• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 5,696 Views, 222 Comments

Libero - Discombobulated Soul

Darkest Knight is an eccentric young colt with a curious aversion to others. Behind the closed doors of reality and psyche, what could be plaguing him? And, more importantly, are the citizens of Ponyville at all prepared to deal with the revelation?

  • ...

A Rather Memorable Party

Before him lay the gate he was to pass through. Beyond it was a party in which he was expected to be present. Below him, his heart had already plummeted to the center of the planet, and he had not even arrived at the door yet.

The building might have looked cheerful and friendly to some other pony, but to Darkest it was the most cruel, sadistic structure he'd ever laid eyes on. It seemed as though the Pink Aberration was determined to exist in a manner as contrary to his upbringing as possible. Not only was the noise constantly emanating from her muzzle completely indecipherable, but she chose to live in a house with architecture ripped violently straight out of a noble's night terror.

The heteroclite building's asperous windows glinted malevolently, as though winking in delight at the pain their uneven features wrought upon his hapless eyes. The peculiar speckled roofing style was severely cluttered and appeared structurally unsound to an alarming degree, not to mention its downright hideous brown color, rather reminiscent of feces in Darkest's opinion.

The white swirly framework around the top of the building, the horrendous tower protruding from the middle of the roof, even the flat pink and pasty white columns supporting the arch atop the doorway. All of it was not only an eyesore but also dreadfully unfamiliar. Darkest could not gaze upon the grotesque horror before him for more than a few seconds. Happily, however, he was able to simply avert his eyes, not being forced to endure as he had with the voices of yesterday.

Preferring to study the ground below him instead, Darkest reflected on the current situation and, more prominently, on what he could possibly have done differently in order to avoid it. He had had all day and the night prior to prepare for this, which was precisely why he was currently just outside the so-called 'Sugarcube Corner' bakery and not cowering on his bed inside a barrier of his own making.

The Pink Demon had ensured he knew just what would happen if he failed to show up to his own party, if her lowered tone and towering posture was indeed anything to go by. Though after that she had eventually realized his ineptitude with understanding her, and slowed her speech sufficiently for him to comprehend the directions and time of the celebration.

Darkest had never had much experience with parties. He vaguely recalled an assortment of suits and dresses walking around in The Ballroom before HE stopped hosting them, but due to the nature of Ponyville's citizenry, Darkest presumed this would be quite different.

He ultimately stepped forth and tentatively approached the pink door, accepting his doom and embracing the inevitable pain that would follow such an action. No, that is foolish. I have been over this. This town is in contradistinction to my former life. Trembling with great fervor, Darkest halted his forward progress just outside the door and resolutely opened it with his magic, determined, if not prepared, to succeed in this endeavor.

Beyond lay a brightly lit room, illuminated by strips of polychromatic lanterns hung from nails located near the ceiling's edges. Streamers were also held aloft by such means, drooping towards the floor much like Darkest's tail was, and at the far wall lay a gramophone, emitting some foreign sounds that were altogether rather pleasant to listen to. The sonance reminded him of the symphonies he occasionally was able to overhear through walls in his past life, though it had different tones entirely.

As he put one hoof inside with extreme caution, he observed a fold-up table on the right wall, with an assortment of treats and a bowl of punch resting atop the dark purple tablecloth. Finally, he brought his gaze to the ponies filling and milling about the room, and was surprised to count only nine in total. Darkest stepped fully into the building, shocked to find the decor rather plain and inoffensive, sans the lanterns and streamers. The guests didn't seem to notice him enter, so he softly closed the door and slinked his apprehensive way to the nearby staircase lining the wall in order to fully gauge the room's threat as a whole.

Finding nothing of note, Darkest began enacting his plan and approached the closest group of ponies, witnessing them gradually grow silent as they noticed his advance. Early that morning in between bouts of debilitating panic, he had constructed a plan of action for this day; he figured if he remained the object of attention--much as he hated it--for more than three ponies at a time, none of the party attendees would have the opportunity to attack. That is, unless the lot of them were hiding secret agendas, but Darkest found that unlikely.

He thought it was unlikely. He hoped it was unlikely. He prayed to Celestia and fate itself that it was at very least unlikely. Shaking his head lightly, Darkest finally reached the group. It is indeed showtime.

