11523896 Yes, I wonder if people can guess her charges...
I work on Dimensional Shift by Valiant Studios, do music, and have done sound design for peeps in the fandom. That is the extent of it, though, so you may be thinking of someone else
Comment posted by BluDeuce007 deleted Mar 7th, 2023
Brutal, factory like yup definitely feels like what pop culture says the American corrections facilities are like this isn't from personal experience is it?
11524026 Detention centers and correctional facilities tend to have highly structured routines and regimens, similar to that of armed forces training, yes.
Going for the slow burn approach to revealing the charges made, I see!
Poor Sweetie...
I do love a good prison story. I wonder if anyone will guess Sweetie's charges right in the comments.
Also, completely unrelated, do you produce other.. artistic media, perchance? Or is your username's similarity to someone just a big coincidence?
Yes, I wonder if people can guess her charges...
I work on Dimensional Shift by Valiant Studios, do music, and have done sound design for peeps in the fandom. That is the extent of it, though, so you may be thinking of someone else
Brutal, factory like
yup definitely feels like what pop culture says the American corrections facilities are like
this isn't from personal experience is it?
So, juvie is like basic training? Why? I doubt that criminal behavior is the result of an inability to follow simple instructions.
Her charges? I am going to guess "Aggrevated Unleashing a Chaos God" with second degree "Love Poisoning."
Detention centers and correctional facilities tend to have highly structured routines and regimens, similar to that of armed forces training, yes.
phew... if the doses are this small, it might not be such a hard story to swallow, after all. It definitely has my attention, though.