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School Daze Pt 2

Previously on Sonic & MLP: A New Home

This happened while we were gone?

I think so, but honestly I’ve never been here before.

Friendship quests beyond Equestria?

We're gonna open a school!

We expect you to do things by... the... book!

We have a huge responsibility, and I need you all to do this by the book.

These ponies are the heroes of Equestria?

This is just a quick... mental health break.

The school is under attack!

Those are students?

Hey isn’t that going a little too far!?

What is that thing?! Another one of your students?!

I am shutting this school... down!

End Recap

Sonic ran at incredible speeds through the town of Ponyville, passing by most of the residents who jumped in surprise of his sudden pass by. He also ran past the Mane Six before sliding to a stop and running back towards them.

Sonic ran with his fist forward as he then ran through the school hallways entering different rooms, it then showed Sonic and the Mane Six standing in front of the students who walked into the school.

The CMC high hoofed, as a figure opened their eyes with a glare, while Celestia looked at scroll worried, to which Sonic ran with determination before shrugging nervously.

Chancellor Neighsay looked furious, while Sonic jumped from nowhere and grabbed hold of Starlight’s hoof running with her, it then showed Cozy Glow who flew alongside the CMC.

Sonic then ran through the Castle of the Two Sisters, barley dodging a sword that was swung by a hidden figure.

Sonic was seen standing before he rushed off to the side. Sonic then jumped at something with his arms spread out. Sonic then ran really fast to where his legs had become wheels before blasting off down the train tracks.

Sonic was seen hanging out with Discord, to which it showed him dancing alongside the Young Six, then showing multiple moments of him fighting the mysterious figure. He then hugged Celestia and Luna at the same time who smiled.

Sonic dodged arrows by moving left and right, it then showed him playing guitar alongside Vinyl and Octavia, before showing him jumping off of a house.

Sonic did a midair flip, but then joined in with the Mane Six and all of the students within a picture that showed them all together.
(End song)

Chapter 2: School Daze Pt 2

Castle of Friendship: Sonic’s Room

The Blue Hedgehog had been sitting on his bed for what felt like hours, he didn’t how long he was sitting there but all he knew was that this whole school idea fell apart, not just from the rulebook Twilight had followed and the EEA but also him.

He along with his brand new friends were the cause of the school getting closed down, to which he didn’t blame them for it, how were they supposed to know any better. He had been watching the Ponies from afar for awhile, and had secretly inter grated into its society recently with knowledge of what it was like.

Maybe he should go meet up with his mom and just stay with her for awhile, while also getting to know her a bit more. But these thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of knocking, but they weren’t coming from the door rather from above him.

He looked up at the window and saw the familiar face of a Hippogriff, it was Silverstream in flesh right above him smiling and waving down at him getting his attention.

With his full attention he quickly jumped up towards the window, and opened it standing on the small portion of roof the castle had, staring at the Hippogriff in disbelief. “Silverstream?! What are you doing here? Didn’t you get taken back to Seaquestria after what happened?” He asked with a curious brow.

The Hippogriff continued to smile at him. “Yes I did but just like the others, we didn’t want to stay apart so we all left and found a really cool place to stay!” She explained in a quick manner which Sonic managed to catch without problem.

“Woah that’s awesome! But why did you come to me?” He wondered pointing at himself.

“Because we want you to come as well, after all we were all involved in that fiasco at the school so there’s our reason!” Her explanation made Sonic smile slightly, but he then looked back down at his room thinking heavily weighing the options.

He could leave to run off with his new friends, but it would mean he’d leave behind his best friends and his mother. But on the other hand he could stay and feel miserable about what happened, which allowed him to make up his mind right then and there.

“Alrighty then I guess I’ll go.” He declared making Silverstream’s smile grow wider.

Castle of Friendship: Twilight’s Room

Meanwhile in another part of the castle the Princess of Friendship, was hiding underneath many pillows with Shame, Guilt and Sorrow.

She had messed up big time with this whole opening a school idea, if only she knew how the EEA would act towards other creatures she would have taken extra action to prevent a problem, she also thought back to what her friends said about Sonic and she felt a whole lot worse knowing he considered her his best friend.

Aside from his mom which was obvious for many reasons, and she had done very little to actually help him at all because she worried of what the EEA may think of him.

The music of her phonograph continued to play a sad tune showing her emotion, suddenly the door opened to reveal a familiar Lavender Dragon popping his head into the room. “Twilight? You feeling okay?” He asked her with concern only to receive a muffled groan in response.

He walked into the room turning off the phonograph, he then grabbed the first pillow in front of him only to see Twilight crying with a tissue box, a bunch of used crumbled up tissues and a small puddle of her tears.

She made another groan this time sounding incoherent, she then grabbed the pillow from Spike and placed it right back where it was sitting moments earlier, covering her face.

