• Published 29th Aug 2023
  • 193 Views, 2 Comments

Daring Do and the Tears of the Clouds - TheLegendaryBillCipher

A.K. Yearling embarks on an expedition to investigate reports of floating ruins over the Southern Sea.

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Epilogue: No Rest for the Wicked

Bits of stone levitated in blood red magic as a white unicorn with a curved horn examined a broken statue under a set up magnifying lens. She’d check among the levitating fragments before applying it to the correct place on the statue with a burst of red magic.

The statue was that of some sort of monkey, wearing a horned helmet and dark armor. A look of anger and surprise was plastered permanently on his visage, and the unicorn smirked at it often.

“Working are we, Lucy?” a familiar voice asked from the doorway.

Lucifer looked up to see Beelzebub leaning against it, her chitin chest bandaged up and a bemused smirk on her face.

“Just tidying up. Figured I’d get some more work done on this one,” Lucifer replied. She shot her own bemused smirk at Beelzebub. “Thought you were off on a pirate adventure, Beel?”

“Shore leave, needed some rest.” Beelzebub walked over and chuckled at the statue. “Funny coincidence, I do believe I ran into his mate recently.”

“Oh really? I suppose for every creature there must be a mate,” Lucifer said, examining more pieces.

“He’ll be really happy to know she’s down here now when he wakes up,” Beelzebub said with a dark grin.

“Oh?” Lucifer asked. “I haven’t seen any souls like this one down here.”

“What?” Beelzebub looked at her. “What do you mean you haven’t? You know the arrangement as well as I.”

“Yes, yes. We get Equestria’s most wicked souls when they pass, and in return, the princesses can use our attic for their little zoo,” Lucifer replied. “I’m aware. What department would she be under?”

“Wrath, maybe Pride?” Beelzebub offered.

Lucifer shook her head. “Zdrada and Justice haven’t reported any new souls, nor anyone else, and you know how scarce wicked souls are in a place like this.” She glanced at Beelzebub. “Are you sure she’s perished?”

Beelzebub frowned at the statue. “Well, now I’m not…”

Author's Note:

Can we get another "bum, bum, bum." The princesses had to have stuck him somewhere, and who else better to fix him?

Thank you everyone for reading. I hope you all enjoyed it!

Will there be a sequel? Nothing is planned at the moment, but who knows - there always could be.

And happy late birthday, Josiah! Sorry this took me so long. :twilightblush:

-yours truly,
The Legendary Bill Cipher, Equestria Enthusiast