Anon quits his awful job and heads home to make amends with the friends he left behind. When his ex-boss threatens to discard personal items that he left behind, he boards the first train back to recover them. He will never arrive.
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It’s back!
I've been following this for a while, entirely grateful for the world building. It's verbose and continues to read well, it situates it's growth with firm development and genuine reflection. I'm very happy to have this story go on from it's initial gathering of the 6. If i may, i like the idea of the dismissive pencil pusher getting his comeuppance thoroughly, his abuse denounced and harshly put down, and anon not knowing his temper saved the department. Having flown the coup so readily in the aftermath of the agencies failings, he never knows the maelstrom of proceedings he initiated, but starts seeing bits of the aftermath from certain ponies after his return, culminating to a big reveal. (Or at least a side reveal, twi and the cults impact are still main).