I'm gonna save this so that I may one day read it again... Great work!

Troubleshoes in a mosh pit at a punk show is a delightfully incongruous image, and by midway through the fic I was right there along with Inky Rose in feeling a bit guilty for making assumptions based on outwards appearances.

Your character work shines as always -- I really enjoyed seeing how they played off each other, their mutual awkwardness and standoffishness organically giving way to finding something of a kindred spirit in each other. Maybe, if they keep in touch, Inky Rose will even introduce Troubleshoes to her favorite band eventually, lol.

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