Knight was back in the manor, having been unceremoniously dropped in by the cross-eyed pegasus worker from Ponyville. He'd known all along that she must have been working for HIM--why else would she be giving Knight all those strange looks?-- But stupid Darkest refused to do anything about it, and now the two of them were back.
Knight could hear the approaching hoofsteps of Broken Barrier, who rounded the corner and sat with a wicked grin.
"Why, hello, filth. Did you think you could escape for long?"
HE began levitating Knight's learning supplies in orbit around him, rendering Knight unable to guess which would be used first and react accordingly.
"It was all too easy to have my agents rig your little home up with all kinds of artifacts."
HE stared into Knight's eyes with HIS dead grey pools, both swimming with unfathomable amounts of malice.
"I casted so many charms on you through them. Idiocy, complacency, naivete, blind trust. All charms to make you all the easier to catch.
Knight knew he'd felt some manner of charm on his mind, leeching off his mana pool like some malevolent parasite. He'd known that something was making his mind betray him. He'd suspected it for a while. It was why he'd increased his protesting in the recent months, becoming yet more wary of everything.
Knight was vindicated, as he always would be, but felt only dread because of it.
"And now, you disobedient little fishy, you are all mine."
Of course there'd been things planted in his house. Of course they would cover it with all sorts of scrying runes. Artifacts to watch him, and discreetly work their magic on Darkest's stupid, naive, trusting, prideful, controlling mind! Darkest was an idiot to not realize what Knight always knew all along.
"Ready to begin? First, let us test your reflexes."
Of course the workers would sneak into Knight's room while he slept, planting all their devices all throughout it! The locks would never be enough to stop them!
Even now, they were probably-
Pure white forelegs trampled the air in the usual panic, and he fell gracelessly off his bare mattress, unpigmented mane swishing ever-so-slightly, as if it too was afraid of drawing unwanted attention.
The devices! WHERE ARE THEY?!
Knight searched the room in a desperate state of alarm. His hooves scraped against the wood floor, taking his body to the middle of it as his eyes frantically scanned the deepest recesses of the chamber.
Light. LIGHT!
Light flooded the bedroom by use of his magic on the switch designed to provide luminescence. The room was spartan, to say the least, barren of any furnishing save the lone mattress, which was unclothed by sheets of any kind.
No sheets. No blankets. No warmth. No big ponies.
There was also an insufficiently locked door, with only a few padlocks and nothing else to defend the room from intrusion.
Darkest says that locks are enough. He's an idiot.
There was once a closet in the room, one that would make it really easy for workers to hide things in. Luckily, Knight had ensured that was taken care of, and it was cemented off.
They've still put things everywhere. I'm sure of it.
Knight relentlessly scoured the room, ensuring it was free of any irregularities.
There can't be nothing! They must've done something!
Much time passed as he continued to study the room, but he finally realized that nothing had changed, and consequentially calmed down significantly.
Darkest breathed, glad to be in full control of himself and that his trained instinct had finally been satisfied. It does indeed usually take quite a while. Darkest lifted his mattress and continued his morning routine, submitting to the lengthy process that was getting his day started.
Hours later, he opened his well-stocked refrigerator, pleased to observe the many food-based gifts from both Fluttershy and Bon-Bon. Darkest levitated out a particularly appealing cupcake and bit into it happily, emitting a satisfied hum as the sustenance entered his needy stomach. Fluttershy did indeed say that I required more sugar in mine diet, and I can certainly feel the most palpable difference in my mana pool from it. Even dreary levitation is rendered much easier from the newfound freshness of mine mana! Darkest demonstrated this fact by bringing out several more food items and closing the fridge door with increased ease compared to when he was eating mainly vegetables.
Darkest had a delightful breakfast, gleefully partaking in the surplus of food located in his house. Absently chewing on a brownie, he glanced at the calendar in his pantry and noted the fact that it was a Monday. I shall need to head to the Boutique in short order. He focused, and felt a near lack of discomfort in levitating the last key from his bedroom over to him.
Shakily approaching the front door with the key held in his dull grey aura, Darkest closed his eyes and began breathing deeply through his nose. The exercises which Bon Bon taught me do often assist. Still with his vision obscured, the colt brought the key into the padlock and began to open it, attempting to remain as calm as possible.
The low thunk of the lock hitting the floor caused Darkest to snap to attention with his eyes peeled and ears perked forward, his left hind leg taking a large step backwards as all of them trembled. Observing no ponies on the street ahead of him, Darkest took several tentative steps forward and out the door, shakily studying his surroundings upon leaving the house. Nopony is out there. Just as the last few instances. With Knight furiously screaming through his mental space, Darkest began trotting down the street, closing the door behind him.
