This story is a sequel to The Hearth-Warmers of Canterlot High
After a fun-filled Winter, which included a dramatic snowball war and a souffle, Sunset Shimmer is hoping that this Spring will be a mostly peaceful one.
Given all the adventures, mishaps, and mayhem (magical and otherwise) that she and the Rainbooms have gone through, who could blame her for wanting the break that they have been enjoying to last a little longer?
Life, as if responding to that desire with a snicker, sends the girls revelations, mysteries, magical antics, and blasts from the past to test them and their friendship at every turn.
Sunset will wish she hadn't jinxed things.
Current Spot in the Friendship is Worth It Timeline:
When Life Gives You Snow...
Holidays Unwrapped
The Hearth-Warmers of Canterlot High
Spring Surprises
Its a decent story so far goodluck with the rest of it.
Thanks for the comment, man! I'll be working on this story whenever I can. I'm excited to write it, let me tell you.
That was a good chapter goodluck with the next one.
That was a good chapter goodluck with the next one.
Thank you! I'm not abandoning this story, even though it is going to be a big chonker of a tale by the end!
What's the violence tag for?
That tag is to account for a later part of the story.
Glad to see you giving it another go!
That was a good chapter goodluck with the next one.
That was a good chapter.
A moment of respite and contemplation! It's rare to see characters discuss their issues in a mature and healthy way. This really felt natural and organic for them, since it's definitely something I'd imagine seeing the Main 7 doing in the show. Mental health is not often brought into conversation, since it seems like a topic ladened with landmines and awkwardness. So its nice to see the friends bring it up in a wholesome way.
Also, loved the way Rarity began with her talk of fashion disaster tantrums! That's So Rarity.
Looking forward to more CMC goodness, GJ. ^^
I'm glad you finally managed to catch up on this story, as it is a long one (and it's gonna get longer)!
Mental health plays an important role in what I want to do with this story and Friendship is Worth It as a whole, so I gotta tackle it carefully to avoid spreading misinformation or bad lessons. Sunset and Twilight are usually the go-to characters for fanfic writers when dealing with mental health (Wallflower too in some cases), which makes sense, given their past. But, when the whole darn band is involved... oh boy, I'm gonna have fun with this!
I'm looking forward to showing off the next chapter.
Oh! That was such a smart way to use logic with the journal. And it's great to see Sci-Twi learning to meditate and work on herself a bit as well as Sunset having such a strong support group. Lots to unpack and discover, like the mystery someone/someones hiding in a distance, or what could've happened to Twist. Thankfully, I'm getting around to reading this chapter just as the next one became available. Time to exploreitate.
I don't know what it is, but everytime I hear an inner voice speak, I can imagine it so vividly. Having both of the inner demons speak here was very apt considering the situation with Twist. Also, is that comment about the 4th Pirates movie your own? I personally thought it was pretty good. Looking at the effects is always a marvel, and while the story was not as grounded as the previous 3, it still managed to make interesting characters and a decent tale around them.
Oh, I'm looking forward to when the CMCs can take time to connect with the princess.
By the way: Princess Twilight never really talked with the Canterlot Movie Club in the show, did they? Looks like that's changing in this tale.
As for our mysterious eavesdropper... hehehehe. Oh, that detail will be so much fun to expand on later, I'll just say that!
I'm glad you reacted so well to the dark inner voices in the minds of Sunset and Twilight, given how important they are to the story. As for the little comment about Pirates 4, that is both Apple Bloom's and my own. I have not watched the fourth or fifth movies yet!
Knowing the CMCs, they'll probably run a double-feature screening of the two films ASAP! lol
I don't know if this answer is accurate, but I think the canoe came from 'Legend of Everfree' since the part of this chapter has the boat ride taking place at a river near Everfree Forest.
You got that whole hippie-speak down pat! Enjoyed every bit of dialogue with Tree Hugger. Her role in this reminds me of the wise mystic archtypes, and that totally fits her. A bit like Zecora even. I wonder how they’d get along.