"And who might you be, little one?" His eyes bulged in utterly dumbfounded shock. The mare's voice was completely comprehensible, clear and concise. Her tone of speech, inflection, and enunciation, while slightly rustic, still carried the proper resonance which Darkest had grown up with. Finally, after so many weeks, he had come across somepony he could wholly understand, and whose manner of speech failed to leave his mental faculties writhing in agony.

It could not have been more mortifying.

"Salutations, good madame. It is indeed a most high honor to bask in your presence. As for your inquiry, I am called Darkest Knight, and I do believe I am he who this celebration is intended for, though I never suspected somepony of your excellence to attend such a humble gathering." And with that said, he expertly offered a thoroughly rehearsed bow, quivering with barely contained horror throughout the entirety of the performance. She is from Canterlot. Thought Darkest, nerves ablaze with the fire of certainty, She could be working for HIM.

Why else would she be here.

Darkest came out of his anxious thoughts in time to catch the tail end of what must have been a giggling fit, originating to his left. He turned his head there and observed as another mare placed a hoof similar in coloration to his own back to the floor and swish her swirly dark indigo mane slightly, tittering softly. "Oh my, what a gentlecolt!" Said she as she held out her other front hoof expectantly.

Darkest knew immediately what she requested, and just as expertly as before, performed a classic Canterlot noble greeting, lightly kissing her cannon bone. This white mare's voice was significantly more rural, despite her attempts to sound otherwise; she failed to aspirate her A's sufficiently, and she ended her statement too soon.

True nobles always dragged on their sentences as long as they could while still being considered proper, seeing as they craved and reveled in the sound of their own voices. Darkest decided that she must have admired the average Canterlot citizen's manner of speech and so ventured to emulate it. A desire he understood, considering the horrific mincing of words natives to this area utilized.

Coming up from the brief greeting with his legs stiff with fear, he studied the group circle he had joined more carefully. To Darkest's immediate right was a butter yellow pegasus who had shuffled away slightly and was hiding behind her long light pink mane while averting her teal blue eyes. He observed her shy posture and immediately deemed her the least likely to stab a sedative in his throat.

Beside the winged pony was the noble who had addressed him first, a purple unicorn with a two-toned steak running through her straight dark blue mane and tail. A rather atypical style for a noble, but mayhap trends have changed in the short time I have been gone. It would not be the first instance such a thing has occurred. I must be wary of her, lest she leap forth at any interlude. She was blinking rapidly, features set in a stupefied expression, as though she hadn't expected such an appropriate response to her simple question.

To her right and directly in front of him was Time Turner, Darkest's neighbor, who was observing him with an eyebrow cocked and a look of slight befuddlement adorning his face. "Well, I never suspected such a wild turn of events!" Said he in his signature intellectual tone, "And all this time I had presumed you were entirely mute!" Darkest blinked rapidly, but his training refused to fail him and thus he was instantly prepared with a sufficiently complimentary response.

"It would appear that there are yet aspects of the universe that befuddle even the highest geniuses ponykind has to offer, Sir Turner. Though I must confess I am not near an enigma worthy of your most precious time." That's right. Compliment them lots. Show 'em how high 'bove you they are. Make you into a worthless clod of dirt under their hooves in their eyes, but never render mine self vulnerable. It is just like I learned.

The statement earned a pleasantly surprised chuckle from the stallion and another titter from the white mare to his right. Darkest relaxed ever so slightly at the positive reaction. He knew the brown stallion preferred to be called by his given name from eavesdropping on a few conversations throughout his trips into town, though the earth pony often responded to 'Doctor Whooves' instead. Darkest was pleased and marginally emboldened by the fact that the gamble of calling him his genuine name had wrought such successful results.

A feeling that swiftly fled his mind once the purple-maned unicorn took a closer inspection of his physique and soon after recoiled in dramatic horror.

"Oh! Darling, your mane is absolutely horrendous! However could you possibly let it get in such a state!" She began wobbling on her hooves, much like he had been doing the whole time to a lesser degree. "Oh, the injustice! The indignity of such a well-mannered colt having to suffer through life with the pain of such a miserable appearance! Oh, the tragedy!" Darkest flinched away as the mare then summoned a pink chaise lounge and collapsed on it, sobbing hysterically.

