• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 8,457 Views, 202 Comments

Geoverse Part Five: Prisoner of Love - GeodesicDragon

Twilight and Geo are parents now, but the latter is still serving his sentence.

  • ...




As I watched Ace and Pinkie depart for their honeymoon, I felt a great sense of accomplishment washing over me. I had found a new home, made many new friends... killed a man... and started a new family — all within in a remarkably short timespan.

The accomplishment soon gave way to dread. I began to think that I was dreaming. I thought that... perhaps... I was still hooked up to a life support machine with a bullet in my back. And that everything which had transpired from that point was just the delusions of my morphine-addled consciousness.

But then I think of Twilight. And our children.

And realise that sometimes...

... I can be full of shit.

Twilight saw me with a far-away look on my face and bumped her flank against me playfully, snapping me out of my stupor. I looked down at her, and she gave me a warm smile. I returned it and tousled her mane, before scooping her into my arms.

"Something on your mind?" she asked me.

"Just my brain being a bastard again." I replied. "I keep thinking that none of this is real. That it's all a dream, and I'm lying on a hospital bed with a bullet in my arse and a tube up my nose."

Twilight nuzzled my face as she sighed contentedly.

"Your brain is a bastard." she said. "You should know by now that all of this is real. And if it isn't, then I don't want to know what 'real' is. This is our life. You, me, our children, and our friends. Together no matter what."

I chuckled into her shoulder.

"You always know what to say to make me feel better." I said. "It's one of the reasons why I love you so much."

Twilight nodded.

"And I love you because you're my kindred spirit. We're both alike in so many ways." she laughed. "I'll never forget the night when we both realised that. The feelings I had for you... I've never had them for anypony else. Ever. I guess fate was just waiting for you to come along."

Hearing her say those words brought tears to my eyes, which ran down my cheeks onto Twilight's coat.

"Fate works in mysterious ways." I choked out. "It waited to bring us together, broke us apart... and finally decided to stop fucking around and bring us back together, albeit for a while."

Twilight giggled.

"All that matters now," she said, "is that we're together. Fate has been cruel to us, I know. But now, I won't let it get in the way of us enjoying the rest of our lives together. And I'm sure that you'll help me with that."

I brought my head away from her body and looked into her eyes. I could see the steely determination in them. I knew that she was serious, and I gave my approval by kissing her.

"Come on." I said as I drew away. "Let's get the kids from your parents. They'll probably be getting tired."

Twilight coyly batted me with a hoof.

"Cheeky." she said with a small laugh. "They're not that bad."

I allowed Twilight to get back on the ground, and we began the walk to her parent's house. As we walked, we bumped against each other and shared a laugh. It was like I'd never been away.

Along the way, I observed Shining Armour coming out of a restaurant, with Cadence behind him. Sticking my fingers in my mouth, I let forth a sharp whistle to get their attention. Ears pricked, they both swung around, smiling as they saw me (which wasn't hard, given my height).

"Hey Shining, Princess Cadence." I said. "I heard you two have given John and AJ an early wedding gift?"

"Indeed we have." Cadence replied. "It was very nice of Shining to give John the money. Celestia knows we have plenty. And please, you don't have to address me as 'Princess'. Just 'Cadence' is fine."

I bowed my head in response, to which Cadence giggled and rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"You going to see Mom and Dad?" Shining asked of Twilight, who nodded. "Last time we saw them, they were at the park. We're heading there now, you can come with us if you'd like."

"Lead the way." I said. "It's been a while since I saw your folks, Twilight. I hope they're not mad about me not being there for you and the kids."

"They understand completely." she assured me. "They know why you did what you did. They're not mad."

I smiled.

"Now, might I suggest that we stop living in the past, and instead look towards the future?" Twilight said sternly. "All that matters now is us, as well as our family and friends."

"Indeed." I replied. "We must always look to the future. My adventure may be over..."

I leaned down and gave Twilight a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"... but our adventure is just beginning."

And with those words, I placed her on my shoulders and followed Shining Armour and Cadence down the street.

*** THE END ***

Comments ( 51 )

AWWWWW its over! :raritycry: Good story is good definately enjoyed reading this :pinkiehappy:

"... but our adventure is just beginning." sequel?

1631906 There bloody well better be!!!! Or I will be taking a drive up to Scotland to force you to write it!!!

There can't be that many people with the nickname "GeodsicDragon" up there, and I'm on leave till the 26th!!!!!

Oh thank thank thank you these stories are super duper it would be a crime for them not to continue.

I enjoyed the series very much, and now I'm sad to see it over

I'm open to kicking around some ideas with you for your next story, Geo.


By all means, feel free to fire off a PM or start a Skype convo if you see me.

*Give best ever author award*



At the moment, there are 5 stories in the series. And I'm planning a sixth.

