Bloomberg and Treehugger are no better than strangers before a raffle sends them to space on a brand new equestrian space agency rocket. Fitted with all the luxuries a pony (and tree) could desire. This ship is the height of equestrian majesty until the unthinkable happens. Somepony’s disappeared! Now tasked with solving this mystery, treehugger and bloomberg blossom into more than strangers into the folds of love.
This fic was exactly what it said on the tin. And I am here for it! Great job!
huh, a very interesting choice! would not have thought of Treehugger as a cosmomare. let's see where this goes!
really great to see Bloomberg in this! and dang, Matilda, Blueblood, Stygian, and Limestone? what a fascinating mix of ponies and creatures to make up this crew!
Treehugger being the only one who can talk to Bloomberg makes me think of Maud and Boulder, and Treehugger has been shown to understand otherwise non-communicative creatures like The Smooze before, so that makes sense!
ah, Treehugger's crystals mentioned in the first chapter becoming relevant, nice. and a classic mystery plot misdirection with Limestone!
well, a solving-a-murder-mystery-together romance plot between Treehugger and a tree was somehow not on my list of things i expected for this contest. but it should have been, since Treehugger's name is right there! some very nice horse-on-tree action here, too.
well, now i am very intrigued by this Matilda/Limestone friendship! too bad she got justifiably exiled into the infinite chasm of the cosmos. and sure, she could have been rehabilitated, but so could Cozy Glow and nopony cares about that!
and though the circumstances of them getting to know each other were tragic, i do wish the mare and tree a very happy future together, in space, where they belong probably.