In a world of heros and villains, love can blossom in the strangest of places...
What a fun adventure, odd that she get no support staff or e en a manual, how is she to fix it all without having a manual?
I got so many chuckles from this first chapter alone, can't wait to read the rest of it.
That poor changeling or I mean lucky bastard. Chapter is hilarious. I am going yo enjoy this story if it's is like this for the rest of it.
What a fun adventure, odd that she get no support staff or e en a manual, how is she to fix it all without having a manual?
I got so many chuckles from this first chapter alone, can't wait to read the rest of it.
That poor changeling or I mean lucky bastard. Chapter is hilarious. I am going yo enjoy this story if it's is like this for the rest of it.