Darkest eyed the familiar alley for some time as he passed it, the rising sun casting its light and revealing the lack of a bit-purse hanging on the bare nail. Once he passed the alley he used to shelter in, the colt instead gazed about the street, relieved to observe the continued lack of townsponies. They have indeed become steadily more sparse in the last few months. All the more reason to disbelieve mine exceedingly obtuse instincts.
They're waking up.
Darkest shook his head lightly, increasing his pace as he turned to enter a larger street. Speak of the devil. As he cantered down the empty road and toward the southwest of town, the colt happened to glance up and catch sight of the newest addition to Ponyville. As far as castles go, it is quite garish, but at least it is quite unlike anything in Canterlot. Really, the structure is indeed beginning to grow on me.
The crystalline building was immense, towering over all the others and thus visible from all over town. It had appeared shortly after Princess Twilight won the fight with Lord Tirek, whom had attempted to take over Equestria a week prior. Darkest winced as he recalled desperately attempting to shield every pony he could from the centaur's mana-draining attacks before he turned his attention on the colt. The sensation of his mana pool being completely sucked dry had been greatly unpleasant. Knight had galloped about in a blind panic upon realizing he couldn't summon any more barriers as the protected townsponies clawed at the inside of their shields.
The sprinting had lasted until Bon Bon ran into him, cradling Knight in her forelegs as she softly sung a lullaby. That was when she taught me the breathing exercises. Thought Darkest, smiling fondly as he recalled the encounter and approached Carousel Boutique, still not seeing any townsponies. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, mine mana was restored and we had a new resident princess.
The pure white colt gazed up at the elegant building, still unable to decide whether to be impressed or repulsed at its architecture. It is markedly less offensive than the Pink Horror's abode, to be sure. Still, it is quite a bit more flamboyant than I would prefer, and I can see the Canterlotian inspiration in the design. Darkest did not believe that the ornate, foreboding beauty of Canterlot blended well with the happy, wild colors of Ponyville, but this was an opinion that he would never dare share with the proprietor of the establishment. Nay, I shudder to even think of doing such a heinous thing. Me, give critique to somepony else? The notion would be amusing were it not so horrific.
The unicorn shook his head once more and strode forth to open the door, ignoring his shaking hind legs and pinned ears as he did so. The slab of stained purple wood opened with nary a creak and he trotted inside the building, carefully closing the door behind him.
"Ah, there you are, Darkest! I was wondering if you'd bother to show up!"
The colt eeped and ducked into an apologetic half-bow, shrinking back in the expectation of a reprimanding swat to the horn.
"A thousand apologies, good madame! I swear on mine honor as a unicorn to never again be late to work! I accept whatever just punishment you deem worthy to correct my most grievous solecism. Please know that my anguish upon offending you knows no bounds and mine desire for repentance is equivalently immeasurable!" Uneventful moments passed before Darkest hazarded a timid glance upwards at his employer, who was tiredly rubbing at her temples with a white hoof, her red working glasses skewed to the side.
"No, Darkest." He flinched at those words, but the mare only sighed heavily. "That was quite rude of me, and I apologize. I'm quite stressed lately and dealing with some very demanding clients. Can you forgive me?" The purple-maned unicorn spared a glance from her papers to look at him expectantly, and the colt meekly nodded, trembling lightly. She does not act this way often, and is normally perfectly cordial, if a bit obsessed with my appearance.
You've messed up. She's going to attack.
That is indeed a possibility, if a faint one. I must tread especially carefully this day, so as not to aggravate her further. Darkest nervously swallowed in moderate fear as Rarity absently gestured behind her and at the fabric storage section with a hoof, turning her attention back to the notes she was going over in her aura.
"Good, good. Now then, would you kindly get started on organizing the fabric while I finalize these designs? We received several new shipments yesterday, and they need to be put in their proper places." The colt nodded and discreetly made his way over to the storage area, careful to make as little noise as possible so as not to further disturb the busy mare. Organizing is easy, and greatly satisfying as well! I find immense joy in placing originally disorganized materials in ordered positions. Finally, Darkest's shuffling brought him to the dedicated storage area, which was halfway between a room and a closet. Rarity had each fabric's placement memorized so she could levitate specific ones to her from all over the shop, and if they were positioned incorrectly, it would greatly impede her efficiency.
And there'd be Tartarus to pay.