Spike sighed climbing onto the bed. “Look on the bright side. Sure, the EEA closed your friendship school. But now you've got time to do other stuff! It's like being on vacation!” He explained in optimism trying to cheer her up, he rested his arms behind his head feeling relaxed with a smile plastered on his face.

Only to get knocked off when Twilight rose up pushing the pillows off the bed, with a messy mane and eyes she looked down at her Dragon friend who face back up at her. “A failure vacation! I'm supposed to be the Princess of Friendship! And all I did was make enemies with Equestria's allies, upset my friends, and get my school...” Her eye twitched for a second. “...unaccredited! There is no bright side!” She exclaimed dramatically before flopping back down onto her bed, causing more pillows to fly off.

She then grabbed a tissue from the tissue box with her magic, blowing her nose loudly. Spike however had another plan, “Okay, then. I'm gonna need backup.” He smiled.

“Operation Cheer-Up is a go!” He called out towards the door, to which Rainbow Dash flew in opening the curtains of Twilight’s window allowing the sunlight to shine in.

Twilight however still looked miserable proving so by blocking said sunlight, with her wing. “Come on, Twilight! You can't sit around in the boring dark all day!” Rainbow exclaimed as the others came into the room.

“Exactly! What you need is a double dose of Granny Smith's apple mash.” Applejack grabbed the spoon from the jar, bringing it close to Twilight’s face who rolled her eyes in response before proceeding to block the sunlight again.

Applejack moved back disappointed, Fluttershy then walked on over next to her apple buckin’ friend. “Whenever I'm sad, a hug from Angel Bunny always makes me feel better.” She looked at her satchel seeing Angel Bunny pop his head out of said satchel.

He had a brow raised as Fluttershy pointed at Twilight, shrugging in response Angel hopped on over pulling Twilight’s wing away before hugging her face, unfortunately she didn’t react making him whimper with sadness seeming to have felt what she did.

Both Applejack and Fluttershy were taken aback. “Oh!” Fluttershy grabbed Angel placing him back into the satchel smiling sheepishly. “Uh... Maybe it's just me.”

Rarity then walked on over. “I find that nothing brightens my mood like a new ensemble!” She expressed lifting a dress from behind her placing onto Twilight, making her friend jump up standing on her hooves for once.

Twilight sighed sadly on the point of sobbing. “Thanks, Rarity. It's a great dress...” But she then broke. “for somepony who knows how to run a school!” She blew her nose into the dress with tears going down her face.

Rarity winced realising how bad this was but she wasn’t the only one, as Pinkie Zipped right over to Spike with a plate of cupcakes balanced on her head. “You didn't tell me this was a pity party! I would've brought ice cream!” She whispered loudly to him.

“I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but not everything can be fixed with dresses and cupcakes.” Twilight admitted still depressed.

This made them all gasp while Pinkie just yelled. “What?!

Twilight who now took off her new dress began making her way towards the door. “I just need some time to be alone and think.” This was followed by her closing the door behind her, leaving the group of friends in shock of what they’ve just witnessed.

School of Friendship: Front Entrance

Twilight who had now left her Castle ended up walking up to the entrance of her School, which had a giant lock on the door preventing access. She looked up at it in sadness as it resembled how much she failed to run her School, and how she failed to live up to her title. “Oh...” She muttered in sadness not realising that Sompony was behind her.

“I wondered how long you'd take to get tired of pillow-fort pouting.” Starlight spoke up catching Twilight off guard, she faced her friend but continued to not change how she felt.

“Everypony's already tried to cheer me up. It won't work.” Twilight stated with her head hung low, as if it was obvious.

Starlight however gave a short laugh. “I'm not gonna cheer you up. I'm gonna tell you what you did wrong.” This caught Twilight off guard again.

“What?!” She exclaimed.

Starlight pointed her hoof at the Alicorn. “You gave up too easily.” This made Twilight feel offended with the face she made, but Starlight just shrugged it off. “Hey, you made me a guidance counselor. That means tough love.” Starlight pointed out placing her hoof onto Twilight’s chest.

But the latter placed her hoof onto the former’s pushing it down. “Neighsay was right. I failed. The school was a disaster.” She started to walk away again only for Starlight to run in front of her.

“So was I when you met me. But you showed me that when you know in your heart something is right, you stand up for it. You did that for me. Why not for this?” She questioned gesturing to the whole school.

Twilight seemed flabbergasted. “I can't go against the EEA! They're in charge of all the schools in Equestria!” She pointed out.

But Statlight was quick with her rebuttal. “And you're in charge of all the friendship in Equestria. Why should you let somepony else stop you from doing your job?” Twilight then pulled out the rulebook with her magic.

“But the EEA rulebook—” She was cut off when Starlight smacked it into the water, shocking Twilight further as she looked into said water seeing her reflection.

“Doesn't matter! You can write your own rules! Because you are doing something new. Something important!” Starlight declared, making Twilight ponder over what she had just been told.

