• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 21st



when Luna decieds to try to entertain herself by playing games with a guard she starts to feel something..

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 17 )

Overall this story has alot of promise, I look forward to seeing it develop.

AMAZING, how could anyone type guard wrong.


well first. making a typing error.

Second not have someone to edit.

Third being to tired to notice.

but ya:facehoof: it was a pretty bad mistake.

at the last part i :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: so hard it wasn't even funny i must have more

Nice work, good pacing and interesting character development.

that seems a bit.....invasive


sorry, I don't know what you mean. please explain.:applejackconfused:


the whole going into peoples dreams thing. Just seems like a horribly disrespectful invasion of privacy to me is all. love the story though.

I really like this story so far but I was wondering if u could make them longer?

the chapters hmmm, I don't know. I suppose I could but I like to keep it around 2,000 words and I end it when I feel like it should but I guess I could.

Thanks a bunch! :scootangel: it's just cus I like to read long stories and this one would be a good read but great job dude! :twistnerd:

Great story, its hard to find clean stories out there involving romance.

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