(All OC'S and artwork belong to their original owners. Cover Art belongs to MadMunchkin.
Analysis Anarchy belongs to Commander Firebrand and Dr. Wolf.
Character Design belongs to Ramiras.)
After Twilight Sparkle is crowned The princess of friendship, her schedule is slowly becoming busier then before. Leaving Spear the hedgehog bored with nothing to do when she and the others are busy. But what happens when he applies for a job in a place called Coal Town? (This will also contain blood, and Takes place before the analysis anarchy episode "there can only be one)
Wonder how this will go?
Oh it's gonna be good. But for episode my oc won't be a part in, it'll take place in ponyville.
OH this is going to be GOOD, too bad everyone else aren't Anthro too for this story. I can't wait to see how the rest of this story turns out and I would just LOVE to see what Spear does to Silver.
Trust me. You don't wanna know.
Looks like twilight is meeting the oc ponies
Soon. She will soon.
I feel like it might be wise to ask Doctor Wolf if this is OK, given Analysis Anarchy is his concept.
Sounds about right. Any idea how to do that?
Good job on the second part my friend
Emoji. A little flair from the show to here.
Thanks! I plan to put all the cus words with the
I don't blame you but it's a good idea
Looks good.
But uh, word of advice, when you write the character's interaction, make sure you separate them when starting a new paragraph.
Ok, thanks for the tip.
I gotta admit, I really am enjoying this. And I'm curious to see how their interactions are, especially Lightning Bliss. And the Mane 6 if they're all curious to see what he's doing.
Oh I got plans for the rainbow alicorn. As for the mare 6, I'll have plans for them too.
Also, you forgot to link me to let me know you responded to my reply.
Oops sorry about that
And just for that...
No prob.
And hey, thanks for the watch.
Consider your story on my favorites and tracking list.
I love it and looks like spear and lightning bliss are becoming friends
Now that was good. And it seems both Spear and Lightning have a lot in common when it comes to a certain trigger word.
Yep. And the gag is actually a reference to sonic and the secret rings.
Oh definitely. She's also one of my favorite brony youtubers.
Who are Spear and Lightning Briss?
Spear is my oc, and Lightning bliss is one of the mercenaries from tf2 analysis anarchy.
Um okay
Look up tf2 analysis anarchy. And you'll find out.
Oh okay and what are your opinions on Styx?
This will be fun! Begin the hysterics and Jasper’s antics.
I'm going in episode order, so as much as I want to do jasper concert now, I'll have to wait. Have you rest the rest of the chapters yet?
Now that was a ton of fun. I wonder how the mane 6 will appear in Cole Town when the time is right?
Oh, they'll show up soon...but not before another pony shows up. I have plans for a certain unicorn after the robot invasion.
You mean Dusty? Oh wait, he's an Earth Pony. Oooh wait, I know...a certain Unicorn, aka, future Blue Spy.
No, I was thinking more...violet shaded...and I did say after the seven nation army special. I also plan for season 5 to go a bit...differently.
Oooh, now I'm really getting intrigued and excited at the same time.
I'm really excited to get to the seven nation army saga! I have plans for that!
That is now how you make a milkshake, you doofus!!
even my oc was in disbelief!
I know, right?!
That was still hilarious, especially the psychotic laughter Thespio was giving.
So you don't deny it, huh? *smirks*
I noticed that when I saw the episode and thought it would be a cool bit.
I think Thespio was enjoying it too much.
Oh no, I recognize him, it's metal sonic!
Actually, your in the ball park there. It IS a version of metal sonic. But which one?
The first model?
Kinda. Think sonic 3 and knuckles.
Wow, so many things happening in part 1 of the Seven Nations army.
First of, I didn't know Spear adopted Scootaloo to be his daughter, that's so sweet.
Second, it was nice to see Doc Wolf at his day job and that Spear went to see him.
Third, Looks like Spike is heading for the town to be part of the battle. Now I'm also curious to see what role he'll play, especially seeing Dustykat. And truth be told, him giving Thespio a noogie is still quite funny.
Yeah, I never liked how Scootaloo's parents were introduced in the series. Talk about bad parenting to leave your kid behind. So in my canon, My oc adopted scootaloo and she became his daughter.
I also wanted to put a segment of a moment with dr.wolf to show that everyone's life's are connected together with analysis anarchy.
I do have a interesting role he'll play in the battle. I'll also switch to Twilight and the girls soon to see what they were up to during the battle. There will also be a surprise threat that will appear during part two. So keep on eye out.
Now that was good.
And I'm surprised that Spike would like Coal Town, and I can understand why Twilight is a pacifist.
Yeah, well in the show, i saw that she was reluctant to fight till the final season. I'm planning on doing something about that in this story. Maybe in the next part?