
Flash Magnus tells Rockhoof about what was lost when the Royal Legion became the Royal Guard.


my G story for Pride Month 2022. it's still Pride Month somewhere!

for every comment downvote in this fic's initial run, $5 will be set aside to commission more M/M stories for FimFic. happy Pride Month! :)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

High quality title

High quality stallions

I didn't expect that ending, but hey, it totally works! Good for them, finding solace in each other.

Modern ponies seem so much younger than they oughtae be.

I really like this line! It sums up so much of this tension between past and present. That Magnus and Rockhoof don't exactly resent the innocence their sacrifice bought, but also find it difficult to relate, to cross the gap of who knows how many generations. Good stuff!

CGen #2 · Jul 2nd, 2022 · · 2 ·

Minor nitpickiny lore detail, but I do recall that Flash Magnus was shown fighting with mares in the relevant flashback/story episodes - it does seem that Equestria always had an egalitarian fighting force.

But this is a cute story for something so short! I always felt the Pillars were undervalued in the show, and could have focused on them all more even after the Rockhoof episode. The decision for Flash to keep the single hoof guard/greave in his 'modern outfit' is quite an interesting look too, something I think anyone else would have done in the same position.

I do feel that the tension between them could've been stronger though, there's a lifetime of experience behind each of them. Magnus has to talk about it because those were his own, but between them words alone can feel flat. Thoughts, feelings, expressions, and actions within and in-between dialogue can help things feel much more real. The dialogue was fine alone, but it could be better with more to show what each sees and thinks in greater, personable detail.

Would you be interested in continuing this?

As far as I know, no culture was ever as gay as the ancient greeks, so I'm 100% on board here. Like, we literally named gay ladies after an island in the area.

Howdy, hi~!

Loved this. The little details were great and I always love me some gay Flash (of both varieties). This was super short and sweet, if a bit bitter on the lost love Magnus has. Excellent story, thank you~!

augh ty so much! i am so happy i found the title, and yeah, i am really digging Flash Magnus who was just a featureless blank slate to me before this story. can't imagine him with anypony but Rockhoof now!

Minor nitpickiny lore detail, but I do recall that Flash Magnus was shown fighting with mares in the relevant flashback/story episodes - it does seem that Equestria always had an egalitarian fighting force.

i actually only realized that on looking up screencaps! but for this and all the other stories in that episode, i see it as the modern-day characters imagining the historical stories filtered through the modern lens. (alternatively, mares and stallions do both serve, just in segregated units, so that could explain it too)

The dialogue was fine alone, but it could be better with more to show what each sees and thinks in greater, personable detail.

i agree! i am sad because this ended up being the most rushed of my four fics, since the idea only came together on the very last day. there are a lot of ideas i wanted to fit into this, and i wish i'd taken longer with it, to make the conversation flow and connect better.

Would you be interested in continuing this?

yes! both with a direct sequel and a longer fic that dives deeper into Magnus's past, alternating with his difficulties adjusting to present-day Equestria. really excited to develop these ideas!
so true, Flash Magnus's backstory is very, very gay
so glad you like it! i think i will definitely have to work Flash Sentry into the modern-day scenes in the fic that goes into Flash Magnus's past and trying to adjust to the present, because i, too, love both varieties of gay Flash

Lovely stuff, especially the interaction between the two veterans of the Pillars, and the ones who seem to have lost the most in the timeskip. Meadowbrook and Somnambula had homes waiting for them. Star Swirl's never really been tied to one time or place. Stygian found far more than he lost. Mistmane... hard to tell there, but she definitely settled in well in the Crystal Empire. But Rockhoof lost his people, his home, his entire culture. Flash saw his warped beyond recognition. It's hard to say which is worse.

(There are some lore issues, as have been noted, but I'll happily gloss over them for the sake of the prompt.)

Excellent portrayal of two battle brothers bonding. Onto the B!

Mfw Bike can’t ever let the gays be happy

this is beautiful. thank you for writing it

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