• Member Since 9th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen June 16th

Quill of Filth

Got bored and felt sentimental. Made an account.


After a recent death of someone important, Twilight receives a note, which warns of a coming catastrophe. Delving deeper to find the truth, Twilight is left with a burden that is equal to the weight of the world.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 5 )

"Don't tell me he lost hope and used the rope. I didn't even do anything."


You did a great job expressing the bleakness of the situation, although I don't really get what a time spell is supposed to do: if the star can't be stopped now, how would it be stopped in the past?

Maybe she can get Luna and Celestia to help pinpoint the pulsar?

Tip the original star a few arc-seconds off its then current position. Then the gamma-ray beam will be light-years out of alignment when it reaches Equesteria.

How do you tip the star, though?

Celestia controls the sun. A star is just a sun a long way away. She doesn't have to move it much just a small tilt of its spin axis. Getting there is the problem.

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