Sunset is taken by Yautjas and trained like a Predator.
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heh. makes me wonder if these Yautja have made friends with other races that are just as strong as them?
Okay. Let's finish this up. Noticed you updated your story with two chapters in one day. Interesting.
I also find the title interesting. I know I used something like it in at least one of my stories. If you encounter that later on, maybe this will ring a bell.
So a very public location. Were it not for the cloaking technology, that's one of the options to virtually ensure one is spotted.
But I think Canterlot isn't actually the most densely populated city in Equestria. Others like Fillydelphia and Manehatten are. Basically, any earth city that is Equestira's equivalent is the most populated. Canterlot may be the capital of the city, but not the most populated. I suspect it's too expensive for most to live there. Those who can endure that cost easily are the wealthy elite, and therefore that city has a higher percentage of that than most. I still think they are in the minority, but higher percentage compared to other cities.
Also, you ended that last sentence in the paragraph above with a comma rather than a period. Fyi.
So kind of a savage hunter aesthetic. Well, that's no lie. I got to say there are many in a city like Canterlot that would gasp then lift their noses high in arrogance at that kind of display, but not Celestia. She has different standards. Whatever her attitude is towards a given subject is, at least she focuses on the subject straight on.
Oh shit! The cloaking was not engauged before this point? Oh boy.
Called it about the nobles' reaction, although maybe she should also elicit more curious stares too. The vast majority of this world has never seen humans before. That and her husband.
While it is interesting to contemplate the possibility that Celestia may accuse him of being "an ugly motherfucker", that frankly isn't Celestia. If she feels threatened, I could see her narrowing her eyes and raising her wings, but negative name-calling is beneath her.
This is the third time you kind of repeated this, but the last two times you used the word "nervous".
Just imagining him de-cloaking as he steps forward gracefully but also with an air of strength.
... who didn't blink, flinch, or make any reaction that would possibly entertain the teasing Rainbow Dash (if she were here).
Wouldn't it be logical, especially if they felt their princess was being threatened, for the royal guards to attempt to stop them?
And Luna is asleep, right?
Nevermind what I said above.
But okay, if they are here and not dismissed, they should react to this conversation in some way.
When did Twilight appear in this scene? This is the first mention of her here that I can tell.
Three bombs in one sentence. BOOM!
Princess of Love.
... That's why I am parading him off to the leaders of this country's government body right now. I really like to break the rules as my mother may clearly recall.
So she's now an enemy? Sleep light, Candy.
Yikes! This is blunt to the point of being rude.
Man, so these things can translate for everyone now. they should have used this a long time ago.
She already said this.
Part of me is wondering where Shining Armor is, but perhaps he's back at the Crystal Empire.