• Member Since 5th May, 2022
  • offline last seen May 15th

John Lock

Comments ( 7 )

Son of Lobo!? Oh, the brutality he's going to bring.

Lame, and Lobo has a daughter not a son.

Also, no ponies.

Having Fourth Wall Breaking like Pinkie Pie, Deadpool, Gwen Pool, and Sans themselves?

This will get Wacky!


One; I didn't know Lodo had a daughter. But, this is a fan story. So he could have a OC Son too.

And secondly; You mean not having them appearing in the first chapter? Or not having them be Kobo's bitches in his harem?

Dude. Stories have been deleted because the first chapter doesn't have enough MLP in it. Or any at all in some cases. It's right there in the site rules as well.


Okay, I remember that one. I mean, I literally said on not having ponies appearing in the first chapter.

Your cover art looks like what brutal legend should have been.

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