Utterly unsure what to make of the new situation and utterly terrified to boot, he took slow steps backwards in a cautious retreat, trembling with nerves and barely able to restrain himself from tearing out through the door or casting a protective orb around himself. If I retreat, they will pursue me and intercept my course due to their superior legs. And if I cast my spell, they will have all the time they could imaginably need to prepare to capture me when it inevitably expires.

You're trapped then.

Not so, neither. I must keep as level a head as I can and pursue mine due course. If there exists enough witnesses, they are rendered unable to accomplish their mission. Darkest watched from a small distance away as the purple noble lightly cuffed the prone unicorn on the head. "Rarity!" She chastised in that pristine, polished, proper voice of hers, "That was very rude of you!" Her angered tone of voice combined with her noble manner of speech caused his hind legs to give a mighty twitch, nearly buckling under the strain of his memories. She sounds just like HE did.

"Um...are you okay?" Darkest's ear twitched at the soft cadence of a shy, demure voice. This was a new development, as the speech was neither reminiscent of Canterlot or gratingly painful for his eardrums. In fact, the sound was the least offensive one yet, and the first voice he had ever found altogether pleasant to listen to in his whole life. He turned his wide white eyes to the source of such a glorious sonority and found the yellow pegasus studying him with a worried frown.

"Pulchritudinous." Was all he could force out past the sudden dryness of his mouth and lump in his throat. Darkest was surprised to find he was nearing tears; he had not been allowed to cry in a long time and thought the capacity had all but fled his being. She seemed quite taken aback at the word, likely not comprehending its meaning. He cleared his throat with a polite cough, licked his lips in an attempt to moisturize them, and continued.

"It means gorgeous. Beauteous. Your voice, it is the most wonderful thing I have ever had the pleasure of listening to." Unlike the previous statements, these words were uttered with the utmost honesty, borne of his shock. Luckily, he soon re-donned his noble persona, straightened his posture, and added, "Apologies, good madame, for my outburst. I will have you know I am indeed well enough off. I thank you for your consideration and commend you on your kindness."

The pegasus was left blinking slowly, retreating back behind her mane as Darkest's manner of speech apparently confounded her. She murmured something under her breath that most unfortunately was completely inaudible. Having recomposed himself as best he could, he returned his gaze to the purple noble, who was accompanying the repentant unicorn.

"I am sorry, darling, it was quite uncouth of me to perform such an outburst, and at our first impression as well. Can you possibly forgive me?" She appeared genuinely remorseful, with a regretful expression adorning her face and ears pinned against her head. None of that mattered, of course; it was not as if he had any right or ability to hold a grudge, and she was justified in whatever actions she took.

"That is quite alright, good madame. I could not possibly be offended by such a trivial concern, less so by such a lady of your caliber." Darkest said, lying through his teeth and resuming his light trembling. Remember, scum, they're all 'bove you. However, his words seemed only to make the mare guiltier, and she deflated slightly before brightening and raising a hoof.

"Oh, darling, I've just had the most wonderful idea for how to make it up to you! I can help you get that wonderful mane back in tip-top shape! Oooh and I know just how I'll do it!" She began prancing in place excitedly. "Yes, I'll just need some of my specially made dry shampoo and my enchanted brush and then we can get that mane of yours looking positively pristine!" She squealed in ecstasy and immediately bolted for the door, ignoring his vehement protests entirely. Darkest's tail found its place tucked in between his legs as his ears lowered in dread. She plans to brush my mane, he grimaced, to say this is not an ideal situation would be quite the vast understatement.

"I'm so sorry about Rarity, err, Darkest, you said your name was?" Said the purple noble, her polished voice causing him to jump in fright before recovering. "She can get really caught up with appearances. I would know. Would you believe that when we met she stuck me straight into several dresses in an effort to improve my looks?" The noble's manner of speaking was befuddling to him; she used the proper tones and stressed her words to the correct degree, yet her word choices were less than impeccable, and she often used ones he had never heard before. "Of course, it's all part of her generous nature. That outburst was a little out of character for her. From what I know, at least. In any case, I'm Twilight!"

