• Member Since 24th Feb, 2024
  • offline last seen June 21st


Sunset Shimmer's strongest soldier


School life has been going well for Sunset Shimmer, who has recently befriended the human world's version of Twilight Sparkle.
Unfortunately for Sunset, her girlfriend, the pony world's Princess Twilight, has stopped responding to the messages she's been leaving in the journal that she uses to communicate with the pony world.
Sunset begins to panic, worrying that she's done something wrong and that Princess Twilight doesn't care about her anymore. After a talk with Rarity, she decides to do something about it.

Written in first person from Sunset Shimmer's perspective. Set after Legend of Everfree but before the Dance Magic special.

Edit: Thank you for featuring my fic on the homepage šŸ˜Š

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 43 )

Strong start! I don't usually go for this kind of story, but I'm glad I made an exception for this one. Wish we could've seen the aftermath, but I suppose that's what subsequent chapters are for.

Keep it up!

Thank you so much! Glad you're enjoying it so far

I wasn't expecting such a strong start, but I like it.

This looks promising. I want to know more. Great job!:moustache:

Whoa! This is intense! I really wanna know what's gonna happen!

What does Sunset mean by "a convenience"? Sorry, I don't get it...

I couldn't help but to imagine Rarity climbing on top of the table to have a better look at Sunset's facial expression hahahaxD

ā€œHmm?ā€ Rarity sat upright in her chair. It didnā€™t take much to get her invested. ā€œWhat do you mean by that?ā€ She adjusted the glasses on her face. Arenā€™t those reading glasses? Why is she wearing them if she isnā€™t reading anything? Is itā€¦ just to appear smarter? I need to stop my mind from wandering.

Your Izzy fangirling is showing~ā™”
Not that I'm complaining. Rarity would totally do it too (maybe as part of a Shadiw Spade costume).

The book immediately vibrates I panic. I grab the top of my head with my hands. How??? Why??? What???

Maybe I shouldn't have laugh here since it's the culmination of an intensely emotional scene. But this made me laugh, and I love it for it.

Overall I think the Sunset and Rarity stuff is done really well. Very!
But I don't really like the Twilight-side of Princess Twilight x Sunset Shimmer here... The emotional turmoil inside Sunset Shimmer's head is done really well and feels believable, but Twilight treating her girlfriend like she treats Spike on those days her mind is laser-focused on something else instead of whatever Spike is going through... That is a Twilight thing to do yes, but she usually realizes she messed up really quickly instead of letting a situation like this drag on for weeks and ruining her relationships.

In Summary: I liked everything, except the Princess.
(You say there are two more chapters to this? That last line felt very final...)

I was NOT expecting that ending! Well done!

Thank you for the comment, I'm glad you liked the fic!
There will indeed be more chapters and one of them will specifically touch upon your critism. I took a lot of inspiration from the MoonDancer themed episode of Friendship is Magic for this fic, and just because we see things from Sunsets point of view doesn't mean I agree 100% with her. She is a biased narrator who doesn't know Princess Twilight's side of the story.
Regardless, it's a valid critique that I do appreciate.

Ugh, that last line genuinely upset me, I feel so bad for Sunset šŸ˜­
still, this is a great story and I wait to read more!

Two theories at the moment about what's going on, and both revolve around that not being the real Princess Twilight.

1. Sci Twi snuck through the portal to Equestria and replaced her pony self, and is being an asshole on purpose in an attempt to force Sunset to dump the princess and be her girlfriend.

2. Since this is set during Season 6, this is after Chrysalis replaced most of the main characters with fakes. 24 days seems a bit long, but timey whimey nonsense between the two worlds.

Looking forward to reading more!

Soooo, in this story, the magic of the journal extends to its pages, even if they are ripped out of it...


Sunset, tread lightly.

Yes! My thought process was that they would be two ordinary journals that would then have a spell put on them to make them imitate any changes made to the other, hence the messages showing up on the pages. Sunset didn't realise that other things like tearing out pages would also be transfered.

