• Member Since 1st May, 2012
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Comments ( 101 )

IT BEGINS~! Again. Yay~

How to properly cheat in The Game.

Make your own renewable resources, especially if theyre worth a decent amount.:trixieshiftright:

One thing Ive noticed about games with improvable healing capabilities that they never allow you to combine immunity to exanguination and blood magic. :trixieshiftright:

Amongst many others.:pinkiecrazy:

Yay, a new story to read and wait on!!! Can't contain my excitement! WWWWWAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I wonder if Sparkle is going to be able to seriously cheese some gods off by featherweighting that bag? Or get a pass from how Chaotic that makes things?

If Hist are Tree/Plants, that means their cells are Totipotent? All cells can heal, grow and sprout a new build independantly of needing other cells but will cooperate when there are other available?:trixieshiftright:

Just how Gamer is this going to get, as the Extreme is Evreything has XP, if under the influence of the Gamer, and so can not just gain levels, but capabilities etc? Like getting a Now with Unbreaking and Mending in Minecraft? Except Gamer means teh bow itself gains the Mending ability at a rate depending on the level and ability of the Gamer? the more they carry out Any action, in the extreme, the more capable that action gets?

I still my favourite game engine screwup was the one that let you get eventually auto regen in health, magic and TP, then learn spells, feats abiltiies that let you use TP points for MP recovery, cast Heal to convert MP to HP, then take damage including Self inflicted to turn HP to TP. But this Damage also gave you XP, which given your level was teh same in attack and defence, totally broke the game. Its just a pity the engine was level capped.:twilightoops:

This promises to be so much fun.

Onward, to make the Party.:pinkiecrazy:

Well, Boost, the good news is that we didn't get into Game Mechanics for this one. It's entirely lore and story driven with as few GM considerations as possible. The lore explanation for the Bags of Holding is to help bridge Game Logic and the lore. Because in the games, Bethesda leaves out as much material detail as possible, such as the Khajiit Caravans not having a, I don't frickin' know, frickin' caravans?!

Anyway. Due to world logic, aka Lore, that isn't too important, it is not getting into metagaming.


Reach the first Save Point, aquire Suit of Scandalous Armor?:trixieshiftright:

Would be intresting if magical experimentation could manipulate Hist Sap into every other plant fluid, given jungle vines give pretty clear water, coconuts give milk, dandelions and rubber trees give latex, and maple trees give syrup amongst many others?

The Taser Horns came from just beating the Murkling? Wonder what rewards would be from eating something or even Consuming a defeat?

Some pregnant females eat clays due to sniffing out the mineral content, so imagine just what kinds of compounds Dragons could be eating given the normal stuff floating around Yellowstone etc?:trixieshiftright:

Next up. Tye Died?:duck:

Hahahahaha! Loved it man! Keep up the great work that you do!

At the rate shes going, she is going to end up like a variant of Acorna. Emits purity, cleanliness and healing when her magic drops far enough to allow passage of material, until it gets tweaked as a magical drain. Like converting magica to eggs for Create Food etc? Saliva of Healing, Stomach thats an Autodoc, Womb of Ditto? :yay:

All those accoutrements reminds me of certain play time songs.

Pet Shop Boys, Its a Sin, Duh.:pinkiehappy:

Hmm.. Now she gets to find out how to make icecream on tap? :trixieshiftright:

Wait is this a sequel to foxes of war?

Its a good thing that advanced hist sap doesnt cause breeding bodily fluids to congeal and build up to form fertilised ovum and build them up related to the amount of sap added and used? :trixieshiftright:

That was an intresting side quest, especially if such herbs have absolutely no effect. :coolphoto:

Apply two thousand thaums to the activation rune of the body alteration spell.:twilightsmile:

But first. specify the parts of the body to be affected, as the default is the base fertility spell.:raritystarry:

Basic fleshcrafting for propagation is fertility, virility, capacity, superfecundity, quad row of breasts from the kitsune, and quad teats per udder breast from holstaurus(I thought was from Breeding Farm)? As well as many other fun things to improve monetary and resource income production?

