• Member Since 15th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss


This is not the first time Trixie has had a drunken one night fling with a random pony.

It is the first time Octavia has.

A May Pairings jam.

Featured 5/30/2024 - 6/4/2024!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

For an emergency backup, this was pretty fun. Now Trixie just needs to end up with Fiddlesticks.

I enjoyed this.
Or 2nd Chapter where the morons talk?
And being compared unfavourably to Trixie of all beings should sting somewhat fierce . .

axxuy #3 · May 31st · · ·

I love Trixie in this space between "You know you're in a bad place when you're going to Trixie for advice" and her actually having good advice. She's an excellent do as I say not as I do kind of character.

Octavia suppressed the natural urge to punch Trixie in the face.

Well observed.

This was a super cute fic!

You're right. I hate that you are, but you're right.

Not the first time Trixie's heard that, and far from the last.

Brilliant blend of wisdom and... well, Trixie. She's good at her job, but she's still a born gadfly. Octavia makes for the perfect straight mare for her shenanigans, ignoring what they got up to last night. :raritywink: Thank you for this and best of luck in the judging.

Gavier #7 · May 31st · · ·

Octavia being denser than a sack of bricks but getting there in the end my beloved

Octavia with Minuette??? Sounds interesting.....

if this was your emergency backup story, i cant even imagine what the others would have been. i love your fic!

I started four different stories for May Pairings and they were all garbage. This was my emergency backup story.

Ah, I had a similar experience with my entry. I had to abandon two rather huge passion projects of mine to work on something smaller I never expected would be posted.

In any case I have to say, your end result came out very well and touching and I can at least tell you I personally am quite glad I got to have read it! It's fics like this that tempt me into thinking Trixie is the best character in FiM, but then I remember it is the writers such as yourself that I should be praising for the golden characterization. Best of luck in the contest! :)

I know she's come a long, long way, but good golly when Trixie is the most rational actor in the room, you have hit bedrock. Beyond rock bottom. Maud standing in a corner saying, "This is too many rocks at too low an altitude."

You did a fine job though. Gold stars.

I really, truly enjoyed this. Glad I saw I saw it on the front page.

even if this was your emergency backup, it was still a great read! trixie and octavia have a great dynamic in this, and i looooove that trixie was the one giving advice (and putting her guidance counselor background to good use). my fav line was the one abt octavia wearing a wire, comedy gold right there xd

You write Trixie wonderfully. Really lovely story that brought out the best from both characters.

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