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That was an interesting idea indeed! Loved the references.
I was happy to help him out. We were discussing another story featuring button mash, and this idea came into mind. I am pleased with how it turned out.
Mhm, quite unsusal indeed. Refernces, i mean like gamer luna or sweetie/silver.
And..i kinda can relate to Button here
More to come as its marked as incomplete?
Yes, a second chapter.
and maybe something else. You'll have to wait and see
looking forward it!
thanks!! It's gonna be good!!
i hope so
Hooves-art is the one of the god-tier MLP sex/porn artists that I ever seen.
Ain’t it the truth!
Lovewhat the guy does. I wanted to try something with cadance, but I wasn't sure what to pull yet.
Ugh, what is it with the hyper breasts that are bigger then their actual torso?
It makes a bit more sense cause she's a a changeling, a creature who feeds on love.
Otherwise, cause we can. And its hot.
If you don't like it, don't read
Hehe, lucky guy. Happy it ended good for everyone. Loved the Humor too.
Although, fim's on the fritz, did not show up in the Updates, just in the feed
This was a blast and it looks like a certain queen is starting to unknowingly fall for Button.
awwwww poor Luna
That was amazing
Is SlitheringScales Spike?
This was a beyond beautiful and sweet ending, i hope there will be a sequel where 1 he gets a herd 2, we get to know who is Zephyr Breeze child I hope it's Ocellus.
1. Maybe.
2. Perhaps. Perhaps not.
I'm glad you loved the ending
If only hooves-art would do an art of OC Courageous Heart and Alicorn Twilight sparkle pairing. They make the perfect match!
Judging by the hints and the A/N at the end, Luna will be joining in soon... Will that be a seperate story, or in this one?
the ending is sweet and sweet and good, but technically Button Mash is lying. For despite Chrysalis doing community service, she never rekindled her relationship with her old children.
It's only been a month. It takes time to do that, especially with her.
Probably separate
so after "time" she will no longer need them because she will already have a bunch of new children who have not yet turned away from her.
MMM, yes and no.
She wants her whole family, not just the family she's having with Button
Jesus christ that description is atrociously long.
~Skeeter The Lurker
That was nice. Both the story and the ending. Also bonus for a rare pairing.
Glad you liked it!!
it's funny that the "author's assistant" rejoices and is more active than the "author of the story" himself
I really liked writing this story
yes she was
Very good story!
As someone that's not into hyper proportions, anthro, or pregnancy/eggs I didn't think I was gonna like this, but I'm big into all things Changeling so had to give this a look. Definitely a pair up I haven't seen before, this was better than I expected. Surprisingly wholesome in a weirdly horny way.
glad you liked it!!
Dang that was a good story! Will there be more stories involving Chrysalis and Button? Maybe.. with button ending up with a harem?
God this was one of the best story on this site for a long time
Why do I get the feeling the bug queen will not be the only one he gets to be his mare friend.
Wait so there is going to be a sequel to this perhaps?
Yeah agreed.

Yes. And oh boy button mom might want to get some extra clothing for her future grandchildren.
Wait does that make her other children the ones before her grandchildren too.
In my opinion, it does
So thorax has a grandmother now. Oh boy that is going to be very awkward situation.
And if Ocellus is the result of the zephyr then that would explain her caring nature a lot. And some other things too.
Yes it is for thorax. And he'll like it.
As for zephyr's child???
I though he would not like it. I though his brother would like it since he seems to be more of that type.
Hmm. Why do I feel like cadence and twilight was also apart of following button mash online.
And guessing twilight punishment is going to be becoming button wife also?
And oh boy that is going to be a long conversation with Fluttershy mother.
But are you working on the sequel now Perhaps?
It's in the works. I unfortunately am in a location where the internet is bad enough where I can't write with sonic until june