• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2022
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2024

Prince of Cavia

Guinea pigs are cool



Darian Frey is the best pirate in all of Cyrodiil, at least according to himself. After visiting Atmora, fighting off a vampire invasion, blowing up a Dwemer city and destroying the Awakener Cult, he started to run out of things to do.

Far away from the coast of Tamriel, the leader of the mysterious unicorns of Sun Tower learns about a threat that could spell doom to everycreature. To prevent it, she begins looking for an adventurer that might be daring enough to go to the place that most call the Dreadlands, that Ponies call the Old Country and that ancient texts call Equestria…

Crossover between MLP:FiM and Tales of the Ketty Jay (with a few other fandoms and ideas thrown in).

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 2 )

What’s Tales of the Ketty Jay?


Series of four books written by Chris Wooding. It is a fantasy/steampunk/adventure story about the sky pirate Darian Frey and his adventures. These books are quite interesting, with good characters and worldbuilding. Would recommend.

I was worried that they are too niche to write a crossover with, but I just couldn't get the "What if Darian Frey was an Elder Scrolls character and meet ponies?" idea out of my head, so I started writing this. Hope you will enjoy it.

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