Woe, woe for Navi, who finding herself again herself, and no longer intertwined with her equine companion, who finding herself alone with a mere horse again in her homeland, and without her link, woe to Navi who thought all was lost.
-DJ Pon3 The Legend of Link
Navi battered herself against Epona’s flanks, ramming into and bouncing off of her again in a repeated sequence.
“You stupid horse! How are we going to save Equestria now! What was your plan? Just abandon Link?! Gallop off into the sunnset, frolic in the morning dew?! Shure, we are back in Hyrule but now what? And I can't…I can’t do anything about it.”
Navi deflated and drifted to the earth like a discarded autumn leaf.
Epona nickered and stomped her forehooves ears flat.
Navi looked up glaring for the sunlight that overshadowed her large Equine companion. “Oh, you're upset? You are the one that got us here, I wasn't the one who played that song.”
Epona nickered, this time with a sense of, was that pride? No. It couldn't be Epona was just a dumb horse.
Navi looked about in despair, all about her lay the endless familiar green of Hyrule’s field, a darker green, a drearier green, not as soft and lush, nor as hoof trodden of Equestria's fields… a land they had left to fall to a great evil.
Navi looked again at her dear friend… was, was she glaring at me? Navi thought back on their time together, their time intertwined, she looked into her friend's dark brown eyes. There was this shine, this sparkle. Epona wasn't just some dumb horse. She looked at the glimmering pearl-orchid Ocarina that hung by a string about the equine's neck. I, “I didn't play the song.”
Naive shot back into the air and buzzed around Epona's head in euphoria.
“Epona!, I didn’t play the song! It was all you!”
Epona nayed in agreement bobbing her head. Then she nickered pointing her nose to the southwest… drawing her fairy companions attention to the gathering clouds which lay in that direction. Hyrule too was in danger.
Octavia watched in silence as Epona approached the chest, which had whisked into existence at the defeat of that multi-hooved foe.
They found they were holding their breaths Epona, with her Navi, and Gation with her Octavia, the well itself and its mournful spirits seemed to hold their breath as Epona went to open the chest. Her hooves were shaking as she fumbled with the latch.
In a flash of movement, Epona pulled the item from within and held it over her head in triumph. “Duh, duh du du dahh!”
“What?” Octavia had raised an eyebrow.
“Oh… sorry… it… it's a whole thing. But look, it's just like I remember it… though, I was never quite big enough to handle it.”
“We went through all that for that? It's such an odd thing…”
Balanced across Epona's hoof was indeed an odd thing, a lens attached to a handle similar to a magnifying glass but not as the glass was not connived or convex but simply a smooth polished pink or mauve a glaring Shika’s eye attached across its center. Suddenly the eye opened. Epona nearly dropped the object in shock, regaining her ‘grip’ (if how earth ponies hold things in Equestria could be called a grip) she found herself entranced by what she saw in the glimmering surface of the object's lens.
It lasted only a moment, but in that moment of trance, she saw what she had to.
“Here catch” She tossed the object to Octaviea who just barely managed to catch it in her mouth. “Take that to Link, Ya’ll need to go to the shadow temple, talk to your old friend, they know where it is. I, I have to take care of something.”
“Mrffrfffrfff” Octavia tried unable to get her sentence out beyond the lens handle in her mouth.
Epona fumbled for the Ocarina around her neck and began to play. Sparkles of multi-colored light swirled around her issuing from seemingly nowhere, perhaps everywhere. The lights spun faster and faster, and faster yet, and just like that she was gone.