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[hide message]Hey man, wheres that horse mayonnaise I ordered from the dark web you fucking swindlers.
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Dude what
You weirded me out, so I made this for you
I'm eagerly awaiting part two.
I knew that bukkake ninjas would be outdone sooner or later, but I didn't expect it would happen this fast.
1444734 Heck, I doubt anything will top this.
I would rather soak myself in petrol, run into an oil refinery and light up a cigar than face this horror.
Um. This was worst than my first clopfic.
I dont even want to talk about it. ![:fluttershysad:](
I feel like if someone took this concept and wrote it seriously, it could be damn good clop. However, as it is now... I was laughing too hard to do anything, lol.
This is.... Actually cloppable.
Dafuq I just read?
Well, you have a 4:1 approval rating, so I'll give it a shot.
I will read you later, story 1,012.
Just... just fuck you, man. Okay? This is why we can't have nice things.
Didn't read. Didn't need to.
I'll upvote it for the name, but I doubt I'll ever read it.
All in All:
I see potential. Don't screw it up.![:trixieshiftleft:](
Premise isn't bad. Grammar however...
Will watch this and see where it goes for a bit.
I'd rather light a cigarette on the planet Psychlo than read this again.
1442195 heh I know![:rainbowwild:](
1443789 thanks alot!
1444734 If it is done, it is done!
1445909 Thanks thanks thanks!!!
1445930Come on itll be fun!
1446060damn that must be pretty hardcore then!
1446077 Lol I am glad you enjoyed it
1446099 Thanks for the awesome compliment!
1446101 I know right?
1446114 A Masterpiece
1446211Okay kool tell me your impression after reading!
1446259 Awwww why didn't you it would be a good story to read!
1446263 Good, Good...
1446299 Woooooooooooh!
1446602 How is my grammer bad?
1446669 No, I want to live long enough to see the American economy collapse.
I'm somewhat curious, but the description leaves me hesitant. Not because of the premise so much as the blatant disregard for language.
I honestly don't know what to think. Need more before I can form a consensus.
1446728What do you mean "blatant disregard for language"?![:rainbowkiss:](
1446776Tune in for the next chapter
When do you expect to have the next chapter?
1447264 I dont know give or take one to three days if that is okay?
Oh....oh my god....
for comedy.
1446669 And it hurt like hell. Fuck you.![:rainbowwild:](
1446800 Well that was exaggerated obviously, but there are some mistakes as early as the description.
1 - Should have a comma.
2 - Run on sentence begins here, really should begin a new one after "virus."
3 - Less an actual error so much as awkward phrasing. Would be better as "has infected millions of ponies." A pony releasing it would cause ponies to get infected, while the actual virus infects them.
4 - Should be "are" for plural.
5 - Just a spelling error, "diarrhea."
6 - Should not be capitalized.
My hyperbole aside, what I mean to say is that this could seriously benefit from having some editing. I'm reluctant to read it because, while the idea and story may be good, I can't enjoy a story when I'm constantly being bothered by errors. Not everyone's like that, I grant you, but a fiction is a lot more enjoyable when orthographic and grammatical errors are kept to a minimum.
There are a lot of people on the site who will happily edit for nothing but a word of thanks, and they can help you make a good fic into an excellent one.
Ehh, the errors and mediocre writing kinda pushed me away.![:twilightsheepish:](
Decent concept though, and it was entertaining for what it was trying to do. So ya got that going for ya.
this Sounds like one of WhatTheFaps Fics![:rainbowlaugh:](
The idea of a worldwide constant orgy caused by a virus is good
but seriously, that "sauce" thing makes me want to puke ![:pinkiesick:](
This fic has the most sex per word factor from all the fics I read.
Don't screw this up, I see potential here![:ajsmug:](
I couldn't bring myself to read much of this story. I'm too confused.
You sir are a genius a rather messed up one but still
I don't even know... What?
Maybe show how twilight pleases celestia![:twilightblush:](
this is amazing.
This whole thing as i read it was "lolwut?"
But I did not clop to this. I'm not that low...
Imma watching this. I just have 1 thing more to say:
I always use images to convey my thoughts.![:trollestia:](
1446669 "alot" is not a word, and yes, you should improve your grammar
And that pretty much sums it up. I am gonna be watching this I think. You do need a grammar nazi onboard though. Unless that was deliberate.
I need to know what that spider is. NEED.
Thank you.
No problem! ^_^
Also, this.
Nice family guy reference![:rainbowlaugh:](
1462905 Thanks![:pinkiecrazy:](
My brain is full of fuck.....