Now, which dragon flesh crafts can lead to laying metal, mineral and magic gem Geode eggs? :moustache: So many eggs, so few offspring until required?:trixieshiftright:

Twilight doesnt have her own or Starlights version of the time spell to be able to use Light Of Other Days to backtrack reality lines to see how the history was formed directly?

A nice side hustle of Hist catalyzed alchemical reactions if possible would be useful if combined with acids etc could turn a block of ore into a set of lumps of salable metal. If clutches of infertile edible eggs are off the table. :yay:

Starting to swap out subdeities that are no longer required? Better not mention that to Twilight of she would use the Alexandros access to Knowledge to map All the variations out and what to do to get there. :twilightblush:

Maybe its better for Shade, given she dont need to go through extensive childhood to slowly build up the neural interconnections required to learn information, can just skip all that delay? So would heavily psychic species do the same, all the information soaking into the fetus or even egg as it sits there growing until it finally births or hatches as mentally formed as equines are physically, or even more extreme as nature has got even before hard magical suffusion and interventions get involved?

What was the scale? Superpregnancy, superfetation, the ability of felines to carry the offspring of multiple fathers simultaneously, each being at different stages of matuation, and they have multiple offspring normally?

Hyperpregnancy where the offspring can be far excessively numerically and or sizewise, maturity than common natural species?

Ultrapregnancy where magical and similar effects reach such levels that the body becomes a mere access interface, portal to a seperate realm of fertilisation growth and maturation as certain dragons, fairies etc?

What if they build a golem with 8 limbs, each to the corner of a cube when fully outstretched and a octagon core style, each arm with a Smithing hammer? Maybe Make and Name it along the lines of CAOS ForgeMaster?:pinkiecrazy:

Telekenisis rune projectiles? Time to add target guideance and magic absorption runes to them. Wizards wheel might be banned in every reality, but that stays still. These things moving give limit trigges like proximity antiaircraft radar shells. Also, because the propultion is on the projectile, like Gyroguns, dont need barrels, except to stuff full of all the projectile tips, making it Dwarven Metal Storm. Dragonbreath HEAT shells.

Now, how to design the runic equivalent of my old Cyberpunk Spindle SCRAM shotgun shells. You only need the right alloy, and the latheable shape, and the means to get them up to trigger speed. Totally passive, no technology, no magic, no componants to leave any remains behind, just a superheated semimolten blob of metal traveling multiple speed of sound.

Course, theres always the Polaris/VLS trick where the weapon ejects the projectile a plausible deniability distance before its targeting and propulsion kicks in. Slabs of armor tend to have discontinuities around joints and eye slits that give much greater contrasts to aim for?

Is Twilight permitted to research pulling the safeties off the light spell? the only thing better hitting the other guy than a Cyberpunk SCRAM shell, is a Culture class SCRAM shell with a total conversion core?

Given magical effects I dont want to really get into the next levels, as things start to go totally Saitama, with a realistic limit being Solar, Gravity and Doctor. Beyond that, things just go AO Pinkie.:pinkiegasp:

Now, how to tweak the reinforcing carbon nanotubes in Berserkers armor to add thaumatic flux network manipulation that cant break him if theyre overloaded or subsumed. Not exactly the full Wave Motion Cannon, but should approach Culture Special Circumstances capabilities. Especially given the True Atronach forms. Reminds me of Gwen 10s grandma. :pinkiecrazy:

I know it's not immersive, but dammit I LOVE FANTASY GUNS! Hope they get to upgrade 'em soon so they can use 'em on Meen-Rei's Displacer! :pinkiecrazy: Awesome chapters, can't wait for more!

I wonder what method is used to make Magica replenishment potions, because if its one of the energy conversion methods, then that would be the next stage after sorting out the invasion as it would allow various styles of similar to solar electric, like Muskets that fire ice bullets pulled from the air and propelled either by the linear rune accelerator, or but a small steam chamber in the stock or even lightning hydroxy charge, storing the magic conversion trickle?