The Alicorn for the first time since the school closed smiled at her friend. “You're right! Why we're doing this is way more important than how we're doing this! And we are doing this!” She exclaimed making Starlight satisfied.

“Now, that's the Twilight I know. How can I help?” She asked only for the Alicorn to walk up to her with a smile.

“You already have.” She hugged her friend as the latter did the same, both feeling happy about the situation.

Castle of Friendship: Cutie Map

The Mane five and Spike all sat at the table doing whatever entertained them, all seeming to be relaxed. That was until the door burst open catching their attention, to reveal Twilight standing proudly. “Guess what? The School of Friendship is back in business!” She declared raising her hoof up as Starlight peeked out from the side.

“What?!” Rainbow Dash yelled as the others all made their opinions known, although Pinkie tried to sound positive. “Do we still get to guess?”

“No offense, Twilight, but teaching at that school was the most boring, horrible, awful thing ever.” Rainbow stated in a quick manner.

Applejack faced her Pegasus friend with caution. “Uh, pretty sure she's gonna take offense to that.”

“No, Rainbow Dash is right. I owe you all an apology. I was so focused on doing things the EEA way, I didn't listen to any of you. I'm sorry. I promise, this time, we'll run the school the way friends should – together.” Twilight stated, to which they all became curious.

“So... we'd be allowed to teach however wewant to?” Rarity asked with a smile.

“No more scary pop quizzes?” Fluttershy vocalised.

“Confetti cannons for everycreature?” Pinkie questioned as a bunch of cannons for all of them popped up from nowhere, even from behind Starlight.

Twilight smiled with acceptance. “Whatever you need to teach the Elements of Harmony.” she stated.

This made Pinkie excited. “Yippeeeee!” The cannons went off causing confetti to fly everywhere.

They all hopped out of their chairs and walked up to Twilight with smiles. “Well, in that case, we're behind you one hundred percent, Twilight.” The moment was interrupted when Spike cleared his throat, getting their attention.

“Just three small problems. The school is still unaccredited...” He pointed out making Twilight’s eye twitch.

“...we don't have any students and we kinda need to cheer up a certain somepony.” He finished.

The others were all confused that was until Twilight realised what he meant. “Right well I can take care of the both the first and third part, if you five can round up our class.” Twilight explained.

Rainbow was the first to respond. “Totally! Uh... how?”

“Roundin' up the pony students ain't gonna be an issue, but...” Applejack trailed off.

“The creatures from the other kingdoms seemed pretty upset with us.” Fluttershy reminded them, only for Rarity to step forward.

“Pfft! Nonsense! I'm certain we can win them over with our charm and style!” This made them all have satisfied smiles, as they were ready to begin their mission.


Outside of Equestria in Yakyakistan Prince Rutherford sat on his throne, with crossed hooves obviously angry. Suddenly Pinkie walked in with a delivery hat and a box full of cupcakes, “Cupcake-gram for Prince Rutherfoooord!” She singsonged loudly getting his attention.

“Why pink pony here? Yaks mad at ponies!” He reminded her, to which Pinkie came up beside him with a cupcake in hoof.

“Because...” She then shoved the cupcake into his mouth. “…you don't have to be mad anymore! We're reopening Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship! And it's gonna be super-uper-duper better than before! We're—”

Dragon Lands

“—ever so sorry about the misunderstanding. All creatures are, of course, welcome.” Rarity continued speaking to Ember who looked upset as well.

Changeling Kingdom

Fluttershy stood in front of Thorax and some other Changelings. “We would be really happy if you sent your student back to class.”

Mount Aris

Applejack was also explaining what was happening to Seaspray and anther Hippogriff. “It won't be the same without 'em. We're open and ready to start teachin'—”


“—right now! So, what are you waiting for? Get your student and let's go!” Rainbow finished explaining to Grandpa Gruff with excitement.

“Not happenin'!” He replied catching Rainbow off guard.

“Do you need me to do the whole apology and explanation thing again? Okay.” She groaned breathing in ready to say it again, only for Gruff to place his finger onto her mouth.

“Listen, missy! It's not happenin' because—”

All of the Kingdoms

“Our student is gone!” The leaders stated simultaneously, to which the Mane five replied all the same way.


Castle of Friendship: Sonic’s Room

Twilight walked into the room nervous about what was going to happen, he hasn’t even left his room once from what she can tell and he had been basically silent all throughout as well.

“Sonic? You awake? Listen I’m so sorry about what happened, and I just wanted what was best for everypo— I mean everyone and I’m just hoping if you would be happy to come back, and be able to be yourself?”

Her question got no response which made her confused, to which she walked closer to the bed before quickly realising, that a sudden breeze made its way into the room.

She looked up to see the window above her was open, letting her know what happened. “Oh no!” She whispered with worry before making her way out of the room.

