Progress: (verb); to proceed closer to one's destination or goal.
It's usually intuitive for us to judge how close we are to something, how much further we have to go. But for others, data and numbers are a comforting reminder that progress is being made. But what if the numbers say something different? What if you're not growing closer to your goal, but straying farther from it?
Prior to Season 3
Story one in my Twidash Challenge: Sad Theme
I sat there, hyperventilating as she pushed the box toward Twilight.
I actually had to open up a new tab and do something else to calm myself down. Jeez, it was tense.
Luckily, she didn't go all rage mode like I expected.
So, yeah.
I like this story. Always did like myself a bit of TwiDash, sad or not.
I actually came here thanks to the adorable cover art. (Hit me if you must.)
"warming our frigged hooves"
Is 'frigged' meant to be 'frigid'?
Because I went and check what frigged means, and it's slang for F**k.
Though I'd point that out.
No mistakes other than that though!
I look forward to the next instalment!
Your Benevolent Dictator,
Oh man, this story was intense. This is the mark of brilliant writing, when you don't need action to suck in readers. I can't wait for the next chapters!
it begins...
What on earth could happen that's bad from a journal? I must find out. Following. *stalker stare*
you build up the suspense very well, god i'm excited and terrified for what's next
... Preparations are over...
Check the short summary
... Preparations are over...
Check the short summary
Hmm, maybe I'm just to dense to get it cuz I really can't gleam anything from this other then something went wrong. Meh, I'll just read and see where it goes.
That's probably the best plan.
What will you guys say when it ends?
1412488 llama
good sir this will be good if you can bring it around
Semper Fidelis
Well...looks like I'm going to need some antidepressants.
I'm loving it. There are significant feels here. What's better is that I can totally understand it. When looking in retrospect it's so easy to focus on all the things you've done wrong in your life and lose who you are because of it. For someone as neurotic as Twi.....that's a dangerous thing. I really like the losing yourself aspect of this fic. It worked so well in the show, but having it here where even with our friends trying to help us we can still forget who we are is a great natural sort of thing to happen.
I'm excited to read the rest, and the simple fact it's some how going to morph into TwiDash makes it all the better.
... Damn... just... damn...
Twilight... so smart... yet so stupid...
Oh man, that was good but after reading this chapter I have one desire and that is to throw myself under a train
But now I really want to see how you will make a TwiDash out of this.
so I'm hoping for a happy ending because this two deserve it
PS : How many chapter can we hope for this fics ?
Mission Accomplished
I gotta admit, I was REALLY nervous that the depression would come off as forced, but it's good to know it was believable.
Hee Hee. I'd say one, if I stretch it out, two chapters. Depends on how long I spend on the next chapter for Rainbow. This should, if I'm lucky, be finished by next week.
Really, REALLY hope for a happy ending! Otherwise....
Ok that, that right there, that is what I love to see. I mean who else has done something with this kind of perspective? In a cold logical sense what Twilight is saying is true but there's more to this that she doesn't see. If Dash can pull her back, help Twilight when she needs it the most, that'll be something. When the world dims and our souls shatter, who better to pull us from the abyss, the darkness of ourselves, then those who love us? As for how you do this I'm not sure but I'm very eager to see what you do next.
Whoa... You really got me hooked on this. Great writing style, it's interesting to see things from Rainbows Dash's point of view. I am now eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Mandatory comment about how awesome I proof-read, followed by double mandatory sexual comment towards Whizzy.
Yut, Errrr, Chesty, Cream Corn and all that happy pony s&!#
Brilliant writing, as usual! A few minor grammatical errors but nothing that couldn't be overlooked. All the feels in this chapter made me ignore the mistakes and focus completely on the emotional turmoil going on between the characters.
I am reminded yet again of why I followed you in the first place.
Gimme moar.
1420411 YAY! Proofreaders! We are awesome!
What the huh?! Dude, you're really subtle aren't you.
... oh my.
This... this was good.
Jesus Christ, I have been in Twilight's position.
