• Published 27th May 2024
  • 258 Views, 75 Comments

Frostpony: Good Night Mr. Drill Bit - Mr B

An aging earth pony's struggles against the cruelty of a cold, frozen world. All for a colt not his own.

Comments ( 6 )

Very nice! I was wondering if ruby is here too.

And something I am not sure if its error or not

Heh, got ya own personal tailor to?” Applebloom teased, eying the elaborate dress she was wearing.

Yea, that's intentional.

“Agh, what is this stuff?”
“This sugarplum,” Berry gestured to the bottle, “Is what happens when Kirins brew moonshine, it’s pretty mild…” She grinned. “For them.

:scootangel:: "And I feel like I'm about to turn into a Nirik..."

“I thought so too! You’d think the Captain would invest interest into finding out what happened to Ponyville, but apparently not!” Sweetie leaned back and took a frustrated gulp from her glass. Keeping her mouth from getting dry between words.

Or maybe he does have answers, but keeps them to himself...
Is it possible the Ponyville Generator had already failed, and the Captain keeps it a secret to prevent a drop in morale?

“No no! She’s fine!” She turned to her. “She’s Rainbow Danger Dash! Best flyer in Equestria, if anycreature could make their way through all of that it’d be her!” She nervously declared, yet they could tell it was false bravado.

But what does this mean if she did not make it?

“You should all be proud, of your sisters and of yourselves too!”

Darn right!

“Nope! Just playing!” Berry smirked, playfully sticking her tongue out in jest.

*smirks* "Or am I?"

Because without joy, without pain and without hope, what was life?
And life….is beautiful.

A little bit less frost would be nice, though...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Great story and plot. I was wondering what was happening until he walked out of the city, then I knew what line you were following.
Fantastically done.

Good story! I was hoping Comet would call him dad by the end, but I guess I can't have everything.

It always strikes a chord with me, seeing a man (or stallion) step up to be a father to a kid who needs one.

I do wish we'd gotten to see what kind of backstory Smoke Stack had, but I suppose it just wasn't meant to be.

Thank you for writing this!

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