• Member Since 27th Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen Sep 14th, 2023



Joseph found himself laying in a field of grass with a new body and gender. Aware of his new capabilities, how will his Fear trait help him through his new life?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 7 )

This seems like a good idea it's just the pacing is going a bit too fast but that may be intentional so all I can say is make sure that ferris has some sort of restraint

Thank you for the advice. I wasn't sure if I was going too fast. I'll try and slow it down. Any tips you could share would also be appreciated.

no problem also I had a question, isn't betty suppose to be bete because that's how it was spelled in glitchtale from what I can remember but maybe I'm remembering things wrong.

I thought they gave them self the cover name of Betty while trying to blend in.

I hope to see more =)

it a god story keep up the good work

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