1637596 I'm betting 3 months later there will be at least 42 in the series:ajbemused:


I don't do THAT much writing! :rainbowlaugh:

Mutha flippin amazing mate :rainbowkiss:


Give me a chance, and I will.



500 likes for this story, good man:twilightsmile:

Danmit if you dont do the a sequel, i will send Chrysalis and her army of changling attack you, so do a sequel or....

I will not attack him you know.....?

SHHH! yes i know but he dont have to know!

alas, its over. bravo good sir, bravo
~Dream Weaver :scootangel:


That was almost too much romance and shipping and love. Almost. :trollestia:

1643528 now that i got around and finished reading this story i cant wait for the next

1900660 :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
I know what you mean, there's one guy that appears on nearly all the stories I read.
If he's there, it normally means it's a good one!!


Ship ALL the characters!

:pinkiehappy:Great story! All I have to read now is Part 6!


I'm getting sick of people saying this...

She's only a paedo if she fucks him. And besides, I like to think that Spike is mature enough for a proper romance.

2273447 Nice coincidence then. I'm not picky.


Don't blame me. He's not my OC.


If you've read my previous stories you'll know that these relationships have been building up for months. Only now is everyone choosing to act on their instincts.


1) No comment. And I don't mean that in a rude way, I genuinely don't have anything to say.
2) Just because her ancestors founded Ponyville doesn't mean they enjoyed continuous prosperity. So I can counter this argument by saying that the Apples hit a snag some time in the past and the bank had to step in and bail them out... just like in the real world.
3) Days are long. Also, as far as I know, there is no set time for the trip between Ponyville and Canterlot. It could be a few hours, it could be a few minutes. Obviously, I've chosen the latter.


Because I'm so good at bringing out the :pinkiecrazy: in people?


That's the translation I got from Google Translate. I ran it through both ways and it came out the same, so I don't see what's wrong with it.

Seventeen Scootaloos and the Scootaloo Seal of Approval.



Alright with this story finished I could put up that song I wanted.Oh wait....I found one more........Well might as well put both up:


Comment posted by Emkozhul deleted Jul 26th, 2014
Comment posted by Emkozhul deleted Jul 26th, 2014


4754299 nope she is best filly, but best mare is Princess Twilight Sparklebutt

4761836 Gah you got me there lol

4754299 ALL OF YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!! DERPY IS BEST PONY1!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!

WELL. I loved that story, and I have no idea why. It was completely saccharine, with little to no conflict, and the chapters were short. It's the fanfic equivalent of cotton candy, and I despise cotton candy. Yet, I somehow liked this story. How the f*ck does THAT work?

Oh well. On to the sequel!


Blame Google for the dodgy translation. :twilightsmile:

I gotta say Equestria's justice system is messed up in this story. Is it based on the UK system? I live in the USA and if this happened here, Geo would be lauded as a hero, not convicted of murder. Yes he probably would be arrested and there would be a thorough investigation, but the DA would not press charges. If it miraculously went to court, no jury would convict him. In the US, self defense covers defending others. It was reasonable to assume that his friend's life was in danger especially with the thug's past history. Lethal force was amply justified.

I liked the Geo stories 1-3 but did not like this one. There was too little development in the chapters for the shipping to happen. Even if the shipping seems logical, there should be some history explaining why the two fell in love since we as the readers might have other ideas. I can think of 3 other ponies that make a better match for Rarity than Spike. In order, Fancy Pants, Fluttershy, then Applejack. Spike is still considered a baby dragon after around 15 years of age and his maturity in the show shows it. He may be really smart, but mature he is not. You did a fair job showing the growing relationships of Geo and his human friend. It would have been better if you continued in the same vein as your other ships instead of trying to cram too many in.

I will be reading the 6th book in the series since it looks to be an adventure and should have less focal points.


This story, like many others in the series, will be undergoing a massive edit at some point. Said edit will aim to address the issues that so many people are having with this story.

That's how it works here in the UK. Victims are penalised, perpetrators are let off. Justice doesn't exist in this country.

It pleases me I'm not the only one who doesn't agree with the way Geo was treated.

I kinda agree on the UK vs US judicial systems. I'm a resident of the US, and if what you say about the UK is true then Geo should be hailed a hero not some no good criminal scum. I guess to them killing is killing, regardless of the motive.

My question to Equestria is which would you rather a guy that let his friend and himself die because killing is wrong which will then result in Derek's killing spree and his reign of terror over Equestria, or not press charges for the crime Geo committed, because he did it to save his friend's life as well as his own. In other words, let someone take a life to save two lives or spare someone's life at the cost of the death of two people.
Who knows, if it was the latter, more lives could be lost in the future. Not to mention if they allowed Derek to live a lot of ponies and humans would mourn Geo's and John's deaths, but more so with Geo since he was married. But if I remember correctly some I think we're happy about him doing what he did.

4754299 YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1000000000 points to you!

7523551 thanks. Now please, never contact me again.

4303046 Celestia is best pony...

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