• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 360 Views, 41 Comments

Mortal Kombat: Voyage into Equusrealm - MechaSonicFanArtist

Earthrealm and Equusrealm must team together to defend their homes from the Outworld Conquer, Shao Kahn. And Equestria's Conquer known as Grogar.

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Comments ( 21 )


Are you sure that Sindel is the "good guy" in here? Because in Mortal Kombat 11, the creators bloody ruin her character by retconning her to be a evil traitorous bitch!

I’m sorry, but when did I mention Sindel in this chapter? Could you explain that to me?


Umm, she is literally in the prologue?

You made the reimagining of Kabal's chapter missions from Mortal Kombat 9 ( 2011).

Oh, don't worry, she still is an evil bastard.


Well, that's just "great". :ajbemused:

Sorry, Arthor2017.

The Author himself all but confirms it.

I feel option B) is the way to go atm

So many possibilities for what this factory could be, but I have a feeling as to what it is already. Keep up the good work!

I'm thinking "A".

Option B. And the ponies are going to need all the help if Grogar and Outworld must be stopped.

That...or maybe in the future chapter, "That could change."

Been looking at Mortal Kombat lately, so this caught my eye.

Wonder what is planned for Spike too?

Either becoming a dragon warrior, magic welding dragon… the that would come down to the decision of each end of the chapters.

Whats the difference between the two?

They split up and tackle all three. There's enough of them to set the situation right in all three.

Are you going to continue this story?

Are you Okay?

Yeah, it’s just that my next chapter for this story wasn’t saved and I lost so much effort on it, it’s just that I got disappointed that it wasn’t saved, so I decided to take a break from this and put this story on Hiatus... for now. I’m doing a different story right now if you are interested in reading which is a crossover of My Little Pont X Dragon Ball with a few chapters in it that you may like... if you want to read it.

Okay, thank you. And by the way, you spell "pony" wrong. It's "pony", not "pont".

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