• Member Since 7th Aug, 2022
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


A saga of Sonic the Hedgehog characters living in G5 Equestria.


Hitch has always taken care of Sunny from the other ponies, no matter what they told him about her, he was always there to take care of her. Maybe that's why he stopped seeing Sunny as his friend so long ago.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Aw, this was a cute story, I really liked it! :twilightsmile:

That was a cute and lovable story there, buddy. Nice

Well, that month with no stories from you was definitely worth the wait. I really like how this turned out, man.

Thank you very much! :pinkiesmile:

After this last episode aired, this is such a great treat

A sweet little shipfic. Nothing more, nothing less, and that’s good enough for me

Beautiful story:twilightsmile:

It's beautiful

Cute, very cute! :twilightsmile:

This was very wholesome. Cause I felt warm inside. :pinkiesmile:

What a "hero" I am, right? In the eyes of others I may have done the right thing, but the way I see it, I hurt a pony full of optimism and hope, a spark that characterized her and that I had taken from her with my words. Should I have stopped when I told her that the pony unity stuff was invented by her father? That might have hurt her, yes, but knowing her she would recover and act as if nothing had happened, but I had to keep talking. Well done, Sheriff Hitch! Excellent work...

Ouch I mean I know it doesn't sound right but I'm sure you never meant to hurt her okay

"I love you, Sunny Starscout," I whispered happily.

"I love you too, Hitch Trailblazer," She whispered back, and then we kissed again

now once again I know that's not her voice anymore but I can't help it but imagine her singing like that along with hitch

Awww this was a pretty nice story so it looks like hitch really felt in love with sunny but he just couldn't have the courage to say it and because what he says back in New Generation but thank goodness zipp told him to go for it and help him get through something that that's been bugging him and once he made it to the house of Sunny they both talk to each other and it looks like both of them admitted each other how much they care about each other and it's really nice to see something like that this is a very nice story keep up the good work

This was pretty nice and cute story. I always liked the idea of Sunny and Hitch getting together as a couple.

I'm happy for those crazy kids

"...Hitch, that happened a long time ago," Zipp said after a moment of silence, then he approached me. "Sunny is not somepony who holds grudges, and you have known her much longer than Izzy, Pipp and I," She put a hoof on my shoulder. "You are her best friend, and even if you failed her once, she still appreciates you."

Zipp literally left her sister hanging, and Pipp forgave her. Granted she is turned out to have a morally sound reason to do so, and Hitch's reasoning, while sound from the ground up, rested on a foundation of sand, but Zipp still knows about forgiveness. The fact that she, her mother, and her sister are still* royalty may also be relevant, but the relevance that is less even if it exists at all.
*Or "again" if Zephyr Heights had gotten that far with the paperwork for the revolution before flight was restored.

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