And with that she gave him a giant grin, cheeks straining with the effort of such an expression, as well as the pressure of her undercover mission. No, I do not know for sure yet. As a matter of fact, her aberrant word choices might evidence the proposition of her innocence. "Say, you're pretty eloquent for a foal of your age. How old did you say you were?" And there it was. Presumptuous nobles were often reluctant to ask for anything, including names. They preferred to demand their conversation partner remind them instead, at least that was where such a phrase originated.

"Sixteen," replied a new yet familiar voice from behind him, "'least that's what he sayid when we spoke yesterday." Darkest whirled around to face this new threat no, new pony. While simultaneously clenching his jaw from the pain her voice brought him. Ah, yes, the apple farmer. Stupendous. He flinched back as she narrowed her eyes and thrust a hoof at him. "Ah've been meanin' to have a talk with ya since then." She began digging around in her saddlebags, somehow still able to speak clearly--at least, as clearly as was the norm for her. "One of th' few thangs ah pride mahself on is mah honesty. Ya won' hear of Applejack cheatin' or stealin', not ever. Y'hear?"

He began stepping backwards once more, observing the noble from the corner of his vision don a befuddled expression as she eyed his glowing horn. When did that happen? "So, when a colt comes 'round and buys a bucket o' apples from me, leavin' behind an extra bit by accident, whad'ya think ah do?" Darkest, fully connected to that layer above all layers, was wholly prepared to cast a shield about himself to block whatever sedative or hallucinogen the mare was about to withdraw the second he saw what it was.

He was surprised, yet even more relieved, when all she retrieved was a single bit, tossing it towards him, likely expecting he catch it with his magic. A few awkward moments passed with the coin spinning in place on the smooth floor as he fumbled with the arcane energies, forcing the reluctant forces to change onto uncomfortable paths. Finally, the bit rose, lifted by the troublesome levitation spell, and Darkest cautiously forced himself to relax marginally.

"Good madame, I can only presume you would swiftly seek to remedy such a tragic situation. I thank you for your services and commend you on your candor, for such a trait is admirable and in too short a supply in this world." He gave another bow, despite the stiffness in his legs from residual fear. Applejack seemed initially baffled, but shortly looked more touched by the response, which Darkest considered a victory.

The purple noble spoke next, her purple eyes not deviating from his horn. "That must've been quite a powerful spell, Darkest. The mana-conduit spiral on a unicorn's horn only lights up like that when some pretty intense magic is being channeled! How'd you learn to handle such power at such a young age? It took me at least ten years, and my special talent is magic!" Fortuitously, he was spared from having to respond to such a loaded question due to the interruption of an indignant voice, this time coming from overhead.

"Twiiiiliiighhhtt! Can't you save the uncool egghead stuff for later?" Whined the raspy voice as it lowered to the ground. Darkest whipped his head around, observing the other ponies meander off in the process, and rested his gaze on a bright cyan pegasus as she leaned in closer to him. "Quick, I'll distract her, while you run and get a taste of Berry Punch's signature punch! Hurry! GO!" She urged in her rough tone of speech.

It is rather peculiar, pondered Darkest as he bolted straight for the fold-up table, legs eagerly pumping with pent-up adrenaline. Her voice is rougher than the others put together, yet it is somehow different enough to be interesting in stead of distressing. His instincts very nearly took him directly to the door, but he was able to redirect his path back to the snack table, passing a pair of conversing ponies. In any instance, I am grateful to be out of there, for I was down to two witnesses.

Reaching the table, Darkest found he was too short to see over the edge, and his inability to levitate objects not within his line of sight rendered him unable to partake in the sustenance. He had just about given up on quenching his still-dry mouth when a cream-colored earth pony with a two-toned, blue-and-pink curly mane approached.

"Hey there, little guy! Need some help, there?" Inquired she, reaching her muzzle up and over the table and out of his sight, presumably to prepare a glass of punch, but Darkest knew she could be doing any manner of other things. Her voice carried that distinctive rural flair he was beginning to associate with Ponyville, but to a much lower degree than Applejack, such that it was exceedingly tolerable. "Honestly, I have no clue why they make these tables so tall. Even us adult ponies have trouble reaching them sometimes!" His heart's pace reached a climax as she lowered her head to reveal the glittering, translucent container holding-

A simple glass of punch.