Canterlot: Throne Room

Where Yona?! This all pony's fault!” Rutherford yelled as he and the other creatures entered the throne room.

Ember however darted right next to him. “You're pretty quick to blame them! What are you hiding, yak?!” They both pushed against each other’s heads.

Thorax tapped her on the shoulder. “C-Can... Can we just focus on finding our lost students?” Only for Grandpa Gruff to raise his voice at the Changeling.

“Nice try! You grubs are probably hidin' the whole lot of 'em!” The arguing was interrupted by Celestia. “Please, everycreature! If you can just explain what happened...”

Seaspray waked forward. “The students left us notes before they disappeared. When the school closed, they didn't want to say goodbye to each other. They claim they ran away to stay together.”

Twilight perked up at this. “I can't believe it! They did learn friendship!” Only to receive glares and frowns in return. “Sorry.” She whispered.

“The students couldn't have done this by themselves. Some creature is hiding them! If the niece of our queen is not found soon, I promise there will be retribution!” Seaspray exclaimed which caused the other creatures to get angry.

“Yeah? Well, my dragons will burn every kingdom until we find which of you is hiding Smolder!” Ember accused them.

“Tell it to the griffon army!” Gruff shot back, only for both him and Ember to be pushed back by Rutherford.

“Yaks fight griffons and dragons!” He declared.

Thorax was very scared on the other hand. “The Changeling Empire can't afford an international incident. If any creature blames the changelings for this—” Ember then zoomed up to him pointing her finger.

“What are you up to, shapeshifter?!” She demanded to know, which confused the Changeling very much.

“B-But we're friends!” He stammered.

“Wait a second!” They all turned their heads to Seaspray who flared heavily, “I believe I know who took the students!” This made the other creatures curious.

“It was that blue Hedgehog!” This made the Princesses gasp in unison silently.

“You mean that thing that was with them?!” Gruff asked with fury, only for the Hippogriff to nod in response.

The other creatures sans Thorax all grew angrier looks as they began arguing once more, Celestia leaned over to Twilight. “Find the students quickly, Twilight, or I fear our world will be at war!” She whispered loud enough for her student to start flying immediately.

Celestia frowned with fear over her face. ‘Please be careful my dear Sonic! And never stop running if you have to!’

Sugarcube Corner

The Mane seven and Spike all sat together after returning back from where they went to, and were now trying to assess their current predicament. “Okay. Let's review what we know.” Twilight announced.

“Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona, Gallus and Sonic disappeared together.” Spike began, relaying the information pointing at the chart.

Twilight who held a parchment and quill gestured for him to go on, “That’s all we know.” He finished.

Applejack smiled. “They're probably just off hidin' somewhere.”

Starlight spoke up. “Unless they used some kind of spell to disappear.” She guessed.

“Ooh! Or went undercover!” Rainbow exclaimed with excitement.

“Maybe they were attacked by a ferocious shrimp! Nopony ever expects that!” Pinkie added making Fluttershy scared.

“Shrimps can attack?” Fluttershy asked desperately.

“Nope! That's why nopony expects it.” Pinkie reassured her, the door to the building chimed loudly making them all turn to see Sandbar walk in with a ticket.

He looked over at them and saw the chart, he immediately became nervous, smiling as he walked towards the counter.

He placed his ticket onto said counter as Pinkie zoomed up to him. “Hi, Sandbar! Are you having a party?” She asked while giving him lots of boxes filled with cupcakes.

“No! I'm just, um... really hungry? Yeah?” He replied incredibly nervous, Pinkie smiled at that as Sandbar made his way to the door.

“We need to think like our students. If someone told us we would never see each other again, what would we do?” Rarity asked her friends.

“Go someplace we could all hang out and eat lots and lots of cupcakes!” Pinkie answered already having let Sandbar out the door.

All became silent as they all stared at their happy friend, “What?” Pinkie asked confused.

“Sandbar was friends with all of the missing students... and he just got plenty of cupcakes.” Fluttershy inquired.

This got Applejack thinking. “Huh. He was at the farm this mornin' pickin' up a wagonload of apples...” She pointed out.

“And I saw him in a shop buying pillows and blankets!” Rarity added making Rainbow gasp in realisation.

“He must be taking all that stuff to the other students! We've gotta follow him!” She declared as they all tried to make it through the door, only to get stuck as Pinkie joined in for fun.

They eventually flew out and landed on the ground, dazed from what just happened while Twilight, Starlight and Spike all stared at them.

Castle of the Two Sisters

Deep into the Everfree Forest Gallus flew high in the air above the Abandoned Castle laughing, he flew down to where the others were hanging out. “Huh. This place is way cooler than I thought it'd be.”

Yona who had been running down some stairs, tripped on her hair and fell flat onto the floor. While Smolder held a helmet eating the gems that were a part of it, “Even I'm impressed. What's it called again, Ocellus?” She asked her friend who was reading some books.

