• Member Since 21st Aug, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Comments ( 16 )

Sometimes the piece missing in your day is just some good, cute clop.

good luck finding it, man. I know it's hard

Felt cute while writing, might delete later.

You shouldn't delete this story. People clearly like this story and getting rid of it will just make them disappointed, and you should never ever do that.

I might be afraid enough of the community to consider it, haha.
If people like it, it will stay, of course ;)

Keep keep keep keep

Well done, i would like to get more of this in the future.

Haven’t read this story yet, but the concept sounds similar to this story.

I was wondering if someone else already used the cover image, thanks for that!

Have fun reading, seems a bit different than the other story, but it probs has its similiarites.
hot bat for horny dash :)

Damn this fic is elite
So hot

Add another vote to the 'keep it' list, and hope to see more. Maybe a chapter for each of them till they all get turned :twilightsmile:

I feel like some dirty hostage-taker. And the ransom is upvotes and comments.

me likey

I won't delete it.

Actually, it was intended as a tribute to a meme:

But it's nice seeing you all care so much :o

...might need a cold shower after reading this. .///.

Soft and sweet. Prehrnsile tongue is underrated as a 'thing'!

And, yeah, by now you probably long since made up your mind, but my vote would definitely be to keep this.

Wow… this was great. I loved it. :pinkiehappy:

Definitely adding this to my favorites bookshelf. :twilightsmile:

:heart: Blue

That was a good story.

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