I wonde if they have the spell Create Foodwater, and Create Dirt blended and tweaked to Create Cement?:trixieshiftright:

Ok what is an adonis I looked it up and couldn't see anything for sure answer

Adonis is a figure of Greek myth. He was a mortal lover of the Goddess Aphrodite. His myth is one of tragedy, which, let's be real, all Greek myths are. Ignoring all that, as a mortal lover of divinity, he is considered to be extremely desirable and many portrayals of him are of a tall, muscular man, thus, his name has become synonymous with a stereotypically attractive tall and beefy man.

Lmao no mater what reality she'll still break the 4th wall

... all these sound familiar

Lone Wolf was one of the first Select Your Adventure books? Before or after Gygax released DnD?:unsuresweetie:

Does Dungeons and Dragons really have Select Your Adventure books made about it?


"Adonis" is often used as a way of referring to a particularly handsome male. The term comes from Greek mythology, where Adonis was a mortal lover of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, as well as Persephone, the wife of the god Hades.

Be very careful Beserker. You should remember the warning about what happened the last time someone opened Pandoras Box. :duck:

As for the bellies thing, if they still had the Pearls, they wouldnt know there was all that Magica needing to be extracted, until they ended up actually stuck to the tree like a pair of James Giant Peaches? :pinkiegasp:

*Thock* Noice!

4E: 221

What is this suppose to mean?

Trouble is for the Thalmor is that theyre setting up a two option paradoxical predestined event.

The two choices are, reality ceases to exist including the Thalmor.

Reality ceases to exist For the Thalmor.

If they didnt spend so much time setting up the event, then their end couldnt be triggered by the simple application of just the right SNAP, at just the right time? :trixieshiftright:

The way this reality is getting screwed over even more than Wiatrs folowers, wouldnt a suprise at all if one of the Dominion armies ended up traversing a section of grassy hillside that was no longer part of actual Skyrim, and instead filled with angry Pictsies? :yay:

Silver, why did you only post one chapter this week?

“Yeah, my brother is known for that, but I wish it was more than that. He fought off Dominion troops at one time and punched a daedroth back to Oblivion in one hit.”

With a crashing hit from a giant right hand, he sent a Luisiana fella to the promised land.

Big John.:eeyup:

Ice Giants hate waiting for replies cos they fed up of everyone giving them the cold shoulder? :trixieshiftright:

Um is this a sequel to foxes of war cause I can't see this being a sequel to corruption of souls

um... hopefully this is another bug, but only the one update so far

Ah thanks cause that confused me for a bit both have foxes then I remembered the corruption one was a blue fox but still good for confirmation purposes

We’ll tell him to put the other chapter up.

“Ah yes. The Living Goddess who helped keep Magnus on a steady course for thousands of years, along with her sister who kept Masser and Secunda in position for the same time frame. The Void Nights were a terrifying time. Your people arrived not long after the disappearance of the moons and when you delivered news that it was because the living embodiments of the sun and moons were at war in your homeland, well, that stirred up quite the can of worms.” Neethsi commented and I moaned in dismay at trying to piece all of this info together.

talk about a heavy lore dump

“Ep, ep, ep! Hold on to the life-altering exposition for the next chapter!” What the fuck?

rofl always with the 4th wall breaking mind fuckery

was tired last night, posted the other one

Fun to try and order fish and chips in places like this, especially if you try and put it in what ingredients are actually required.

A lot of chefs will try and have you thrown out if you ask for ketchup?:twilightoops:

But, All I wanted was rendered down tomato and fish juice with a little white wine vinegar. :pinkiesad2:

it's fine, was just confused/worried since you usually do 2 chaps a post.. was worried you went to 1 a week :pinkiegasp:

me just finished the latest chapter again now i will be so bored seriously i read everything in 2 days

Instant crazy yelling and people running like a chicken with there heads cut off

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