“The Castle of the Two Sisters. I remembered it from class. Princess Twilight's "History of Pre-Equestrian Friendships".” Ocellus answered.

“Huh. Who knew? School was actually good for something.” Gallus remarked.

Sonic who sat on the stairs looked around the place with curiosity, “I don’t know why? But this place feels and looks familiar.” He gaped in wonder silently.

“Yona not really like school. But Yona like new friends!” She admitted hugging them tightly, however Smolder thought otherwise.

“Smolder... like breathing!” She gasped straining from the hug, Sonic gave her a goofy smile. “Well at least you get to have fun.”

“Hey, you guys! Sandbar's back!” Silverstream called to them, to which they began walking over to the door.

Sandbar walked with three wagons filled with supplies not noticing he hit a rock, that dropped an apple which was grabbed by a small hand.

Yona pushed the doors open. “Cupcakes are best cakes!” She yelled loudly before charging forward.

Sandbar yelled in fright as she was coming at a fast pace, but was thankfully stopped when Gallus made her trip on her hair again. Causing the young Yak to roll forward and stop right in front of the Earth Pony, who breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thanks for the assist, Gallus.” Sandbar thanked him, The Griffon scoffed in response.

“I was saving the cupcakes.” This was followed by Gallus and Yona chewing on an open box of cupcakes, which caused the frosting to go everywhere.

Ocellus flew past them seeing some pillows in a wagon, flying into them. “Pillows! How nice! The castle is gonna be so much more comfy.”

Smolder appeared from behind. “And fun! Pillow fight!” She grabbed a pillow and threw it at Sandbar, who proceeded to pick it up and play with Smolder who had one of her own.

Sonic who was excited grabbed one of his own and proceeded to hit both of them, causing a three way clash. Only for a shadow to appear above them, with loud buzzing which was Ocellus as a giant bear bug creature.

She landed on them causing making them to all laugh, that was until… “You guys!” They all turned to look towards Silverstream.

“I just found stairs!” She yelled in excitement, this made everyone stare at her with confusion. “Aaaand we care because...?” Gallus asked deadpanned.

“Stairs are awesome! We don't have anything like 'em underwater, 'cause you know, no way to climb 'em!” She explained while transforming into her Seapony form, making them all ‘Oh’ in response.

Silverstream then transformed back into her Hippogriff form. “This place has everything! If only my family back home could see it...” She said sadly only to receive an apple to the head which she ate happily.

“wish the other changelings could meet you all. You're not nearly as strange as the stories say.” Ocellus told them.

“Gee, thanks. But yeah, hanging out with other creatures is actually... not bad.” Smolder admitted.

“It’s more than not bad! It’s amazing, easy top five!” Sonic expressed with a smile making them all face him.

“So what else is in your top five exactly?” Gallus asked with confusion, making Sonic smirk at him.

“Well I haven’t exactly shown you guys yet but I do have to say that, we all have something unique about ourselves.” The others looked at each other nodding in agreement before facing Sonic again.

“Well for me it’s… too do this.”

Without warning he darted off into the castle running through the halls, laughing as he felt so free with nothing holding him back.

He entered a hallway and proceeded to jump onto its walls, running on them never losing speed once. This continued when he entered back out into the main room, zooming past his group of friends who were in awe of what they were seeing unfold.

He even drifted around a corner entering into another hallway, this time activating traps that went off behind him which didn’t go unnoticed with his smirk growing wider.

He then came across a pillar that went up to a hole in the ceiling, to which he ran up it managing to reach its peak before flying upwards through the hole into the sky.

As soon as he reached the peak of his height he went into a relaxed position, with his hands behind his head smiling with satisfaction.

After a few seconds he fell right back down through the hole, managing to grip his feet to the pillar before dashing off once more back to his friends by the entrance skidding to a complete stop.
(End Song)

“So what’d you think of that?” He only received dropped jaws and wide eyes from the group, as they were processing everything they had just witnessed unfold.

“Okay I think I broke them.” But after he said that, the group came out of their shock and stared at him before cheering.

“Oh my gosh that was amazing, the way you just went zoom, zoom and everything else like wow!” Silverstream blurted with excitement.

“You just went from weird to cool!” Gallus admitted.

“Friend even better friend!” Yona yelled hugging the blue Hedgehog tightly.

“Yona I… can’t… breathe!” He wheezed out causing the young Yak to place him down allowing him to catch his breath.

“How did you even do that?!” Smolder asked him to which he just chuckled.

“Just a natural habit of mine, been doing since I was very young and I haven’t stopped doing it now!” Suddenly the sound of movement came from a nearby bush, causing them all to turn their attention towards it.

Suddenly a brown hairy ball flew out and landed on the ground, revealing a creature of sorts this made them slowly walk forward with interest while Ocellus smiled.

“Uh, most other creatures. What is that thing?” Sandbar questioned.