You are very good with emotions and characters. I am glad to have read this.
Let us see where this goes, then. I eagerly await the conclusion.
You need 2 things.
-A proofreader.
-And somebody who will talk with you about the ideas you put into your story.
So, Discord revisited because of a book... sure, let's fill the whole chapter with tropes that are ensured to get feels from people...
Uh... I have three proof readers, so I'm going to go ahead and shoot down that first point. And you're assuming too much with that last one.
Three pre-readers that all missed something like She didn’t have her gift form Applejack yet right...
I'll stop nagging, some appreciate help, others don't.
1428016 Dude, it's a simple mistype that our eyes naturally skipped over. I'm pretty sure if it hadn't been the fact that it was like 1 or so in the morning for me when I edited it, I probably would have caught that.
Also, may I ask, what's with the hostility?! This is a fan fiction site. Not everyone is perfect and there are going to be mistypes. Lately I've noticed this site taking a harsh turn for the worse. I've seen people completely bashing newcomer's first stories, basically ignoring the one thing I thought all bronies had in common. Love and Tolerance. Not hate and cruel remarks. This is MLP for Celestia's sake. Try and remember that no matter how good any author thinks he or she is, they are still not on J.K. Rowling or Stephen King level. So stop treating them like they are.
When I read the first chapter I was confused and I disliked this. Now, I'm liking this and flavoring it.
I require more.
Well, this could easily end here... B-but you're continuing?
Hell to the yes!
I hope Dash can get Twilight to see reason. Good chapter.
Poor Rainbow Dash, she really tore herself up over this.
Really looking forward to the next chapter. This is probably my favourite story at the moment, and I can't wait to see how it goes. Great writing, and portrayal of Rainbow's thoughts and feelings. Keep it up! Hopefully we'll see some of soon.
Updates a plenty!
Now nitpick
Pretty sure that's meant to be hear.
I'd guess there's only one more chapter left?
Confrontation time!
Let's hope it's not too late already. I mean, Rainbow was saved from herself after only a day, but Twi's been at it for quite a while.
...And then it turns out that the list was of the reasons Rainbow would deserve Twi-I mean...uh, Sad-ening Sadness is Sad
(Also that'd be pretty depressing)
(A few things... feel free to ignore them, but:
'Just I deserve anything that hurts me.' Just as I deserve? I think
'cry at any pank' prank
'Iencouraged ' Spacing
'I didn’t even here a hoof fall' hear rather than here
“It’s just that, oh no matter..." I'm not sure, but I think either 'just that, oh, no matter...' or just removing the 'oh'
Someone's already addressed the 'her' rather than hear
'Twilight then… why no more', similarly to above above, 'then... why, no more'. Though maybe it just the emphasis I'm putting in speaking patterns...who knows
'pushed my' there's a double space...though I guess that doesn't make much of a difference and I'm just being picky)
I'd wondered last chapter if the whole grey colour changes made me wonder... Is Discord involved, or does this happen to the elements when they doubt themselves. I certainly know that being...mentally sick can make you physically sick... maybe that's it?
Hm... Sad TwiDash could end either way
At least there's a ton to look forward to from you to make the sad go away
I knew you could do it...
Great job on the chapter and Awesome job on writing Pinkie Pie, it felt right that she was the voice of reason for this chaos
I cannot wait for the next one!
If talking doesn´t help there are other options left:
Or all that in another order.
The FEELS make them stop
Heartrending, and exceedingly well done. Very much looking forward to the next installment. You've made a fan here.
chapter2: Yeah, that one made since. = sense
chapter3: That’s what I wanted to her. = hear
They never end.
Yeah, although for some reason I see Dash holding Twilight and talking to her mostly. Although a make out session would be nice.
Nuff said.
I loved the ending. They're both hurt now but they've got each other and that's what they needed. They'll heal each other.
the ending is okay :)
Just feel it deserves maybe a bit of an epilogue, mind you. Just a tad more closure would round it up nicely.