Apple Bloom having failed her equestrian government class takes 1 on 1 tutoring from Twilight Sparkle. In there in-depth discussion of equestrian law they discover lots about quirky old laws. One such law bans Earth Ponies from preforming zebra magic. Bloom then goes out of her way to learn said zebra magic from the forbidden section of twilights library. Can she keep her new found powers a secret from her mentor the princess of magic?
New zealand = New zebraland...
love it, as a kiwi this makes me happy
I like theorycrafting and worldbuilding as much as the next guy (and probably a bit more), but if you're going to build an entire story around it, you really need to present it in an entertaining and engaging way. You throw a lot of information at your audience in this story, but it's presented in such a straightforward way that it almost feels like a lecture. On top of that, the numerous mechanical errors made it hard to follow along, making for an overall difficult reading experience.
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