Ocellus sighed. “Am I the only one who didn't sleep through Professor Fluttershy's "Critters of Comfort and Conflict" class?” She asked them receiving funny looks from the rest of the group, except Sonic who had a straight face.

“I didn’t exactly sleep, just forgot what happened.” He admitted making the Changeling roll her eyes with a smile.

“It's a Puckwudgie. Maybe I can make friends with it!” She transformed into a Puckwudgie, before standing high on her hind legs walking towards the former creature trying to communicate via noise.

Unfortunately this was not the right thing to do as the Puckwudgie growled, causing more of them to appear growling as well. Ocellus who had moved back to where she was standing, transformed back to her normal self with shock while the others were also doing the same. “Oops.” Was all she could say.

“Yak plan better.” Yona then made a battlecry charging forward towards the small group of creatures, only for them to fire their sharp needles at her.

She would of been hit had it not been for Silverstream, blocking said needles with one of the wagons they had with them. They both smiled at one another before the Puckwudgie jumped towards them, causing the both of them to run back to their friends as it fired again.

More Puckwudgies started to appear from all sides surrounding the group, who hid behind their blockade of wagons as the former creature turned their backs towards them ready to fire.

Smolder tried to throw a pillow at aggressive creatures only for it to get torn apart by the needles, and flop onto the ground.

Smolder looked at their Changeling friend for help. “Think, Ocellus! Did Professor Fluttershy say anything about how to beat puckwudgies in her lecture?!” She asked desperately.

“Uh... I'm sorry, I can't remember!” Ocellus replied after thinking for a bit, Gallus was the next to speak.

“I'm gonna go ahead and guess it's not pillows, apples—” He lifted something into the air only to hear the piercing of the needles, he brought down what he was holding to reveal a cupcake filled with said needles. “ ...or cupcakes.”

“Wouldn't class have been about how to make friends with them?” Silverstream asked them receiving no answers.

“Uh, guys? They're getting really close...” Snadbar pointed out.

“Oh geez, you think!” Sonic retorted.

“Yona not scared! Yona have friends!” Yona stated placing her hoof forward, this was followed by the rest of them doing the same making a pile of hands, claws and hooves.

They then turned to face the army of Puckwudgies, only for three of them to jump towards the group making them look away, only for the sound of whooshing to be heard.

They all turned to see a rainbow trail stick the three creatures onto some trees, keeping them stuck revealing Rainbow Dash who had a smug smile before blasting off.

“Is that Professor Egghead?!” Gallus shockingly asked, which was followed by both Twilight and Starlight running in levitating the Puckwudgies away, before connecting their horns together blasting them away.

Spike ran up and headbutted one of them before running away, from three of them chasing him. Rarity held one with her magic and applied makeup to its face, while Applejack lassoed two Puckwudgies chasing Spike while the other one was grabbed by two birds, who flew up to Fluttershy. “Oh! Don't hurt them! Just ask them to leave nicely.” She told her birds while hugging the Puckwudgie.

Pinkie brought out a huge cannon aiming upwards, while Rainbow Dash placed a whole bunch of them into the barrel, to which Pinkie fired it causing them to fly off and slowly fall towards the ground with parachutes.

There was only one left that was trying to escape silently, only for Sonic to notice. He ran towards it and kicked it far away. “Have a nice landing!” He called to it before facing the Young Six.

Yona was the first to speak. “Not bad!” Before correcting herself. “For pony.”

Ocellus was next to comment. “Wow! They’re amazing!”

“I had no idea our teachers were actually cool.” Gallus said with disbelief.

“I’ve been trying to tell you!” Sandbar chimed.

“Did you see that?! Rainbow Dash was like voooooom and then werrrrr, and the puckwudgies went flying! And then the birds came and—!” Silverstream’s excitement was stopped by Smolder.

“Yeah, we all just lived it. But you're right. That was pretty amazing. Even by dragon standards.” She admitted.

Twilight, Starlight and Rainbow Dash scared the rest of the Puckwudgies off, before moving back towards the Young Six and Sonic.

“Is everycreature alright?” Twilight asked them while checking Yona for potential injuries.

The group of students all replied with agreement calming the Mane seven and Spike down. “You’re lucky we got here in time!” Spike panted.

“You know, this probably isn't the safest place for a campout.” Starlight pointed out to them, which made the Young Six all look upset.

“Does that mean you're going to send us back to our homes?” Ocellus asked to which they pulled sad faces except Sonic, who had a question of his own.

“And does it mean I have to stay hidden… forever?” He then also pulled a sad face.

“Not exactly. We have another option in mind.” Twilight responded, this was followed by an awkward silence where they looked to see the smiles on all of their faces, causing much confusion for the group of students.

“We’re listening.” Gallus replied.

“It's pretty clear you've already started learning friendship without your teachers. But we'd like to show you even more... if you'd come back to school?” She requested.