Darkest breathed in and then out in a futile attempt to calm his racing pulse. Still, she could have slipped any manner of things in there. There is no way in Tartarus that you are consuming that. Despite these thoughts, he bowed in gratitude and stated, "I thank you, good madame, for your gracious generosity in assisting me with this affair. You are truly too-" He was cut off at yet another puzzled look and raised eyebrow. It seemed he was on the receiving end of quite a few of those recently.

"Wait a minute," Said the mare as her eyes slowly lit in recognition. "You're that colt from yesterday who stopped the thief! I don't recall thanking you properly for that before you ran off. So, thanks for trapping him! As I said earlier, if you hadn't I'd be in a heap of trouble! It's thanks to you that he's currently in a prison cell, awaiting trial." She peered more closely at Darkest, his hind legs tensing heavily at the scrutiny. "So, you're Darkest Knight, then? I must say, that's a peculiar name for such a white colt." She cocked her head to the side. "Did your parents have a strange sense of humor?"


The word was almost entirely foreign, but Darkest could swear he had heard it somewhere before. Though for the life of me, I simply cannot come up with a meaning for it. He shrugged it off, dismissing it as just another strange word that the locals here threw around so casually, as though they expected everypony to know them.

"That is something I have been wondering about as well--er, darling, are you quite alright?" The unforeseen voice had blindsided him completely and consequently terrified him straight out of his wits. In the span of less than a second, Knight had lifted the tablecloth and dove under the table, shivering in the most genuine fear possible. No. Thought he. No, I shall not stand for this. I have had mine panicked fits earlier this day. I shall not simply hide away. Not now, when there is no confirmed treat.

The shaking lasted a few seconds more before Darkest was able to stand up, take a preparatory heaving breath, and stride out from under the table, noble persona engaged and in full intensity. Luckily, he was able to ignore the screaming protests from within his mind long enough to offer a reply, though he instantly forgot about the bit he had dropped in his frenzy, leaving it to lie there on the floor.

"Quite alright indeed, madonna, I thank you for your graceful inquiry." He was able to choke out through the fear clouding his voice. Rarity seemed not to take notice, but he did catch the return of the cream-colored mare's perplexed expression, even seeing an inkling of concern in her gaze, much like the yellow pegasus from earlier. Studiously ignoring this, Darkest continued in his wavering speech. "As for the enigma of mine name, that is indeed a story best reserved until a later date."

He then turned his attention to the spray bottle and hairbrush the white unicorn was currently levitating in her bright blue magic. "...must you correct my mane with such tools? I am certain there are a myriad of other uses for your time that are much better suited than this." He uttered in the shiest tone of voice he could, eyes betraying his utter panic at the mere thought of the mare coming anywhere near him with such instruments. That spray canister is most certainly filled with some manner of suffocating gas. And she could have hidden any number of magical needles in that brush.


For once, Darkest agreed with his instincts and obediently raised his hind leg in preparation to return under the table, hoping such an act would buy him the precious few seconds needed to cast his barrier. He was studying the unicorn with such vigor that he almost did not see the earth pony glancing worriedly between them, though his ear flicked when she spoke.

"Uh, Rarity? Maybe it'd be better not to-"

A horrific squeal of grim glee reverberated throughout the room, cutting the mare off. Darkest instantly recognized it as belonging to the Pink Horror, and pinned back his ears in preparation. Such an action was vindicated when an even louder exclamation echoed throughout the chamber.

"KNIGHTY'S BEEN INVITED TO THE GRAND GALLOPING GALAAA!" Darkest's knees buckled at the magnitude of the exclamation and he fell to the floor yet again. Fortunately, no further shouts arose. Even the pleasant ambiance coming from the gramophone had ceased entirely, leaving only ecstatic giggling and excited muttering from a collection of guests clustered around Twilight.

After a few minutes of him clutching his head in pain, he turned his attention to the gathering. By then, the rest of the partygoers had flocked to the noble and some were letting out cheers of excitement. Darkest cautiously made his weary way over to them, nerves all but shot through with the tension they had carried throughout the celebration. Reaching the group, Rarity noticed him first and turned to face him, eyes ashine with sparkles and wearing a look of extreme excitement.

