It has been only a short time since Sunset Shimmer and her friends discovered the second portal to Equestria on their spring break cruise trip. It now seems that there is a third portal that leads to a new world with a super computer that contains a virtual world.
You have my intrigue good sir/madam
Lyoko fanfic you say? Count me in, I say!
I'm just gonna put this here:
keep up the good work
For a Code Lyoko story featuring the Rainbooms, click here:
Code Lyoko: Equestria Girls
Cast of characters:
Twilight - Jeremy
Fluttershy - Aelita
Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie - Odd
Applejack - Ulrich
Rarity - Yumi
Sunset - William (good)
I've read that story two or three times because it's just that awesome!
What's even more great is that the author gave XANA more of a characterization and personality of a sociopath with immense hatred and a perverted nature... because it either like to possess or take on physical female forms referring to them as "fun".
Consider my curiosity caught
Well, this is a crossover I didn't see coming. (Grabs popcorn.) Continue, if you please.
... I give it two chapters at most until sh*t goes sideways.
Bold of you to assume it will take that long. Xana having an off day?
I'm assuming a reasonable progression of events.
summery sounds interesting can't wait to start reading this story
Nice start
By writing on Code:Lyoko you got my curiosity, by including French in the text you now have my attention.
Being French I didn't find any errors in the translation, but some of the details in this sentence should be clarified:
The students of Code Lyoko are more or less 15 years old (canonically, that's about the age they are according to their grade, even if I couldn't tell if they are not one or two years older in the fourth season, it must be a good decade since I've seen the show). It's probably a difficult subtlety to understand for someone whose native language isn't French, but age and hierarchical position will have a lot to do with how an adult will talk to an unknown and/or a student.
If you consider Sunset to be, or to physically appear to be, 15-16 years old, the familiar use of "tu" (equivalent to "thou" which is now only used by Luna in English) is appropriate, if she is closer to the age of majority (18-19) the "vous" would be preferred, equivalent to "you", because it would be in a more formal adult setting, even if Sunset were considered a student. (This is true for Jim and Yolanda who have a post close to the students, but on the contrary the director of my school would use "vous" for all her students from 11-12 years old because of the high hierarchy).
The use of the expression "jeune femme" is a bit akward. As long as she is considered a student the use of "jeune fille" will be more common.
I could also talk about the use of "mademoiselle" which could be used here (but only paired with the formal "you") which is historically reserved for unmarried women but which is still used for women under 25-30 years old despite the fact that as a feminist I find it appalling that we continue to wait until a woman is married to consider her fully grown, but we're getting away from the subject.
I deliberately skip the phrasing that would come up in the event that Sunset could be considered a staff member.
It's just formatting, but it's customary (at least in France) to put foreign words or sentences in italics. Personally, I find that it helps to bring out the accent of the person who uses a word that is not in their native language, for Rarity by example, it should be written "It's a bit of a cliché that it's always the man who has to pay the bill for a rendez-vous.".
And don't forget that I'm disorthographic, so I might miss some of the mistakes that the translator might make ^^
Anyone can do a crossover, but only a few can do one well.
Let's see which one you are.
A question comes to mind. Why doesnt Sunset just be honest about how she got there? She can probably prove her words easilly enough. and since her own school already knows about magic, whats one more?
i mean if she came out somewhere that had bad intentions then it could cause issues. the only reson canterlot knows about magic is that there arnt much ways to hide what happend with sunset and the other stuff. Also when twilight arrived origianly she could have done what you said and got her crown back easy but either for plot or being smart she didnt.
but in this case it really does not make any sense to hide her true nature. I also suspect given her yellow skin color vs normal human color would raise some eyes lol
making alot of assumptions about a world where pink hair can be natural aswell
heh, Touche, good point
Does Sunset have yellow/orange skin or normal skin ? And how old is she/does she look ?
good questions
I'm inclined to believe she's got a regular skin tone, since Jim didn't seem to react to it. Unless it's the reason the lyoko warriors are staring at her...
Fascinating start. Looking forward to more :)
She has normal skin tone, but personally I've always felt Sunset's skin tone in Equestria Girls wouldn't be too crazy looking in the normal world. But that's just me.
There is a argument that Sunset would look sort of taned, true.
Also, when will the next chapter be posted ?
What happens next
xana and lyoko getting magic would make things go very wrong
Thanks for info.
like i said.
two chapters at most till shit goes sideways.
Sixteen going on seventeen…
I guess Sunset also knows that song from The Sound of Music.
Thank you for updating
Well, I was looking forward to that! TBH, part of me wondered if they were going to suspect her of being a construct from X.A.N.A - alien technology could well be created by the AI... Though I guess the fact that it lacks XANA's symbol would be a bit of a giveaway.
I wonder how long it'll take until X.A.N.A figures something is wrong... As soon as it tries to hack Sunset's phone or something, it'll get proof of a portal. And who knows what it'd try to do with that info...
Well someone is in for trouble to make those two settings match! especially since both are incoherent mess. XD
Anyway, favorite MLP character that interact with my favorite childhood show so i will follow that story a bit.
Well the story at least have the idea to keep the mane six away, that is good since 12 main character is a very bad idea. 7 will already be a pain.
And not bothering with being subtle is also not a bad idea, the plot unfold like it's made for a 4 year old kid, taking shortcut and all but it may be the best way to carry that idea out.
Sunset pop out from nowhere ? have no ID? don't speak french well? (good job noticing code lyoko take place in France by the way) Don't have any kind of money? ho well who care.
of course sunset is in a world with no direct connection to Equestria but the book still work. :p
Also Sunset is back in 2006 (or 2007? nothing said about William yet so i can't be sure) with a smartphone that would be from around what, 2015?
that alone could be fun
On character behavior nothing shocking for now on the lyoko side for now aside from a few minor details.
Odd: waaaay to blushy. Especially for a guy that date one girl a week.
ulrich and yumi: should have kicked sunset in the chin the second her eyes glowed.
Aelita: believe in magic way too easily but a lot of people forget she is a science girl and not an actual fairy anyway.
Good luck with the xana attack. ^^
I can't believe someone did a crossover fiction of code Lyoko! Like... I love code Lyoko and MLP!
I never thought MLP and CL can form good crossover. Great. Waiting for next chapter.
1) Neigher she had in EqG
2) There is Pony France aka Prance in Equestria, but I think her not speaking french make story better
3) In prevous chapter Sunset thought about money
Good luck with RTTP. What will happen with diary? With Sunset? She experienced The Time Twirler before.
Btw RTTP would explain why EqG world is in ~2015(I think 2019), but CL world in 2006. Every time they return to the past, their local time drinfts from EqG world and, for example, they could initially be had same year.
Next chapter?
No u
Any updates?
Please more