“Not much of a choice.” Smolder deadpanned.

Applejack took off her hat and placed it onto her chest. “To be honest, we felt exactly the same way when Twilight told us she was reopening the school.” Much to the embarrassment of her former friend.

“But this time, we guarantee it shall be different.” Rarity promised.

“Oh, yeah! With class run my way, it'll be two hundred and twenty percent cooler.” Rainbow told them while stretching out her arms for effect.

Fluttershy was the next to speak while holding up the EEA Rulebook. “And without the EEA—” she threw it behind her not noticing it landed onto a Puckwudgie, “—it'll be much friendlier.”

“Plus, all your nations won't go to war and try to hurt Sonic if you come back with us! Bonus!” Pinkie smiled widely much to the shock of the group in front of them.

“Wait. What’s happening?” Sandbar questioned.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, they want to hurt me?” Sonic asked with a raised brow only to receive nods.

“Except Thorax but yeah, every other leader wants you found.” Twilight explained to the Hedgehog.

He then facepalmed. “Man my life sucks at times!”

School of Friendship: Front Entrance

The big group of Ponies and Creatures finally made it back to the School of Friendship, with no trouble at all seeming to be ready for what was ahead of them.

Twilight stepped forward igniting her horn ready to take down the lock, only for a voice to interrupt her focus. “Twilight! I was so relieved to get your letter!” Celestia applauded to her student.

Behind her were the other Creatures. “As was Queen Novo. Oh, we're just glad you're alright, Silverstream!”

Grandpa Gruff then suddenly zoomed up to Gallus pointing at him. “Don't expect a welcome party from me, sonny! It's time you got home!” He grabbed Gallus’s ear pulling hard on it, only to be slapped in the face by the latter forced to let go of him.

“I'm not leaving.” Gallus said flatly.

“Whaaaat?!” Gruff yelled.

“None of us are. Sorry, Thorax.” Ocellus apologised causing much confusion amongst the creatures.

“Yak not understand. This pony joke?” Rutherford questioned.

“No. We're going back to school.” Smolder argued only for Ember to fly forward.

“How? You can't even get inside!” This was met with chuckling that made everyone turn to face the blue Hedgehog who smirked.

“Listen ladies and gentle creatures, let the Mare do her magic.” He told them gesturing towards Twilight with his hand.

Twilight shot a powerful beam at the lock causing it to break into pieces, making the others smile. “School is back in session!” The Young six, Mane six and Sonic cheered loudly only to be interrupted by a sudden sound.

Twilight turned around to see a portal open, revealing Chancellor Neighsay who stepped out from it. He frowned as he picked up a piece of what was once his lock, falling apart in his hoof he looked up with anger. “Who dared remove my seal?” He demanded to know.

“I did, Chancellor Neighsay! And I respectfully ask you to step aside, or classes will start late.” Twilight answered with a frown of her own.

“Classes won't start at all! The EEA has spoken, and none shall pass!” He stomped his hoof onto the ground causing a shockwave.

“Yak pass if yak say! Hmph!” Yona tried to move forward only to be stopped by Sandbar.

“This is for the greater good. The school was disorganized, the teachers unqualified! And those dangerous and unpredictable "students" put ponies' lives in danger!” This ended up angering the five Leaders.

“I'll show you unpredictable!” Ember growled as they proceeded to walk forward only to be stopped by Celestia.

“Hold on, please! I'm sure Princess Twilight Sparkle has a good explanation for all of this.” Twilight nodded slightly.

“I do! It's true that my School of Friendship is EEA-unaccredited...”

“Look! She said it without doing the eye thing!” He whispered to Rarity who smiled.

“Then it is not a school!” Neighsay growled.

“It's not an EEA school. It's a friendship school with its own rules. I should know. Iwrote the book!” She threw it in front of him, showing how big it was catching him off guard.

“These students reminded me that every friendship is special, so the way we teach it has to be just as unique. My school is going to do things differently.” Twilight stated.

“Allowing all of these creatures to attend your school, changing the rules for them – it simply won't work!” He spat.

“I seem to recall something about Earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi doing something similar, don't you?” Celestia smugly asked him.

“I promise you, Chancellor. My school will help protect Equestria.” Twilight promised.

“Or destroy it!” Neighsay seethed ready to make his exit only for a voice to stop him.

“So why exactly are you even acting like this?” All heads turned to Sonic who was confused.

“I mean you run lots of schools already, you have a sustainable life… are you seriously just a guy trying to be rid of creatures from schools just because of some bad history?! Is that really your whole thing?! Is that it?!”

Neighsay was quick to reply. “That is a very gross oversimplification coming from a Creature like you!”

“I mean you came out of the gate with all of this philosophical bullcrap, about how Ponies should defend themselves and how other creatures are dangerous, you’re just a racist!”

“That’s not at all what I am!”

“You’re messed up in the head dude! You’re freaking bizarre!”

