• Member Since 11th Jan, 2012
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Kayin Dreemurr

My name is Cain or Kayin (Formerly Rainbow Sparkle), a person who loves writing and rping. Am also a writer on Furaffinity http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rainbowsparkle91/, come check me out!


With the barrier broken and the Monsters free, Asriel Dreemurr is apprehensive about what he knows is coming. He won't be able to maintain his form for much longer, and is afraid of no longer being himself again.

Then, a mysterious figure offers him a deal. A second chance, an oppurtunity to redeem himself... but the figure chooses where he gets that second chance.

Not wishing to become a Flower again, Asriel takes the chance, and is transported to a whole new world of magic, wonder, sights no Monster has seen, and of course, the magic of harmony and friendship.

And into whose hooves does the figure send him the young Prince to? Why, the hooves of someone else who has been given a second chance, and seeks to redeem herself and make up for the mistakes of the past. None other than the Princess of the NIght, Luna herself.

Come along as the young Boss Monster does his utmost to make good use of this second chance, and along the way, find family in a land far from his own.

Awesome cover by Cyaneworks over on Furaffinity~!

Has a companion story right here, Hopes and Dreams at Canterlot High

EDIT: (Featured *numerous times, seemingly now after each update lol*)
Thank you thank you thank you aahhhhhh you're all amazing

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 142 )

Alright I am really enjoying this so far and Asriel and Luna do sound like a great pairing as a family.

this is heartrendingly cute
i need moar

Looking good so far. Would like to see this story continue.


Sidenote: nickers are a sound horses make. Knickers are underpants.

that's helpful, thank you, will get that fixed~

I love this story so far. I also love the concept. If you are able to continue this story, please do. :yay:

Perfectly Insane

You could say this was an Angel's second chance.

As a fellow undertale lover and mlp crossover writer, I will keep an eye on this. Very well done, great to see undertale's fandom isn't completely dead and overwritten by deltarune.

You set the bar pretty high with such an impressive start, keeping the quality this good will be no easy task, but I am confident in your abilities.

Hope there is more to come soon.

More please, great introduction and I'm eager to read more. No rush on the next chapters, take all the time you need, just as long as you get them done in the way you see fit :twilightsmile:

If you need an OC for this story, let me know via PM.

Thank you for making this story it was so good I need more of this in life

Wonderful opening, the flow feels very natural.
I am waiting eagerly for more.


Now usually I don't like undertale, Buuut I thought I'd give it a chance.......


You have my undivided attention. Let's see where this goes!

Ponies 'n Goats.

What more do you need in life?

I'm glad to see some good undertale fanfic. It seems all of it nowadays is... Very awful. A fellow spends more time blacklisting AUs and relationship tags than they do actually reading, it feels, so this is a breath of fresh air!

The figure inclined its head towards the shards. β€œYou long to remain as you are. You long for a second chance. You desire a chance to join them above. But you fear those with whom you wish to be with. You fear what they might think if they knew the truth. You fear your darker half could assert itself, and destroy what you hold dear.”

I still do not like how everybody treats Gaster like some kind of god.

The idea of running towards the moon seemed a bit crazy at first thought. But he could feel the DETERMINATION in him urging him towards it. And as its gentle light shone down upon him, he could almost swear he saw a curving path leading up towards it.

I thought determination was a trait, or perhaps a power. Not something that could make decisions and "urge" one to do something.

This whole dream sequence is confusing.

That’d be because of my Determination, wouldn’t it? Or… would it be because…? Asriel thought back to the feeling of all seven SOUL shards rushing into him. He was still himself, as he could plainly feel and see, which meant those shards must have fused with what remained of his own.

Was one of them red?

Well congrats Luna, here's your adorable fluffy distraction!

WOW!! I'm having an absolute blast reading this! I hope there's more on the way soon!

Very good story, can't wait till more comes out

β€œAnd he, like you, desired a chance for redemption, a second chance at life. I bring him here, so that he may have that chance. I bring him to you, so that you can help him heal, that he may in turn, bring you what you need in turn. I place him under your care, for I know the affinity you have for children, and I believe that you, and you alone, have the tools and talents to help him.”

Use "brought" instead of "bring."

I'm actually enjoying this story. Asriel deserved more, I believe, in Undertale.

This is so cudorable(cute +adorable)

so cute great chapter

ah, good ol' tooth-rotting fluff
on the one hand, painfully cute
on the other, when's the other shoe gonna drop

Probably Blueblood being himself

Wonderful chapter!

If I may offer a small correction, though, what Asriel is describing with interest, that being the study of the stars and other bodies in space, is actually Astronomy. Astrology is the practice of using the positions of the stars and planets to try to predict the future.

Reading this is so delightful! :twilightsmile:

Beat me to it. I'm six years into my PhD program and that particular confusion STILL grinds my gears more than it should.

much obliged~! will fix!

If you ever need an OC to borrow, let me know via PM.

Also I wonder what will happen when Asriel meets Blueblood

Comtinue πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
Update πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

but will asriel have some new skills or power or will he have the same skills as the game ?????

Update ??????

Please update im so curios of continue this story πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

If you're interested, you can pre-read the next chapter and the sort of mini chapter that goes with it.

When they aren’t busy talking about how adorable I am.

But he IS so adorable!!!!:fluttercry:

You keep mentioning Determination which if I remember right is the ability to respawn upon death. So is this story about to get a lot gorier or something? The lore is weird because it wasn't clear if it was respawning or turning back time. I'm leaning towards respawn because characters would comment on you coming back.

DETERMINATION is something that gives one the ability to cheat death yes, and or there's some implications that it can boost ones abilities in general.

The DETERMINATION that Asriel had in him as Flowey is still around, it hasn't left. Its part of what's kept him alive and around after all, so its not like he's lost that DETERMINATION. And its something that most Monsters can't have alot of. Even Boss Monsters. So Asriel is naturally worried about how much of it he's carrying around, for numerous reasons.

Asriel could use his DETERMINATION in the manner of reloading from a SAVE.

But to answer your question, no, this story isn't going to get gorier or anything.

Ahh, nothing like some good, open, honest communication. Gives me the warm fuzzies.

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