The friendship between Rarity and Sunset is written so well, as is the tension. When Twilight Sparkle grabbed Sunset's hands and said the line about not letting her leave her I briefly thought this was pony Twi but that's not the case so I wonder what is going on with that. One chapter doesn't seem like enough time to wrap things up but we'll just have to see how it goes.

Glad you like the fic so far!
I already have the third chapter planned out and I'm pretty happy with it, but I'm interested to see how the ending will be received.

Oh. Was not expecting the torn page to be able to do that. That's a twist.

haha, I felt very clever when I came up with the idea :moustache:


Iā€™m almost at your place. I wanted to walk with you to school šŸ˜Š

I have never read a story on this site that has ever used an emoji and I have almost read and completed 1,100 stories.

I also get the feeling that human Twilight might like Sunset Shimmer, geez that could be awkward.

Okay. I tear the page out of the book.

Ya I'd probably do that too.

Who just responds with "okay" after someone says "we should stop seeing each other"? Unless it's a coincidence and she was actually replying to the other bit.

Rarity struggles to come up with a reason she thinks Cranky Doodle will accept. Our teacher turns to look at me, probably to see if I have anything to say for myself. I donā€™t know what the expression on my face looks like but he physically recoils after seeing it.

Well now I'm curious.

I burst out into an uncontrollable laughing fit.

Ya I'd be laughing to because of how ridiculous that sounds.

I tā€™s the page I tore out of the book. I crumpled it up and shoved it in my pocket.

I'm curious about what it says.

Never watched EqG but i do understand a bit of it and the journal, with that being said, I didn't know you could tore a page out and it would work the same as the journal.

Next chapter will certainly be interesting, I'm curious on what Twilight has said.

gonna be intersting to see what more is on that page :pinkiegasp::rainbowderp:

nice fanfiction, the story is going well, I like it. I'm waiting for the continuation,I'm really looking forward to the sequel,

Whoops. Well, it's time to search for this page, Sunset.

This fic is very good! I'm already waiting for more.

Also, calling it now. This is somehow Sci Twi's fault. Even if she's not impersonating Princess Twilight, her just being there is doing something to pony Twilight's mind, and not in a good, making her paranoid and taking it out on Sunset.

ā€œWeā€™re vewwy sowwy. It wonā€™t happen again!ā€ Rarity raised the pitch of her voice and started posing like an anime girl. I look at Cranky Doodle to see his reaction and the look on his face is indescribable. I donā€™t think he understands what sheā€™s doing. I canā€™t be too hard on Rarity, I bet the act has worked on other teachers before.

Dudu Dudu That's Rarity!

Rarity struggles to come up with a reason she thinks Cranky Doodle will accept. Our teacher turns to look at me, probably to see if I have anything to say for myself. I donā€™t know what the expression on my face looks like but he physically recoils after seeing it.

Ooooh, that's clever. Cranky would indeed recognise how she's feeling.

"I burst out into an uncontrollable laughing fit"
Sci-Twi could not have defused the situation more perfectly if she tried hahahaxD

"My phone chimes. It doesnā€™t vibrate, it chimes. I set it this way a while ago so that I could always tell whether a message was coming from my phone or the journal."
Gotta love little details like these~ā™” They make it all feel more real!

ā€œIā€™m not? Thatā€¦ doesnā€™t make any sense.ā€ Twilight puts the book she was carrying into her bag.

Sci-Twi: Scientifically we should be the same... I need to science this! Can I borrow the journal? I'll conduct some ethical animal experiments on the Princess...
(Sorry... Could not resist hahahaxD)

The two of us are at a cafe near the school. I had ordered a full pizza and insisted Twilight share with me. She told me that she couldnā€™t eat and only ordered a cup of tea for herself. Thereā€™s still a sizable amount of pizza left. I felt like I was starving just a few minutes ago, but I physically cannot eat any more of it. Humbled again, I guess.

Is this intended as a, kinda, reference to that deleted scene from Friendship Games?

I tā€™s the page I tore out of the book. I crumpled it up and shoved it in my pocket.

Oh! Nice hook~ā™” I'll bite. Can't wait for the conclusion.

Hope you are doing great!

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