“I’m bizarre?!”

“You’re weir— you’re weird!”


“Dude you’re weird!”

“You’re literally an outworlder!”

“You’re weird! Go take the L dude!”

“Real mature!”

“Lalalala! Can’t hear you weirdo! Lalalala…”

“Y’know what I’m just going to leave!”

“Get out of here you loser!”

Neighsay then left through the portal even angrier than before.

“What a peculiar character.” Was all Sonic could say.

Everyone just looked on in shock of what just happened, even Grandpa Gruff who was normally just cranky.

Sonic turned to face them. “So… who’s ready to learn?” Everyone cheered in victory knowing that everything would be fine except for one Griffon.

“Hmph. How is this school going to be any different from last time?” Gruff scoffed, only for Twilight to wink at him.

Twilight Sparkle: This brand new school of friendship is home to everyone

Ocellus: We're learning how to trust

Gallus: We’re here to all have fun

Rarity: With friendship ties that bind us

Applejack: Tighter than the strongest bonds

Fluttershy: We're hoof-in-hoof

All: In hand in hoof in wing or even claw

Twilight Sparkle: There's a griffon in the garden

Rainbow Dash: Hippogriffs hang in the hall

Spike: And the door will be open to all creatures great and small

Pinkie Pie: And a yak 2 two or 3

Yaks: sing in perfect harmony

Starlight: That might have been a changeling

Fluttershy: But it kinda looks like me

All: This school of friendship is for all of us
A place where we belong where we all learn to share and trust
The only rule here is to find your way
And friendship always wins at the end of the day

Twilight Sparkle: Some things you just can’t teach with books
Some things you only know
So trust your heart and let us lead
And your friendship's sure to grow

All: And once we master kindness, we will spread it across this land
And give the gift that's ours to share, so others understand

All: This school of friendship is for all of us
A place where we belong where we all learn to share and trust
The only rule here is to find your way
And friendship always wins at the end of the day

“Ugh, fine! If you promise to stop singing, Smolder can stay!” Ember groaned, which Smolder cheered in victory.

“Uh, if dragon stay, yak stay.” Rutherford affirmed hugging Yona.

“I know you will make the changelings proud, Ocellus.” Thorax assured her caressing her head.

“You belong here. Now, can you show me those stair things you mentioned?” Silverstream with excitement pulled Seaspray away.

Gallus smiled only to see Grandpa Gruff flying away, with his mind not being changed.

“What? You belong at home! You think I care if you've made friends?” Gruff crossed his arms looking away stern.

“Please, Grandpa Gruff?” Gallus pleaded, to which Gruff looked and saw his puppy dog eyes which caught him off guard.

“Alright, alright! Stop doing that!” Gruff demanded, making Gallus smile in victory as he and the rest of the Young six ran into the school.

Starlight walked up to Twilight who stood by the door. “Guess I make a pretty good guidance counselor, huh?” She guessed.

“Yes! Writing the rulebook was the most fun ever! I can't wait to start working on the new lesson plans!” Twilight expressed with excitement before hearing Applejack clear her throat.

“...with some help from my friends.” She and the others proceeded to walk in ready to start their newest adventures.

School of Friendship: Front Entrance

As the Mane six all went inside, Sonic hung back to talk with a certain someone. “Hey mom.”

“Hello Sonic.” They both embraced for a second before letting go.

“I see you’re ready to take the next step in your journey.” Celestia noticed.

“Yeah. But I won’t be doing it on my own, as I’ll have my new friends and family to help me every step of the way.” He explained making Celestia smile proudly.

“I’m glad that you are home.” She embraced him once more this time for a bit longer.

“Me too mom… me too.”

Canterlot Castle: Garden

Meanwhile in the garden of Canterlot Castle a statue of a Pony started to crack all the way up the body, until a part of it fell off to reveal an eye that glared heavily then another part fell off to reveal a mouth.

Whoever this figure is, he’s ready to find his target…“Hedgehog.” He whispered.

Author's Note:

After much time consuming writing I finally wrote the second chapter, I’m so sorry for not releasing this story sooner.

It’s mostly because I didn’t like having to write out these episodes, because Most of it would just be the episode and very few Sonic scenes.

But the chapters mostly from here on out, will be about Sonic meeting a different Ponyville resident/s so that he can bond and get to know em.

This also includes the Mane six, Spike so on and so forth. Also I changed my mind and will be doing Best Gift Ever, but it will be from Sonic’s POV with his own unique scenario that ends up leading back to the end of that special.

The interaction between Sonic and Neighsay, was a reference to Solid JJ’s You Choose Spider-Man video.

And yes Twilight will apologise to Sonic in the next chapter as well, so don’t worry.

And last thing to end things off.

Who do you want Sonic to meet first? Please let me know in the comments, anyway have a good day or night and I’ll talk to you later.

(Also I hate autocorrect and Wi-Fi.)