• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen January 10th


I want nothing more than to bring a smile to your face with a light-hearted clopfic! If you want to bring a smile to mine, leave a comment!

Comments ( 35 )

i'm going to cry its so good

The return of the king

Oh damn, I was just looking at this picture and lamenting the fact that Cloppy is was no longer around to pen an accompanying tale of delicious sin. :rainbowwild:

Every unicorn-parent knew the embarrassing cry when knocking upon a locked door: ‘I'm working on my TK!

Me too, young foal... me too.


YES, PLEASE. :rainbowwild: Is this some kind of newfangled "immersive" clopfic where your readers experience the same thirst as the characters?

Welp, that was amazing, as always. Backstory was funny and perfect for the pic. I really liked the inner conflict of Raven's professional instincts VS her awakening inner marelust - it reminded me of your Diamond Gavel fics in the best way! And Celestia herself was a titillating presence, halfway between nurturing mother and corrupting succubus.

In addition to that, I do find I feel a bit guilty about my pony-writing. Don't try to change me on this, it's just how I am.

For what it's worth, even outside of the, *ahem*, ethically dubious parts of your stories, you're a wonderfully talented writer whose humor, worldbuilding and characters have really inspired me. I'm sure many others would agree. So by all means, feel guilty - but not too guilty! :yay:

Making a story that involves bringing someone to climax without even touching them this engaging!?! A+

Thanks man, your comment about inspiring others meant more than you know! Makes me feel not as bad about the smut!

Thanks! I was tempted to continue the story, but I was already at 6000 words!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Hah, didn't think I'd done THAT good a story, but really happy you enjoyed it!

Ohey, clops isn't dead :O

"everybody liked that"


Well, that was surprisingly hot for something so sexily low level. Do you consider a sequel ?

Great, welcome back! :pinkiehappy:

This leaves one very blueballed :duck:

I don't really know if it matters, but you can see a part of the guards dick on the fic pic.

oh yikes, lol, have edited it now... only a couple pixels but good catch.

It's so good to see ya back, Clops! :pinkiehappy:

The Return of the King. I think you dropped this: 👑

Very well written my dude. I actually have to appreciate how you subtly took the piss out of Raven's college hookup :rainbowlaugh:

welcome back bud!

I'm so happy to see you back here! :raritystarry:

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time.


Thank you! Seeing your name recalls so many of your comments to mind!

I would agree, except I'm in the room.
But yeah, I'm glad to see that you're still active!

Sexy story, and if you ever come back to this, I'd love to watch as Raven grows more and more bold in her assistance. Also, Celestia is such a tease.

It would be cool to have a sequel. Maybe one that has her bite off more than she can chew, like instead of waiting for the day she heads directy to the barracks. Or whatever, I don't know anything about story flow.

The Return of the King

Glad to see you're back.

It had led to the only sick days that Raven had ever taken in her employment history. A week of painful and sweaty urges and desires had kept Raven locked up and desperate. An apologetic Celestia had come to check on her several times, much to Raven’s embarrassment, and ever since then, Raven had made sure to steer well clear of the door when she was near her seasonal estrus.

Did Celestia offer her at least a personal stress relieve?

Raven’s eyes darted over to Celestia, who was unreadable, her eyes closed placidly with a grin on her face… Raven had seen the expression before - when Celestia had eaten Luna’s last piece of cake. Annoyingly, the Princess’s closed eyes didn’t allow Raven’s furious, accusatory glance to penetrate.

Next week Raven might accidentally mess up some paperwork causing Celestia's daily cake ration being send to Twilight instead.

Ah! Raven had the beginnings of a suspicion that perhaps the royal bodyguard’s insistence on size and strength in selection and enhancement might have more to do with intimidation. But before she could put the pieces together in her mind Celestia spoke.

Well, they need to be well-build to satisfy their princess.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

But what did happen at the end?
When Raven answered "Please", did she mean "Please help me with the rest" or did she mean "Please let me do this"?

Please let me get rutted silly. :)

A crumb of sequel pls??

*rewards writing with a cookie*

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