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Is Discord going to appear at all or even be mentioned in this story?
Not really, but if you want to know why he hasn't "done anything." It's because he's too pre-occupied with Fluttershy. Order counters Chaos and machines very much create that, so his power's been diminishing in recent years.
I was just thinking "I hope the next chapter comes soon" when my eyes fell on my download of the story, then I opened the story from my bookshelves to check if my comments have gotten any likes and then I saw a new chapter and was surprised. I only wanted to see if there's a new chapter on Monday, I wasn't expecting that the next chapter would release today already, because you said there will be two chapters each week. I had to read this immediately.
The colt survived, but he lost his wing..... I actually expected this to happen, after reading the description, but I hoped it wouldn't and that he could keep his wing somehow. I feel the reason why he was crying wasn't because of the pain, it was because his wings mean a lot to him and he was scared of losing his wing. If that's how it is, then it's very tragic that he lost his wing to the machine..... But I'm glad he survived.
Berry Punch is finally in the story! I didn't recognize her as the barkeeper at first, because you described her coat as purple and not wine-red, and only when Drill Bit dropped her name it clicked.^^ I am happy to finally see her in the story, it's been a while since I saw Berry Punch in anything, but I could still hear her voice when I was reading what she said.^^ She seems to be very wise in this universe, a hardened wisdom from many life experiences. What she said to Drill Bit makes me wonder if she gave up drinking and her alcohol addiction, to get something she wanted. I get the feeling that there are a lot of deep things to learn about Berry Punch in this universe. I was just thinking, too, if I will meet any ponies who I know in this story and wondered when Berry Punch, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle will appear in the story. And then Berry Punch showed up almost right after. Berry Punch is the wise-cracking barkeeper of New Canterlot, I like her a lot here.^^
I'm also happy that Applebloom is being mentioned here and Sweetie Belle is there, too.^^ Now only Scootaloo is missing. She is dead in Yudhaikeledai's "Frostpony" universe, but I hope she is alive here.
After seeing the bar and Berry Punch, I have the feeling that New Canterlot is a city full of mysteries and secrets. And I have to think of it as a victorian era city now. Victorian era, with eternal winter and more focus on machinery. This is the vibe New Canterlot gives me now.
I like this chapter even more than the first two and I love to see the reveals about the city unfold.^^ I can't wait for more.^^
I really like this idea, that a lot of order exists in this world and that this diminishes Discord's chaos powers, so that he isn't powerful enough anymore to do anything against the Great Frost and to make the climate of Equus more balanced again. It adds depth to the story.
I'm glad I've managed to give you so much to think about! I'll keep it brief but I originally wanted to post every Monday and Thursday but I realised more people are free on weekends so that's when it's most likely they'd see the story whilst browsing. So right now the release schedule stands at a weekend day and somewhere in the mid-week, there's a lot going on with me right now and I'm thankful I managed to crank out these chapters when I did.
very nice! i hope irs okay, i noticed a little misstype
and the kid, yeesh, i ssa enough firefighting/medical shows where this happened...ouch
I hope this incident will be enough to add mandatory red stop buttons to every dangerous machine.
I hope they produce foal-sized artificial wings.
Both are correct.
I doubt the captain (or anypony) is doing this out of malice, but out of necessity.
Hopefully this doesn't imply the city is in a terrible state and on the verge of collapse.
Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.