Consequences or no, Darkest had carefully recited the order to himself until he learned the placement backwards and forwards, thus it was foal's play to use his levitation to begin sorting the labelled boxes into their respective containers. Minutes passed as the colt absently hummed the tune of Bon Bon's favorite lullaby, smiling as he recalled the many times she had sung it for him.
'Music' is truly a wondrous thing, and she really does have such a nice voice. Though, to be fair, it is no rival to Fluttershy's. That yellow mare's singing was something so heavenly as to be entirely astounding, and it left Darkest staring off into distant space the first time he heard it. It had taken Fluttershy a few minutes of shaking his shoulder to finally draw him out of his reverie, and upon returning to reality he was simply unable to find the words to describe the sound. As a matter of fact, I still do not think I have them. It is not often that I am left without appropriate words to detail something.
Darkest was most rudely brought back to the present when he encountered a curiously unlabeled box. It was heavy, too, and weighed at least three times as much as the others. His levitation was nearly insufficient to lift it, but the colt managed to bring it further into the air and study its underside. Mayhap they labeled it there?
Darkest jumped, panicking as the sudden noise startled him heavily and caused him to lose focus, dropping the box.
Thinking fast, he dove under it, planning to use his back to cushion its fall. He succeeded in the attempt as he felt its weight come crashing down, along with a burst of-
Knight scrambled under its weight, unable to stand. Luckily, the container was lifted in a bright blue field, and he skittered forwards to put his rump to the wall, scanning for more threats.
What he found was Rarity desperately investigating the inside of the box, sighing in relief as she closed and carefully rested it on the floor before looking at him with a cross expression.
Anger. Bad. Submit and obey. Reduce punishment.
"This is an extremely delicate, extremely expensive material. I had to import it straight from Saddle Arabia, and shipping costs from there are at an all-time high thanks to that blasted civil war!" Knight trembled at her near-shouting and cringed away, expecting the mare to angrily approach. She instead sat and rubbed her eyes tiredly before speaking in a much more subdued tone. "Oh, Faust, the stress appears to be getting to me. I should not be shouting at you. You did nothing wrong, and the fabric is fine."
The unicorn abruptly paused before rapidly standing up and raising a frantic hoof. "That reminds me, I have a meeting with the client in five minutes! Oh, dear, I must leave straight away!"
Rarity took off and galloped straight to the door, frenetically donning her coat and hat as she left the building while giving out a parting order.
"Watch the shop for me, will you? And don't let anypony near that cloth!"
With that, the mare was gone, and Knight was left taking heaving breaths as he cowered against the wall, blinking in confusion. Gradually and over much time he calmed down, largely thanks to the lack of any others in the shop, and Darkest shakily stepped away from the wall, giving the unlabeled box a sizable berth as he crept by it.
A well-dressed ponyquin caught the colt's attention as he shyly entered the dressing room, causing him to wondrously approach the figure. That dress is greatly pleasing to mine eyes. It was somehow distinctly Ponyville, and failed entirely to remind him of the noble wardrobe. Something glinted in the corner of his vision, and Darkest turned to gaze at yet another ensemble. That one also is especially beauteous. Usually, the colt stayed far from this room, as the fancy clothing brought forth too many bad memories, but these dresses were different enough that he could truly appreciate his employer's unique style. The stitching is unlike anything I have observed prior, and her color choices are nothing short of incredible.
The distant staircase caught Darkest's attention next, and he curiously approached it, head tilted in pondering. I wonder what the upstairs looks like? The white unicorn's caution was no match for his interest at the moment, and in short order he was ascending the steps, his white and slightly curled tail swishing to either side in the excitement of discovery.
Darkest's grin grew as he explored the upstairs, having only had a brief tour of the place beforehoof. He often giggled softly at any particularly amusing objects he came across, and his wonder increased as he examined yet more entirely unfamiliar things. The bathroom in particular was practically overflowing with bottles and containers of every kind, hardly any of which Darkest could put a name to, though that was largely due to his near inability to read.
Let us see... I do believe that that shape is indeed the letter 'T' The colt was squinting at a particular bottle he had chosen which was being held firmly in his forelegs. Fluttershy had begun giving him reading lessons--at his own request-- the weekend prior, and Darkest had determinedly immersed himself in the material.
He had nearly memorized the entire alphabet and each letter's respective noise by now, though all the different spelling rules for words still befuddled him. 'I' before 'E', except in essentially every other instance. Why can it not just be consistent? Still, the challenge excited Darkest, and he was happy to be learning something of his own accord. And through non-agonizing means, to boot!
