When Misty started dating Hitch, she never thought she would feel so pathetic, vulnerable, and, above all, unworthy of Hitch's love. When Hitch finally realizes this, he decides to prove to his beautiful girlfriend how wrong she is.
A saga of Sonic the Hedgehog characters living in G5 Equestria.
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Every like equals hugs for Misty
Finally Misty has someone who loves her 😍
Oh yeah being a blank flank just like the Cutie Mark Crusaders but for Misty it took her much longer than the girls to earn their cutie marks
One of the few stories I've read that accurately describe the horrific abuse that Misty's psyche suffered at the hooves of Opaline.
People who say she was a weak villain don't understand how you can ruin someone's life using just words.
Boy Misty really has the worst case of low self-esteem Opaline really broke her so badly but luckily hitch is there to help her to feel like she does deserve everything the love and support and everything and hopefully she can recover and this was a very cute shipping between those two I really like it keep up the good work
So Opaline is dead here… A fitting end for her.
This is a very good story
Cute story👍
Should be whether, just a typo I found.
It's going to take a long time for Misty to overcome that awful upbringing. This is an important first step, though, and she certainly deserves a healthy outlook in life. After all, isn't the best revenge against your abusers growing into someone who can achieve things that they said never would happen?