• Published 17th Dec 2023
  • 138 Views, 1 Comments

What calls the soul - Akamaru

A new series of events following the adventures of Sunny Starscout and her newfound companion, Magami Moonscout!

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What calls the soul

It was probably the nicest winter Equestria has experienced in a millennia.

This was in part due to the Pegasi in their first attempts to manipulate the weather, but Nopony except the Pegasi wanted to admit this. Young ponies everywhere were outside, playing, singing and just enjoying the fluffy snow that had graced their town. The Adults filled their afternoons with hanging out with family and friends and enjoying each others presence .

For one mare in particular, she was not so pleased, especially with one specific Stallion .

" I just dont get it, He has done so much crucial work here but Refuses to talk about where he came from or his life before he arrived here "

Across the table was Pipp, Slurping on a smoothie while listening to Sunny vent ... again.

" Mhmmm" Pipp groaned as she looked down at her phone, partially ignoring Sunny .

" ah, okay, so now your just ignoring me" Sunny rolled her eyes and looked outside the window

" Im not ignoring you, I just think... you need to cut him some slack that's all "

" What's that? I cant hear you!" Sunny snarked rudely

"Okay, well, I have had quite enough of this"

Pipp got up from the table, gathered her things and flew out the door almost instantly.

Sunny stared wearily into the blanketed streets of the town, She instantly regretted how she treated her friend, but... for some reason she was just angry.

Magami showed up a few months ago, and they have developed quite the bond, but what bothers her is that every time she asks him about his family or where he came from, He acts like he didn't hear her at all and almost immediately changes the subject.

"Does he not trust me?" Sunny thought to herself as she slowly trotted on the sidewalk with her head hanging down.

However, Her Sorrowful thoughts were quickly detained when she heard something nearby her that got her to crack a small smile on her face. It was laughter, but not from anypony, It was Magami, and some Colts that were playing outside . The scene was humorous to say the least , Multiple of them were throwing snowballs at Magami, who was encased in a mountain of snow , with only his front hooves and head sticking out.

Sunny started laughing when the full sight came into view, she took out her phone and took a few silly photos of him being pelted by the icy substance. She then moved closer to him and gave him a look that you would only give to somepony if you were going to do something quite devious.

"Oh hey Sunny! I was just thinking about you, right before..."

Sunny put her hoof to his mouth and giggled, She then started shaping some snow and joined in with the children.
However, Magami didn't mind as he continued making silly faces and noises to entertain them, Sunny included.

He's Happy, that's what matters

Magami and Sunny trotted in silence to a nearby open area, where they made some piles of snow and began to sculpt what was supposed to be a unicorn, which didnt necessarily go according to plan as they were both constantly replacing snow in places where gravity has done it's work. As Sunny and Magami spent their sweet time talking and enjoying each others company , something was on Sunny's mind ...

He looked at her " are you Okay?"

"Yeah It's just..."

She paused for a second before continuing "You know I care about you alot, right?"

"Yeah... but it can't be as much as I care about you"

Her lip quivered a bit "Magami?"

"Yes Sunny?"

"Do you... Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, what would make you think I don't?"

"Oh... nothing" She mumbles as her eyes opened widely as though she had made some profound realization.

What happened next stunned Sunny. Magami closed the distance that separated them with a few scoots over , and gave Sunny a much needed, warm hug. It lasted minutes, but it felt like hours.

Sunny then realized, No matter how much Magami frustrates her with his secrecies, She knows deep down He is only trying to protect her , not just out of safety, but out of love.

As they arrived back at the brighthouse, Sunny thought of something genius, at least that's what she thought.
as Magami entered the door and locked it, he turned around expecting Sunny, but the mare was already off to do her own things, he grinned and went to the kitchen to get some much needed fuel.

"Ah, there it is!"

The orange mare opened the dusty old box and gently took out an old book that looked like it hasn't seen the daylight in decades, It was her Father's Log of Reflections , He had always told her it was filled with his contemplations on life and how he can bring fulfillment and light into himself and others. He had also mentioned on how he never wants anypony else to read it and didn't have any plans on publishing it ; Sunny, However, had other plans.

She took out her phone and scanned each page carefully, making sure to get each word right so she wouldn't have to proofread it later. Once she was done, she put her phone in her bag and headed out the door once again.

Once she arrived at the print shop, she gave the attendant the files needed and they started printing the pages. She then proceeded to choose a binding and...

"Okay Sunny, what would you like me to put as the title"

She paused for a moment and contemplated "How about..."

"Reflections, By Argyle Starshine"

once the book had been put together and bound , Sunny payed the quite ridiculous 260 bits that they were asking.
Hopefully it was worth it. She headed back to the brighthouse, made sure Magami was no where around and started to wrap his gift carefully.

She finished it off with a nice red bow wrapped around it and set it under the Wishday bush, She squeed with excitement as she stepped back and admired it.

"He is so gonna love this"

Author's Note:

And that's the intro to this next sequence of events! I hope to get better and better with each work , but we will see how that plays out.

This is definitely a more simple work, but it's just the beginning !

Comments ( 1 )

And That

Why are these two letters capitalized in the synopsis?

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