"Oh, darling! You simply cannot pass up such a wonderful opportunity! You must come with us!" Darkest's body seized up with anxiety at the proposition, but he was still able to force an inquiry from between his lips.

"Good madonna, it would appear that you have taken my humble mental faculties entirely by surprise. If you would not mind, could you please explain what opportunity you are speaking of?" Fortunelessly, the unicorn was completely consumed in her ecstasy and seemed unable to respond or hear him in the first place. Fortunately, however, the cyan pegasus from earlier did take notice of his request, and promptly responded, flipping her prismatic mane to the other side of her neck.

"The Grand Galloping Gala! It's only, like, the single coolest party there is in the history of ever! You've gotta come, dude! The WONDERBOLTS are gonna be there!"

The Grand.....Galloping....Gala.....?

Darkest quirked an eyebrow, having never heard of such a thing before. "The Wonderbolts, you say? You'll have to enlighten me, I'm afraid, for I've never heard of them." The winged pony's jaw dropped to the floor at this, and an expression of what could only be described as indignation dominated her face as she dropped to the ground. He could faintly hear her muttering something under her breath, but his attention was encapsulated by the thrusting of a golden ticket in his face.

It was pristine and well-pressed, likely made with only the finest of machinery and magic. The font written across the front was immaculate, and Darkest recognized it as one of the ten or so different noble fonts. The ticket shined brightly under the sparkle of the noble's magic as she levitated it in front of him. Having observed all he could about the ticket, he brought his gaze to the unicorn noble and addressed her with only the slightest quiver in his voice. "H-how did this come into fruition, good madame?"

Her face was set in consternation as she eyed the ticket and then turned her gaze to-

What in Tartarus is that?

A purple and green thing with ivy green spines on its head was standing on its two back legs and returning his wide-eyed stare. The alien stood nearly exactly eye level with him, and gave a bewildered wave. Darkest was left blinking in utter shock, for he had never seen anything other than a pony exhibit such sapience.

"Well," began the noble, causing his attention to land entirely on the potential threat she presented. "I was just writing a friendship report letter to Princess Celestia about what I'd learned, and since she sent invitations to most of the town as a reward for helping free Princess Luna, she must have decided to-

"Invite YOU to THE MOST super-fun-awsomest-bestest-fun party EVER!" Interrupted the Pink Abhorrence as she lifted him in her forelegs and performed a brief spin, setting him down afterwards. Darkest had taken several steps back toward the door before he could stop himself, gritting his teeth in pain from her piercing, horrendous voice and fur stinging where she had touched him.

"Oh, darling, you simply must attend! I simply cannot allow you to miss out on this opportunity!" Exclaimed Rarity as the guests began to crowd around him. The stimulation was beginning to overwhelm Darkest's mental faculties, and certain partygoers began to shout out reasons for him to go, clamoring to be the one to convince him.

"Practically everypony will be there!"

"There's going to be a whole lot of dancing!"

"The train ride is paid for, you won't have to spend a bit!"

Darkest had just about bolted out the door, but he remembered that doing so would net him significantly less attention, which currently was a bad thing. I have no choice in the matter. I must attend, or who knows what they could do to me.

You've never had a choice.

Knight was correct, Darkest had never possessed any significant decisions all to his own regarding the direction his life took. In fact, before he managed to escape he had had precious few, including which raindrop won the race down his window, or what particular star he chose to observe shimmering in the glorious, enamoring night sky. And so it was that he, with great amounts of dread and finality, made his announcement.

"Very well ladies, you have managed to utterly convince me to attend, your skills in persuasion are unmatched and my meager resistance was simply inadequate. If I may be so bold as to ask one final inquiry, where is this grand gala held?" He was just able to force the words out, seeing as his quivering legs, heaving breath, pinned ears, and tucked tail were all conspiring to distract him. Most of the other ponies seemed confused by his question, a few looked highly concerned, and the Pink Horror simply stated in her trademark excitement:


Darkest's eyes bulged, and for the first time that day, he froze completely, his body entirely still and his mind iced over with dread such that only a singular thought was able to penetrate. The thought did so with such force that it drowned out all other stimuli entirely, repeating sequentially inside his mental space with the same relentless power, volume, and insistence Knight eternally carried.

What've you done, Darkest?