Adored that part with Granny Smith! It only makes sense that she could sense the trouble brewing in AJ’s heart. It made for a really sweet moment. Also, good to see the young six joining. Can’t wait to see how you characterize them! And I don’t mind the movie references, especially when they’re the stellar and super memorable ones like Oogways. Fits the moment too. It only makes sense for the CMCs. Other than that, I really like the direction you’re taking in world-building around the magic that was introduced after Sunset. Expanding and building on what was only hinted at in the few moments we got to see of the movies and specials, and given it’s its own twist. Lots to still unpack like the shared demon. Or even the CMCs latent potentiality. But for now, I’m finally caught up on this one and I’ll have to make some time later for The Great Crusade. Sorry it took so long to reciprocate your story GJ! You wouldn’t believe half of my work-related fiasco that’s been going on since November of last year!
First of all, YOU LIVE! Seriously, I'm glad you're okay, man.
Second of all, I had to look up what is essentially the hippie vocabulary to make sure that I got Tree Hugger's dialogue right without falling into tropey traps. I'm glad that I seem to have that right at least.
I'd imagine she and Zecora would get along quite well.
Yeah, Granny got that old Apple eye that's been sharpened by experience. Of course, she'd catch trouble in a heartbeat! Oh, I've got some plans for the Young Six (notice that I switched Sandbar for Gabby of all characters), Magic in the Human World is going to be interesting to say the least, especially to our resident nerd and her pony pal.
Just read and am enjoying the story. Looking forward to reading more.
Thank you so much! You started reading the tale at a great time, as things are about to heat up.
I will enjoy writing the next chapter, given what's coming.
Just caught up with this story, oh dear me, its about to go down, Gilda better watch herself, i dont like the idea of the Student 6 turning on the Rainbooms when they just met.......with how twisted Gilda is
I've been working on the next chapter and I'll simply say that the encounter between the two groups will be... interesting.
Why do I get the feeling when Gilda tries to throw down with the CMCs, its gonna involve Sunset and the getting ideas here!!!, im actually surprised at Gilda for keeping things to herself....mind-boggling at its finest, hope the CMCs movie screening goes well, oh nervous and excited for more
I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far!
Gilda's certainly an interesting rage-filled piece of work. Dealing with her won't be an easy feat for our heroes.
But who has she come to see though?!?!
Jesus Christ!
Oh my!
soon..." he*
ways?" Asked Cinch,*
walked over to the door,*
Sure wasn't expecting all that in a prison cell.
Whatever is coming... it's bound to disastrous.
keep the room slightly lit,*
Must be their version of Saving Private Ryan.
Something tells me it 'might' involve the friendship school.
Kinda surprised you didn't mention the home Sunset has in the series.
Also, I feel like this should be spaced out into a few separate paragraphs over a ginormous one.
Guess that confirms her friends don't know where she lives...
rat!" She*
var-" she*
finishing; "What*
Her outfit is called a peplum dress.
They will soon with your current situation.
here..." she*
her voice reduced*
sure," said*
ladder having fallen*
Pinkie!" Said*
No turning back now.
Ok then, that explains my earlier question!
Applejack brought her hand*
Acres!" Noted*
home!" She*
A little bit of context:
Spring Surprises started off as the first fanfic I had written in literal years. So, that long-winded paragraph was born from a ton of rust I was trying to shake off!
Man... looking at these old chapters takes me back!
Well, guess that confirms the door lead to a basement.
family..." said Sunset,*
It was a good thing she did too,*
Pinkie!" She*
Still doesn't explain why there's a chest of it locked up in an abandoned house Sunset began living in months prior.
horrors!" Noted*
Ngl, that wasn't too bad.
you..." said*
y'all!" Exclaimed*
sillies!" Exclaimed*
You better, or we'll be screwed!!!
idea." She*
I feel the same when looking at my stories I published here.
enough to carry three people.*
for a bit beduds they*
house!" Exclaimed*
darlings!" Exclaimed*
had been curious about for some time,*
haven't we?" She*
want." Fluttershy noted softly, more to herself than to the others.*
colts." Sunset*
them?" She*
Wait, in this story she's from CPA!?!
Gilda.p," noted Sunset,*
I!" She*
time..." she*
me?!" Shouted*
straw that broke*
Egg-Light." Said*
That's the last thing they'd want to do!!!
keep the girls safe,*
Is she referring to Anon-A-Miss, or something else?
finger at the CMCs,*
sorrow became more*
story..." she*
now." Demanding*
With a satisfied grunt,*
as Apple Bloom,*
The rest of the journey was quiet,*
her fist onto the table where she and the other Rainbooms*
Dash!" Exclaimed*
sis," responded*
choice." Was*
are," Sunset*
there..." whispered*
Apple Bloom thought*
by the waitress,*
Seems like AJ wasn't hungry.
