• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Grainne Ni Bhroin

Trans gal from California



Purple Haze came to Capra to cover the civil war to find the truth. She found what was left behind.

This story was written by myself and my good friend Buckweiser and is set in the world of Captain Hoers' webcomic The Sunjackers. No prior knowledge of the comic is required but I recommend reading it (because it's brilliant).

CWs:War, Death.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

Aw noooooooo, poor baby :(

So, seeing Buckweisers cover art was the first thing that caught my eye, and now that I've read the fic I have to say it's very good. Tells the story it needs to tell, without anything unnecessary tacked on, while not leaving out anything. Will gladly read the rest of the stories.

Thank you, Buck and I are both really proud of how this one came out. It's not an easy topic to write well, war and loss. But I felt the story, and the history that inspired it, were worth telling. I've tried to avoid glorifying anything, in this and my other related stories but to show it as it is, a necessary struggle for a worthy cause. And one that exacted a heavy price on those who fought for it.

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