• Member Since 15th Jul, 2014
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Flurry Heart has been captured by a dragon, but when her valiant knight tries to rescue her, he encounters a surprising revelation and an important wake-up call.

For Bicyclette's A Thousand Words contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

Now that is just cruel Flurry. I get her reasoning of course. But sheesh. She could've been nicer about it. Ah well. Love the story. We need more like it.

Also. Shouldn't this be marked complete? Feels pretty final.

It is, just forgot to hit that button.

Why did you make this story so short?

Love the story. Mabey a sequel featuring cadance and shining realizing she has a point after she asked her mother what she's going to do when dad dies in a few decades?

Because short stories are fun to write and quick to read. Also, the contest is in the description.

The story was interesting to say. I see Flurry Heart is into dragons. :rainbowlaugh:

Ri2 #8 · May 7th, 2022 · · ·

So the Crystal Empire can have a dragon hero, but their princess dating one is right out? I see how it is.

:facehoof: Flurry Flurry Flurry, Uncle Spike would be proud of you But Shining's just a prude
:duck: I taught her all I know
:moustache: Once you go Dragon
:raritywink: The rest are just bragging

Good stuff.

I think the 'boyfriend' thing was the issue more than the 'dragon' thing.

I noticed Why for

“Oh, mighty dragon!” she shrieked. “Whyfor have thou captured us?”

is together in the fiction. Not sure how i feel about this.

Such things are explained by the story itself.

Never have I even considered a Flurry Heart x dragon pairing until now, but poor Frostwall,

In all, funny stuff here!

Well that was certainly something but an interesting shipping apparently flurry heart is going out with a dragon I mean Love Is Love right and that poor Crystal Pony he really likes flurry heart although she could have and a little nicer when she tried to explain about her situation but other than that this was pretty good story keep up the good work

My parents would freak out if their perfect little girl was sneaking off with her dragon boyfriend.”

I find that unlikely. Shining jumped several rungs up the social ladder with that engagement; they aren't exactly in a place to object. To say nothing of what Unlce Spike may think.

“Alicorns live for thousands of years. Who else am I going to date? You?”

I mean, if it worked for her mother...

Yeah, the slipshod rhythm and sometimes questionable rhymes meant that opening section did not work. And the whole premise feels flimsy, though some of that may be Flurry making assumptions on her parents' part. All told, this was ambitious, but didn't quite get there. Still, thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

[Restore the magic to the Crystal Heart just one time and suddenly everyone thought she was a saint. She didn’t have the guts to tell everyone she was just trying to recharge her spellphone so she could finish streaming her favorite Canterlot dramas.

ehehe, "spellphone" is a nice touch for ponifying the cell phone

“My hunger’s arisen, foretelling your death. I can know no peace without pony flesh.”

Flurry Heart continued wailing. “I’m trapped in your grasp, that much is true.” She raised her wings to block the sight of his wet, powerful jaws. “But I’m still a royal princess, so please do not lewd!”

gotta agree, that last line of the dragon did sound a bit lewd!

“At the behest of your mother, it’s you I’ve come to rescue,” the knight announced, crawling up on the dragon’s tail. “So release the Crystal Princess, foul dragon, or else I shall slay you!”

“Flurry?” the dragon asked. “You know this guy?”

i mean, a knight coming to "rescue" her would be the perfect inadvertent addition to their Princess/Dragon roleplay!

“I— what?” He looked at her, confused. “I heard the dragon’s menacing voice. Cadence asked me to follow, I didn’t have a choice.”

“We’re not doing the rhyming thing anymore, bro,” Galahad said, “you can stop.”

hehe, way to deflate the guy! i would respect how he joined in on the rhyming thing without any further questions. and a fun irony in the dragon being named "Galahad"

“You’re a door guard,” Flurry reminded him bluntly. “You guard the castle pantry.”

haha, more deflation! and yeah, since we only ever see the various Guards just standing around, there's quite a gap between their jobs and a knight in a chivalric romance

He still shook his head. “I mean I won’t. You’re a pony princess, you can’t have a dragon boyfriend.”

“Alicorns live for thousands of years. Who else am I going to date? You?”

she does have a point! and for Flurry Heart specifically the other options are a bit awkward

“Well, it doesn’t have to be me, but would that be so bad?”

oh no, a "nice colt"!

“Holy bucket of fucks! That is so gross!”

honestly, just love the poetry in "holy bucket of fucks"

“We could if we tried,” he pleaded.

augh this guy sucks! no wonder Flurry reacted the way she did

Then through the night, though the blizzard’s winds’ howls were shrill, the princess and dragon could finally watch Ponyflix and chill.

aww, nice to end it with a rhyming couplet to bring back the chivalric romance bit, with a modern twist at the end! great way to encapsulate the whole story with its final line.

in a way, this is an all-OC tale, which makes it all the more impressive how much character you packed into it in just a thousand words! Flurry is just pitch-perfect here as a teenage filly, balancing rebellion and growing up with her wondering if she should give Cadance a call at the end. augh, i just loved that moment of character! that one touch just elevates the story just that bit higher. and Frostfall fits his role perfectly as well, with just enough ridiculousness to make the comedic lines land without seeming like a flat caricature.

just really well done with this one!

This is pretty funny


It makes me wonder if Flurry considered all the aspects before dating a dragon, like, you know... size differences :twilightblush:

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