The colt was startled out of his practice by the abrupt sound of a slamming door, which interrupted the previous dead silence of the building. He rushed out of the bathroom and down the stairs, just in time to see an ivory-coated filly with a two-toned pink-and-dull-purple mane rummaging through the as-yet unsorted boxes. She hummed triumphantly in a high-pitched squeaky voice as she held up some golden fabric that Darkest realized came from the unmarked box.
Thinking fast, Darkest speedily lit his horn and lifted both the cloth and the box from her vicinity, carefully placing the material back into its container and keeping it several feet over both of their heads.
"Apologies, good madame, but this fabric is not for anypony save Rarity." The filly whipped her head around at the sound of his voice, and she squinted at him with a disappointed frown.
"Aww, but me and my friends needed that to get our cutie marks in fancy fabric spinning!" Darkest winced heavily due to a combination of her displeasure, whiny voice, and improper grammar, but remained steadfast in his defiance of her wishes. Rarity shall have my head if so much as a thread goes missing, and dying has never been an option for me.
"Well, the lady's materials are off-limits even to myself, thus some random filly is most certainly not allowed access to them." The filly brightened, raising a hoof and looking slightly puzzled as he flinched back at the motion.
"But I'm Rarity's sister, Sweetie Belle! You must be Darkest. Rarity told me to stay away from you for now, so, um, sorry for not doing that. But I really need that cloth! I just know that one of us is gonna get our marks in this!" Darkest winced and bowed his head, his resolve already beginning to crumble as the box slowly lowered in elevation. The filly noticed this and gave him a hopeful grin, but the colt shook his head and flared his horn to raise it back up.
"My apologies, madame, but I simply cannot allow you to take this cloth. I am under explicit orders to deny everypony access, including mineself." The filly blew her cheeks out in indignation and stomped her way over to him, head raised high so as to look directly into his lowered, cringing gaze. With Darkest's head held at shoulder level and Sweetie Belle's elevated as far as it could go, her lime-green eyes were able to tower inches above his own.
"But we're so close this time! All we need is that dumb cloth and we've finally got our cutie marks! It's been months since we tried getting them and I can't let my friends down now!"
Anger. Must obey.
Darkest flinched heavily and lowered the box to the ground, opening it invitingly as he scurried back and away from the angry pony, dropping to the floor and raising a hoof to ward off any incoming strikes. Seconds later, the sound of rustling cardboard and silky fabric caused him to hesitantly peek past his foreleg and observe the filly gleefully pull the golden cloth out before dashing off. Darkest puzzledly lowered his meager defence and sat upright just as the unicorn came rushing back, a pair of scissors balanced on her back.
Cold dread settled in the depths of the colt's being when she sat by the opened box, muttering to herself as she fumbled with the scissors. She is going to destroy that cloth. Rarity will be furious with me if she does! The white-maned unicorn scrambled over to the smaller one, who smiled deviously as he approached.
"Oh no you don't! Don't come any closer! You're a bad colt!"
The anger was obviously faked, as she giggled directly after, but it still had the same affect on his subconscious, and Knight forced him to scurry backwards, whimpering in distress as he dove for cover.
"Wow, that was kinda easy."
Knight was forced to watch in pure panic as the filly cut into the fabric, separating and removing three uneven patches that were roughly square-shaped and filly-sized. She draped the ruined cloth over her back, said a parting piece, and exited the building, too excited to even close the door.
She shall be returned soon. Darkest was pacing a circle around the box, occasionally eyeing the destroyed fabric, but never able to do so for long as guilt forced him to look away. It was my fault. I am responsible.
You're gonna die.
I have spent the last few minutes in a blind panic, I cannot afford to do so now. I must create a plan. Darkest anxiously glanced at the door, his mental space teeming with grim dread and anticipation. He was shivering violently, all muscles tightened as far as they could, consequentially causing him to move stiffly. The unicorn could feel cramps starting to appear, but the pain wrought from those was nothing compared to the knowledge of what was soon to occur. I should just run. Dash off to shelter elsewhere.
Find Fluttershy.
Yes, indeed. She or Bon Bon could shelter me. Darkest shakily approached the front door, but was forced to duck to the side and out of sight when it abruptly opened, allowing a fuming Rarity entry to the Boutique.
"Why, the absolute nerve of that stallion! Refusing to reimburse the cost of his fabric like that! Doesn't he realize my business is going under!?"
Anger. Flee, get away.