How sweet.
too!" She*
darling." Was*
sugarcube," deadpanned*
am!" was*
As her rage gave way to calm.*
I think you might have misunderstood something here:
Gilda's behavior reminded Sci-Twi of her... less than stellar time in CPA. I fixed up the wording a bit though, since it wasn't entirely clear!
EDIT: Also, I kinda forgot about mentioning AJ when the food was ordered! That was a rookie error (so sorry, Applejack, you are not a background pony/human!). I made sure to fix that error too.
No worries.
I'm guessing they don't have a guest room if Sunset's stuff was put in Dash's room.
ever!" They*
Biceps!" Sunset*
Also, I find it a bit odd they're both wearing headphones to talk with each other despite they're both in the same room.
beginning!" Rainbow*
again!" Sunset*
earth!" He*
yet," she*
what?" Asked'Rainbow,*
shot," was*
about?" She*
Idk why, but that dream she had is starting to make me feel worried.
Good on them for not embarrassing their daughter in front of Sunset.
guess!" Was*
such a beautiful song!"*
awesome!" She*
farmland..." she*
Lmao the emperor's new groove reference!!
see," she*
This is gonna be a long day...
It's obvious they're thinking back to the memory stone incident.
I." Sci-Twi*
careful!" Whispered*
Rares..." Applejack*
darling," said*
her..." Rainbow*
none." Applejack*
Same here AJ.
Sunset," she told her*
Not me, I'll never forgive her!!!!!!
part," noted*
see what was going on and put*
I've seen worse, it's not entirely bad.
boring!" Rainbow*
Already had mine raised.
Make that 4.
I never liked her from the start!
make her feel more*
Kinda sounds to the word cute. It can mean something good and bad.
fear? Joy?*
Every Rainboom present*
for," she*
darling," was*
it's origin-"*
tut!" Rairty*
I'm guessing that's their version of French?
WHAT?" Yelled out Trixie,*
finished, her head had*
"No!" Wallflower*
start!" She*
Juniper Montage,*
If eqg wasn't canceled following the end of G4, I could've clearly seen it happen.
Sunset's thought*
flash!" He*
"Eleven!" She*
Stone?' Inquired Flash.*
"Nope!" Answered*
again!" Said*
Sphinx?" Asked Twist.*
warm!" Exclaimed*
Sweetie Belle,*
Sweetie Belle*
awesome!" She*
Tavi!" Exclaimed*
people!" She*
And the cat's out of the bag!
as she told them*
notion!" Exclaimed*
I myself did that a few times in my book.
That feeling when you buck up a character's name!
She had it coming.
best," said*
Wondercolt friends had recommended*
specific Wondercolts.*
Sure didn't expect Big Nac to be one of them.
nuts..." was*
Probably the second one Sunset.
gloves?" She*
fit it in a*
shape!" She exclaimed.*
pardon?" Deadpanned*
Pretty much.
imagine," was*
AB!" Exclaimed*
form!" She*
Sweetie." Declared Rarity,*
plumbing." Sci Twi*
You can say that again.
]"Weeeeeee!" She cried out.*
today," she*
"Wait..." she*
sharply turned her head*
sitting on the sidewalk*
trips!" She*
y'all!" Exclaimed*
I know they appeared in a previous chapter, but it still doesn't explain why they became a part of CMC?
I still want to know what the gift they gave her was!!!
Apart of myself has something in mind, but I have my doubts it'll happen.
they?" She*
https://m.I happen to know something else named Drilldozer.
bone!" Exclaimed*
door opened behind her,*
AWESOME!" Exclaimed*
too," said*
up," she*
It is Dash.
meeting..." she*
Promise?" Asked*
ready to talk about that yet."*
RD." Sunset*
SunShim!" Exclaimed*
Your reaction to that scene with Gilda's name was priceless! The CMCs tend to go the distance when they set a goal for themselves, even if it means getting into danger to get it done.
That is one strong arm she's got!
Tell them what?
Had a feeling it was her. :
Time twirler*
Still doesn't explain why they needed the candles for a monthly check in?
she'd?" She*
Now I understand why she was nervous earlier.
perhaps?" Chimed*
I have a good theory who it is, but I think I'd rather wait to find out.
Another Time Turner spotting! "X-Files theme plays in the background"
I'll fix that soon. :D
no need to rush.