Not even Spartans are exempt from the symptoms of estrus and the consequences that result.
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Happy to have been an editor for this story. Here’s to editing Connor’s... somewhat lackluster grammar for the foreseeable future!
Is this cannon to the mane story? If she when did/will it happen?
After A noble death and shadow
Is this really Canon
Do many little Spartans coming our way
Or would they be ODST's?
Sooo... Who is also dissapointed that Shining didn't started her off by finishing her off with his tongue first?
Gentlemen code, he didn't follow
Okay, can somebody please tell me why a lot of people keeps spamming this a whole lot? First, I seen this in most of the new Atomic Heart's videos comments on YouTube.
And now in here?
Is this a brand new meme that I haven't figured out yet?
This is how pelvises get crushed, Connor, I hope you know that.
So… is it canon or not?
you jack off.
atomic heart bas swxy robots so you jack off with one hand and play with the other.
I love giving back to the community
after reading so many horse words it was high time to pay back woth arts
Anyway a very good story, it was suprisingly fresh compared to the more experienced writers
Ok that's a cute picture
I agree with you there. I also really like your profile pic as well though to.
Oh. That makes total sense.
Send forth the criers! Toll the bells! The prophecy has cum true at last!
Seriously though, good work, Connor. Subject matter aside, another great addition to the murder horse saga.
Amarezonian got what she needed, with no death by snu-snu
yes that this is how pelvises get crushed
...what the fuck am I seeing right now
(no offense meant lol, but this isn't what I expected when it comes to this sort of stuff)
That is something that I am curious about as well. So is this cannon Connor?
Okay, so. I usually skip the spice because of how much its done over and over in literature in general.
But I will admit, curiosity got the better of me. And you had moments that made me both cringe, laugh and sympathise with certain stallions.
This story was wild, entertaining and interesting.
I am aware that there are high chances that this isn't canon to the main story. I'm actually content with that. As entertaining as this was, I will be blunt.
This would draw too much away from what Six is at heart in your main story.
A soldier. A child soldier to be exact that is learning how to be.. less like a machine. To me, that doesn't need to include sex or pregnancy. Maybe this is a future for Six after as a conclusion, but in my opinion, not yet. Not now at least.
She has still so much room to grow and improve, so this was fun for what it was. A silly and horny idea that was entertaining and fun to read.
100 percet canon, sir
this basically
Treat it as non canon for now as I am sure by the end of A Nobles Shadow much here will become wrong (the big thing rn being the complete absence of the ferrets or any mention thereof). So treat it for now as non-canon with the knowledge that it will eventually become canon in the far future once A Nobles Shadow is done and I know what needs to be changed/added here to make it canon.
Got it and thank you for clearing that up.
okay, connie.
I am ready for the sequel
Wait so noble will have a another pony to be with?
Wait so later on in the story she going to hitch up with shining armor?
I know this is a long shot for a 3rd chapter but if you do, threesome with preg cadence and six together?
First John Halo and now Pony Six? When will the ruining of what little spartan innocence end?😥
I wonder what six is going to name her kid?
All I can say is that.... well done because now I want to see little half spartan half ponies babies which is a sentence i have never said before in my life
The story was great but that art was down right adorable ! Cute Spartan for the win.
I wouldn't mind seeing this arc continue. Wouldn't be something if Six's child was an alicorn
All my yes. Shiny is going to have his work cut out for him with two pregnant, needy mares.
Really hoping that between Six's super estrus and Shiny rutting her six ways to Sunday she ends up with more than one foal in there. Would be great for Six to have her own squad, lol.
Excitedly looking for more, this was great!
Agreed. I hope for this as well.
Congratulations, you got me to make an entire book shelf just for Six. And maybe more Halo stuff later, but for now it is hers alone.
Me and the boys (or to be more specific one boy in my discord) did some math and rolled some dice determined by possibility and we have concluded:
Six has got twins inside her
Yes! Poor thing is gonna be absolutely gobsmacked when she realizes there's more than one.
Now that I think about it, Shiny now has a deployment wife (or campaign wife) and a wife-wife. Should result in some really cute moments.
Since this isn't cannon to the main story, is it possible Six could end up with someone besides Shining? I hope so since it leaves a bit more mystery to the story.
Shining will be the husband to the Goddess of love & war... Lucky Stud!
Blasphemy! It's absolutely adorable to see a hyper lethal Spartan like that ♤♡
Seeing Six struggle with motherhood, being helped by shining and cadence, would be a story I'd read. She doesn't need to stop being a soldier because she had a child either, both my parents were soldiers.
Plot twist: Six's physician lied. She just saw an opportunity to observe a spartan/pony hybrid and took advantage of it.
Since she's a Super soldier is it possible it could be 4 or six?
Nah, we going with some amount of realism and thats as close as we can get before it becomes statistically improbable
Yeah I too am hoping that's something that happens, because I feel like not only could we be surprised, but I feel as though that could maybe even give Connor the chance to build something better, less questionable, and more stable.
Now I wonder if Equestria will try and make their own version of MJOLNIR armor for Six's foal/foals.
Also I don't know why I enjoyed this.
Yes, as of now it just makes the story predictable in the long run to some extent. Maybe have another Spartan or something close to it somehow be brought to Equestria through similar/different means.