"After that I simply let my plundervines do all the saving while I sat back waited for the moment the throne stopped working. And when it did..." Discord gestured towards his surroundings after he finished catching everyone up to speed. Among them were of course the princesses, the main 6, Spike, Sunburst, Shining Armor, and team side characters.
They were all standing in what used to be the throne room of the changeling hive. Key word 'used to'. What used to be a wide yet dark chamber in the middle of an equally dark an dreary bug hive was now replaced by an open field made out of a black and white checkerboard. The ever changing walls had been completely torn down in favor of more space for Discord's chaos. Speaking of chaos, there was a whole lot of it going on around them. Floating mountains, upside down chocolate milk falls, flying fish, etc.
However, the most eye caching thing among the chaos was undoubtedly the huge translucent plunderseed pods that each contained over a dozen changelings. All of them had long since given up trying to escape, and were now sporting looks of fear.
And right in the middle of the room, where chrysalis throne once was, sat the Lord of Chaos himself. Up upon a very familiar black and red throne, he sat idly by while overlooking the symphony of chaos he had created. Right next to his Throne was a small jar on a pedestal that contained a certain changeling queen, who was currently glaring at the draqonequus as if to try and blow up his head with her gaze. It didn't work.
The moment the darkstone throne was destroyed by the plundervines, there was nothing stopping Discord from using his magic on the changelings directly. But instead of using his original plan and simply snapping his talons, he decided to take his time and spread the magic of chaos just like the good old days. He lasted exactly 2 minutes before succumbing to boredom and decided to get on with it. He had a Fluttershy to save after all! Also, just as stated in the last chapter, it just wasn't fun anymore.
After the hostages were freed, they were understandably confused about what was going on, and after seeing the surrounding chaos, most of them (minus Fluttershy, Luna and Flurry Heart) thought that Discord had decided to go back to his chaotic ways. Slightly offended by the assumption, Discord snapped his talons and gave them all a flashback of his daring rescue mission. To an outsider, it probably looked like the ponies where just staring ahead with glowing eyes while mumbling.
While they were in the middle of that, he decided to put the valley back on the ground, since team side characters couldn't get to them while in the air. When they finally got there, he decided to give them the same treatment as everypony else, if only to save him the headache of explaining himself.
Blinking the last of the flashback out of their eyes, Twilight and her friends took a moment to process what they had just saw. Discord had saved them from the changelings, which also led to him saving Equestria. But more importantly, Discord had saved the day.
Rainbow Dash was the first to break the silence. "That was awesome!! Way to finally pull your own weight Discord. N-no offence." She said in a proud tone.
"Yeah! You really showed those changelings whose boss." Said Pinkie, while drinking from a nearby cotton candy cloud.
"Discord, on behalf of Equestria, we would like to thank you for your efforts in defeating the changelings and rescuing us from their clutches."
"Truly. Who knows what could have happened if you hadn't stepped in. And for that, you have our gratitude." Celestia and Luna said before giving a polite nod.
"Oh, it was no big deal. After all, somepony had to save you sorry lot, if not me then who else? Them?" said Discord before gesturing to team side characters.
"Gee, thanks for believing in us Discord." said Starlight rather dryly while everypony else snickered.
"So now that that's all over, "Applejack began before gesturing at the changelings. "What in tarnation are we suppose to do with them?"
"Well, we can't just leave them like this." said Twilight, while looking at the state of the changeling hive.
"I suppose we could put them all in Tartarus, at least for a while." suggested Luna.
"Pardon me princess, but doesn't that seem a bit much? And on that note, could Tartarus even fit them all?" asked Rarity.
"While it may seem a bit, shall we say 'overkill', Tartarus is pretty much the only place we have that can accommodate this large number of prisoners. That is unless the spirit of chaos could do something about it?" Luna replied before looking at Discord expectantly.
"Oh, I'll do you one better. How about instead of locking away our problems out of sight and out of mind, you all could put in the effort and try to reform them?" suggested Discord while idly checking his talons.
"You want us to reform an entire hives worth of changelings?" asked Spike.
"What, don't think they deserve a second chance?" asked Discord in mock incredulity.
"I not saying its a bad idea, I'm just pointing out how many changelings there are and how hard its gonna be to reform them all." Spike tried to defend himself.
"Oh, well that sounds like something you should all try and figure out. Preferably without my help." Discord said as he proceeded to pack up his throne in a suitcase.
"Wait, you're not gonna stay and help us?" Twilight said, a hint of panic entering her words.
"I have helped. I helped a lot in fact. If I were to help you do everything, how would you learn anything?" Discord said as he continued to pack little bits of chaos into his suitcase, including the cotton candy cloud Pinkie was eating despite her protest.
"Fluttershy, aren't you gonna try and stop him." Twilight said as she looked to Fluttershy for help.
Fluttershy looked back at her and shrugged. "I'm sorry Twilight, but Discord has a point. He's already helped us enough. Now its our turn to deal with the changelings."
Twilight could only sigh. Fluttershy had a point. Discord had basically save their lives and the rest of Equestria out of his own volition. Asking him to do anything more would be quite selfish on her part. But as she turned towards the changelings, a question popped into her head. "Could you at least tell us how to deal with the plundervines?"
"Oh, don't worry about those. I made it so that they will listen to all your instructions. Just ask them nicely and they'll follow your every command." Discord reassured her.
"Really? That's very thoughtful of you." Twilight complemented him sincerely.
"Well I try. By the way, Fluttershy are we still on for tea later?" Discord turned to Fluttershy and asked.
"Um, I think were going to have to reschedule. I'm not sure how long this is going to take."
"Fair enough, I suppose." Discord said as he finally finished packing. He turned towards the rest of the group and continued. "Well, its been fun but I really should get going before something else pops up and forces me to do something about it. That's it, I'm out of here!" He said before dressing up as a certain blue hedgehog, wags his talon at the group and then jumps of the edge of this page.
After Discord left, there was a short moment of silence before Rainbow Dash decided to ask the question that was on everyponies mind. "Sooo... how are we supposed to reform the changelings again?"
Luckily, Starlight Glimmer had an answer. "I think I might have an idea. Thorax, remember what you said about not being hungry anymore?"
See, THIS makes way more sense than what Discord did canonically.
At least in my opinion. Sure, a few missed opportunities to give Starlight and Trixie the limelight, but ain't no way Discord just was like "welp, guess I'll waltz in with no magic or power. This'll be a cinch."