Darkest discreetly slunk away from his employer, trembling with great fervor, but stopped in his tracks when he heard a small gasp from behind, anxiously turning to face the mare.
"Oh, Darkest, I'm so sorry for yelling like that. I know you don't exactly appreciate hostility." The colt swallowed and nodded, continuing to edge slowly backwards. The box is in plain view of her. All she has to do is shift her gaze slightly, but if I can block it from sight long enough...
"So, tell me, did you mind the shop as I told you? You didn't let anypony near that fabric, right?" Darkest was about to open his muzzle and respond, but froze when her eyes drifted to his left and widened.
Too late.
Dead silence reigned as Rarity slowly stalked over to the opened box, levitating the ruined cloth. Both ponies were trembling intensely, though for very different reasons.
Knight whimpered pathetically as the golden threads were dropped unceremoniously to the ground, and the mare stared off into distant space.
Then the screaming began.
Knight wove between an assortment of levitated objects, all whirling an a vortex centered on the enraged mare. Knight dodged several hurled supplies, each thrown viciously in his direction with great velocity.
Erupted from his rump as he failed to dodge a launched sewing machine. Knight cried out as he realized the storm of objects blocked the path out the door.
The assortment of weapons was all around him, every last thing in the shop turned into a tool for pain.
There's too many learning supplies. I can't predict which one will be used next.
You think you have discovered my patterns, filth!? Let us see how you fare now, with too many to anticipate!
A light grey triangular barrier sprung into existence right in front of Knight, just in time to block a slew of high-powered sewing needles from embedding themselves in his muzzle.
Knight foolishly made a break for the door and barely avoided a nasty-looking kitchen knife which severed a lock of his mane. He summoned another barrier as the hair was swept away by the wind speed, the shield intercepting a thrown ponyquin that he recognized as the one he'd marveled at earlier.
The inside of the Boutique broke down into a magical flurry, but Knight summoned a half-dome around himself and bolted for the door, shielded from all the learning supplies used on him.
Breathing heavily and with tears streaming down his face, Knight galloped down the street, leaving his barrier behind as he searched desperately for one of two ponies.
Where is she? Where are they?!
Knight gasped as his legs buckled, he observed several bleeding gashes and scrapes on them.
They're not too bad. I can make it.
Knight attempted to stand once more, and managed to limp into a nearby alley, his legs supported by naught but sheer fear and willpower.
He collapsed against the building's wall, whimpering softly as he drew his legs up against his body.
A prismatic-maned head peeked slowly around the alley's entrance and Knight froze as he watched it, eyes wide with dismay.
Cerise orbs blinked back before the mare took several steps toward him.
Knight scrambled backwards, crying out as his legs flared with pain, yet he still brought a foreleg up to ward off the attack.
"Uh, hey there, buddy. You...don't look so good."
Knight's legs buckled and he collapsed in a miserable heap, studying the cyan pegasus' every move.
When she attacks, I'll make a shield.
Something seemed to occur to the mare then, and she deliberately took a couple of steps away from him, closing her eyes and gradually laying down. She breathed slowly, resting her head on the ground as her ears flicked slightly.
Minutes passed, and Knight progressively clamed down as he continued to observe the mare's lack of further movement.
Finally, the colt sat upright, hardly noticing the familiar irony stench of fresh blood as he tentatively sniffed in the pegasus' direction. The faintest whiff of something quite pleasant urged him to scoot closer, until less than a half a foot separated the laying ponies' muzzles. The rainbow-maned pegasus smelled of petrichor, of cloudy skies and fresh rain.
So unlike the metallic rage of HIM or the sterilized cleanliness of HIS manor. It reminded Knight of fond times peacefully watching raindrops race down his window, assured in the knowledge that no further training would occur that night. That for the time being, he was safe.
Knight shuffled forward even more, lightly booping her nose with his own.
"Rainbow Dash."
The colt grinned at the cerise eyes as they opened wide in shock, his own white pair filled with compelled trust and then legitimate pain as his wounds made themselves known once more.
"So, uh, is it alright if I pick you up now?" Darkest nodded in assent with the request and reached his forelegs up as she stood, making himself that much easier to lift. Rainbow gingerly did so, ensuring she had his permission the whole while, and took to the air, awkwardly holding him against her chest.
Darkest exhaled heavily in what was both an appeased sigh and a tired yawn, pressing himself more firmly into Rainbow's barrel as she flew out of the alcove, occasionally gazing at him with an expression of intense surprise. He would have fallen asleep then and there, were it not for the throbbing pain in his legs and the sudden sound of a familiar voice.
