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Writing stories out of sheer spite | Ko-Fi


This story is a sequel to Changing Expectations

When ages are segmented and divided in the annals of history, it is done so with great events as breakpoints. The Second Age of Heroes was unanimously declared to have started with the return of Princess Luna and the changeling Invasion of Canterlot.

For thousands of years, the changelings survived beneath The Great Tapestry, that which connects all living and nonliving things. Hundreds of generations worked endlessly to keep their existence a secret. With one command from Queen Chrysalis, the Masquerade was broken.

In a single night, the changelings waged war against Equestria and took the Kingdom by storm. Months later, the war between changelings and ponies has ended. A new tapestry, a new story, must be woven between the two species. Equestria and the Fifth Hive have gone through a dark chapter and have emerged stronger for it.

One war ends and another begins.

As The Sword of Damocles hangs above the heads of the formerly-human King Phasma and his Equestrian counterparts, the forces of light must work on an ever-shortening window before war once again brings Hell to Equus. Dark powers grow in the places that the light does not reach, and they bring one irrefutable truth.

Epitaph is coming.

Cover art by Nixworld.

Special thanks to my pre-readers!

Chapters (36)
Comments ( 1364 )

Finally, the boog has been posted


oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck

Wait I thought you were gonna do Griffon story first. Not complaining just confused and surprised. “A surprise to be sure but a welcome one”

Comment posted by Derpmeister deleted Sep 9th, 2022

POV: Your day just got a whole lot better

Slider originally intended to make a Griffon story first, but he wasn't enjoying it as he wrote it and gave up. He explained it on his Discord server.

It took me awhile to realize that what Phasma is holding is indeed a hammer and not a broom. In my defense! It really looks like a short broom batting at a pony.

A new beginning of a old conflicts re ignition of the fight for the right of survival.

Mmm. Been very sparse in my activity both on discord and in that sever so missed it. Only check art and story link recommendations on the server when I do visit these days.
Did he also say if he will every write that one or did he give up on it all together?

Grave start, harsh facts, bloody war is coming and three Nations had already bleed troops...
As I see it the once that can be approached for Army's are:
- Griffon Empire, even if mainly for Elite Troopers and blacksmith capacity to make new arms.
- Yeti Kingdom, he has a army and ressources ready to (in canon) keep the occupation of multible Nations.
- Abesinian Queendom, we just have to give them a lot of Food and Toys :raritywink:
- Gem Fidos Diamond Dogs, if trench warfare is coming (Bow and Crossbow as well as Spellfire) than Trenches need to be dug out secured for good footing and keep save from harsh weather.
- Hypogriffon Kingdom, because Pony cat birds are not as warfatigued as the Cat birbs.
- Deer Kingdom, they are well suited for the weather.
- Yak, because they like to smash and they can endure any cold weather.
- Minatours, blacksmithing and Hammer time :coolphoto:
- Can we move the Anti Magic Changeling Castle?
- Can we befriend Discord? A dead world would effect him the most, being a statue was maybe dull, existing in a dead world would be mind-numbing to the extream.
- Dragon Lord Torch alone could Torch a lot of the Night Stalking Parasite army!

Time to make plans and defy the one enemy that would destroy all life...

》The Scout Army reporting the Empires return while retreating to join the defense.《

》Battle before Nisir is entered《

》The Battle inside of Nisir walls《

And so it continues! :moustache:

Looking forward to seeing where this goes! :trixieshiftleft:

The return of the king

Dang, Toaster boi is back!

Let’s GOOOOO!!!

He gave up on it completely, far as I recall. I think I remember him saying that he much prefers stories that are HIE, and since the story wasn't HIE, and he didn't think that altering it to make it HIE would work with the idea he had for it, he gave up on it.

He also said he doesn't like stories that are only OCs iirc


I assume the Griffon civil war and outcome are still of note and will get a brief mention at some point later. It did seem an interesting idea and expansion I would love to see and even if not see know the base of the idea in the story canon to imagine the details myslef

Pretty sure he's gonna be mentioning thr griffins since they're kinda important?
But ill check with em anyways

The changeling king waved a hoof, “Yes, yes. I get it. I promise I won’t detonate this underground city. It’s our city, after all. I want to keep it in one piece.”

Okay, just gonna start the timer for when they inevitably blow up that underground city.

Good call. I'll set the popcorn to start cooking 4 minutes beforehand.


Changing Expectations was one of my favourite pieces of written work ever, I am HYPED for this.

even though permanently putting Pharynx in charge would solve a lot of issues.”

“I’ve told you no,” Pharynx replied.

For those playing at home, Pharynx is refusing to tell anycreature that he's prophesied to die.

i like that you used two diffrent comments for this just to stress it

thorax can bribe him by saying that having a place to call home near where his coltfreind likes to go would make his visits alot more common

... who'se the blue-eyed bug? i'm thinking either throax or a Chrysalis that effectively buzz-cut their mane.

Good to have this back!

Comment posted by RandomCommentor deleted Sep 9th, 2022

I hope they don't end up In the covers position. Because:
- A mitral broom is a bad weapon
- I expected a larger selection of weapons in the last stand of demigods
- Getting overrun like this means that at least 7/10 of the defending force is probably Spartan style missing
- Pew pew at hoove range means they are physically exhausted
- I miss Thorax killing Umbrum with kindness :trollestia:


Also I’m hoping none of those graves are important characters

Hopefully they will include Thestrals into the planning process. They already have some experience against the nightmares in the first place so might as well use them.

Nice to see the story continue, can’t wait to see how this one turns out.

Let’s try not to collapse the mountain down onto us. Do you hear me, Phasma?

Panar’s flanks, Celly. Ya blow up one sun—an artificial one, even—and she never lets you hear the end of it!:rainbowlaugh:

Celestia ended the meeting, “This fight will determine the fate of Equus. The entire world is depending on us. We cannot fail. We will not fail!

Is no one going to bring up the idea to seek help from the Griffins and their demigod hero?

All aboard Phasma's Wild Ride!

Reminds me of Helm's deep

It's time for me to boot up my 3 brain cells. I will not fail you like i did near the end of the last book my dark master

EDIT: I just realized how cringy this looks without context.
It's staying up

Yup, returning to re-evaluate a past statement is simply like that sometimes

Celestia ended the meeting, “This fight will determine the fate of Equus. The entire world is depending on us. We cannot fail. We will not fail! ”

“As it is woven, so it shall be,” Phasma entoned before stepping out of the meeting room.

Praise be to our glorious leaders! :yay:

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