• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
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"My age is as a lusty Winter, Frosty but Kindly..." --- William Shakespeare

Comments ( 254 )

Ohh... This is gonna be good! I'm hyped right now :pinkiehappy:

By the way, the thing about turning him into a donkey at the end... :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:. Let's see how he interacts with Luna.

Heh. I remember that House episode. :rainbowlaugh:

Rarely have I wanted something so badly and not known it. I'll be watching with great interest.

This has potential but IMHO House doesn't really match the personality I remember.

Yeah, I think it would take a long ass time for House to believe what Discord's saying, much less that he's actually in a pastel fairytale land. There would be a lot more deadpanning and sarcasm, too.


How long he's a stubborn a****** of a doctor everything will be great.

I’ve been binge watching the show for over a month on Amazon Prime. I feel like me reading this is meant to be.

I do so love House. This looks like it'll be a fun story. Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

I think discord should change the deal and keep him and pay him in pills so we have a doctor house that has to go around his new world to get his pills.

"The current beings there call that planet Equiss, and the Kingdom I showed you is now called 'Equestria."

I like the spelling with the two 'u's when I come across someone naming the pony planet, lol. It feels more like it could be a real word to me, for some reason, even though it's not.


Your an ass, Darling.


But Im not even in this sketch.



What? Its a Discord rewrite of a UK Comedy, and youre expecting it to make Sense? :pinkiecrazy:

This is gonna be good, House is such a great series as is, cant wait to see where you'll take it.

Sir/Ma'am, this is gold!!

I hope for frequent updates!!

And that house ends up staying in equestria.

Most excellent. I look forward to more.

If House has someone he can annoy, he's in familiar territory.

I cant tell which going to be more interesting Apple 'I cant not tell a lie" jack, Twilight 'Don't insult Celestia' Sparkle, or Pinkie 'Hi Hugh' Pie

"Just call me House."


You had my curiosity with chapter 1 now you have my attention. I like how you are writing House, I do find it funny that you made him a donkey.

I am so liking this so far. Would be funny if the team he picks has the same personalities of Foreman, Chase and Cameron.

Ohh, this is gonna be good. Watched this show every time I got the chance, make more please!

They chose the person who's constantly stays on demon time. Has the bedside manner of the joker. Even with all of that, I would feel 100% safe, trusting my life to him. Wouldn't invite them to any cantalot parties. I can't wait to read more of this.

If he thought humans were annoying, wait till he meets the emotional stress crew. Eats one of those ponies were made to have some kind of condition.

Man gotta love House. Already wooing a sun goddess. :rainbowlaugh:

you know house was legally dead himself for abit, and talks about the visions to a room of med students and his own team.

P.s Maybe the princess has Lupus?

Seeing that one red tag in the top really makes me wonder what all is going to happen in this story

I aint done no medication, and only usual amature gardening, but I dont think its Euphorbia sap photosensitisation?

I really hope someone hasnt confused the Giant hogweed and the Pignut, or other similar confusion like Gunnera and Rhubarb.

So many fun totally natural products to really make someones day miserable. People keep forgetting that herbs and spices taste that way because those are toxins designed to try and make them as inedible as possible, and the strong flavourings used in foods are due to lack of preservation methods only a centuary or so ago meaning the smell of rot and decay had to be covered up somehow. :pinkiesad2:

Im allergic to the perfumes used in cheap laundry products so I have to use older base simpler stuff, and I can be dropped if I pass by someone who has spent more than a couple minutes in the vicinity of a heavy toker or vaper with the wrong product contents. No warning, noone can smell anything, I just drop. So gods help me if certain hospital assistants have just been outside making themselves feel better and come back in.

Im apparently also particularly sensitive, as least in having reaction effected, by alcohol. I get drunk off fumes. I might have become sensitised after doing a chemistry course at university.:twilightoops:

Ive confused doctors. :pinkiecrazy:

House's personality is more like the show in this chapter. Better overall.

House already leaving a memorable first impression, indeed. If he knows the Mane 6, who knows how long it would take him to make them angry. Let's see which group of doctors will help him this time.

Though why would Celestia lie about her condition? What is she hiding?

Oh, and could you make, at some point, House say "Relax, it's just a Magic trick"? It's from Season 3 Episode 14 "Insensitive", the one with the 25ft Long Tape Worm.

Excellent. I could hear Discord's voice in each sentence. The chosen form for Gregory is simply perfect. You have a new reader!

Now this I like. You did a really good job of getting House’s grammar and personality down.

The Sherlock Holmes of doctors is here, and he's going to break every rule and break the minds of all in the medical professionals and the royal family

Dang!! THis chapter was great!!

Still nervous as heck about that one tag though.

Cant wait for more!!

The [SEX] tag is for innuendo, not Porn. Any sex scenes (IF there are any) will happen "off-camera."

ah, alright.

that makes sense.

Cannot wait to see what happens next!! I kindof hope (However evil it might be) that he is stuck in Equestria for the rest of his life. I doubt it will happen, but I'd love to see a story with him living in equestria

This medical team doesn't know that he doesn't just read the patient's file. They'll have to see the patient's home life personally, meaning they will investigate the castle.

Being honest, I thought the main six meeting would go way worse. This is probably one of his more nicer interactions as well

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