"Oh, there you are, darling! I'm so sorry, I completely overreacted and I'm so asha-"
Knight let out a tortured screech and flailed about in his place, reaching both forelegs around to grasp Rainbow's neck, pulling himself around and onto her back. He crouched there, out of the line of sight of his grounded employer, and breathed heavily as the adrenaline left his system.
She can't get me here. She can't see me here.
Rainbow turned her head around to regard him with an extremely disturbed expression before addressing the mare below her.
"Rarity, I don't think now's the best time for whatever you're doing. Darkest just had a major freakout and he's been bleeding out for the past, like, thirty minutes. I need to get him to Redheart, and then we'll see about talking, okay?" The cyan pegasus left without waiting for a response, and Darkest calmed exponentially as they traveled away from his employer, relaxing on the flying mare's back with his dripping legs dangling to either side. "Anything you wanna tell me about that?" She asked as they slowed, approaching Ponyville General.
You can't tell. Rarity will be even angrier.
The colt numbly shook his head against her back, eyes drooping with exhaustion. Rainbow landed and began trotting inside the hospital, her ears twitching with worry.
"Oookay then, buddy. Let's see about getting you patched up then, alright?"
But there was no response, for the unicorn had passed out, a peaceful smile adorning his muzzle as he slept in safety.
That...seems extremely out of character for Rarity, even at her most histrionic. Any chance it was a hallucination and DK did it to himself?
Ah, to be sure it would indeed be out of character for canon Rarity. However, she has been under immense pressure for a while now, and is not at her finest.
If that's not enough, observe for me a rather conspicuous tag for this story up above. It is black in coloration, and is made of two words.
So, maybe this Rarity is significantly more violent under pressure.
Also, there is the potential explanation of Knight overexaggerating matters. It's obvious throughout the story that not everything he says is true.
Hope this helped!
That charm is going to wind up biting them all in the behind somehow, I just know it
So he perceives things to be different than what actually happened?
So Rarity never screamed at him, he just perceived it that way?
Not exactly: Something had to have happened to set him into such a panic, and for Rarity to feel the need to apologize later. While it's possible that Knight overexaggerated things, what matters much more than that is the affect it had on him.
Though be assured, what happened here will be clarified in the future.
SWEETIE BELLE!???!?!? WTF???!!??
I didn't like the way things were handled in this chapter tbh. I feel that Rarity could go off the deep end from stress but I don't think she would be one for inflicting physical violence on a child. Maybe she would browbeat and berate them verbally, but violence? I feel that's outside the realm of possibility.
It's your story though, I'm just making an observation.
This is true, and if you'll read further, it is revealed later down the line that things are not as they seem in this chapter.
I am SHOCKED by the huge time skip we just had. Like, one moment, they’re dealing with Discord, the next, Twilight’s ascended and her castle is there?! I have never been more genuinely surprised in my life than when I read that.
what the apsolute fuck rarity
Wait a sec!?!? Didn't Discord just attack???
I didn't know what surprised me more.... His seeming newfound trust in Best Pony or the fact that Beat Pony was actually able to emulate Yellow Quiet so well
Why does Rarity has to be a Dummy in this Fanfiction.
Well at least RainbowDash Helped him out, but at the same time SweetieBell did something Stupid 🤔
Okay, that lying down and doing nothing act HAS to be the trigger for the charm. Three times is more than a little odd!
wasn't it said that darkest doesn't know her? The earlier time something like this happened i thought i just misread or something but the second time a name is revealed in the same manner means he's the one saying it.
Big Timeskip.
I'm guessing that what happened is that Knight straight up hurt himself when he saw Rarity's fury, since he really seemed to believe that that was what's coming and that he deserved it.
We're approaching the point where the charm is going to be really detrimental. Rainbow Dash is hotheaded enough to really mess up Darkest Knight's trust. More worryingly, we just saw how easily and gleefully Sweetie Belle exploited Darkest's submissive nature, and if knowledge of the charm spreads, I could easily see someone exploiting it for their own benefit.
*who. "whom" can only ever be the object of a sentence, never the subject.
I hate saying things like "X isn't a word" but "mineself" isn't a word. It's just "myself", always has been. I wouldn't be so bothered by these mistakes if it wasn't a major story element that Darkest Knight was forced to learn 'proper' speech to the point that he finds improper speech intensely grating to his ears. With that in mind, I can't just stand by and watch you make him talk like Rouxls Kaard.
That rapid, jarring timeskip actually made me dizzy.