• Published 25th Mar 2022
  • 2,115 Views, 159 Comments

Old Iron - Fujimi200SX

The North Western Railway's famous Number 2 finds himself in Equestria.

  • ...

3: Royalty

"Is there anything else you two would like to know about?" I asked as I began the climb up the mountain towards Canterlot.

Cadance tapped her chin. "Hmmmm... Who was the first ever non-faceless vehicle?"

"That would be Clive, my dear. An 0-4-0 built way back in 1856 for the Sodor and Mainland Railway."

"This year system of yours is fascinating," Luna noted.

"It is, isn't it? Anyway, he's still around working at a slate quarry. He's an alright chap. He's got tremendous experience and stamina, even more so than me. 'Gumption and Commitment' he likes to say. And him being a rather simple engine compared to more modern engines, he is very cheap to maintain."

"Gumption and Commitment," Luna repeated. "A trait that is sorely lacking in today's youth."

I laughed. "That is exactly what he says!"

"Ha! Well, I hope me and him can meet someday."

"Speaking of which," Thomas began. "When are we going back home?"

"That's a very good question," I said. "Seeing as you two have magic, when are we going to be able to get back to Sodor?"

Luna sighed. "That is the thing. While there are very little, very unsafe and very illegal interdimensional spells. By what Thomas has told us, we may be talking about inter-universal spells, of which none exist. I doubt even Starswirl would have been able to conjure such a spell."

Me and my driver said nothing as we traveled into a double-track tunnel. I never said this earlier, but these rails were amazingly smooth. I rarely felt any bumps or imperfections in the track, and it overall had far better construction than any track I had the pleasure of traveling on. Even the tracks in Germany - yes, I had visited Germany once - felt like logging rutways compared to this.

"Edward, what is it like to be a slave?"

My eyes widened at Cadance's sudden question. "To be a slave?"

"Yeah. Like, you're an engine. Even though you can drive yourself, you have to be sold to different companies, and eventually, you'll be scrapped. Killed."

I chuckled. "No, I won't be scrapped, my dear. There are laws against that."

"There are?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't there be?"

"Could you tell us these laws?" Luna asked. "We could use them for you and other engines on the off-chance more appear."

"Oh my god..." Thomas quietly chuckled, burying his head in his hooves.

"Well, in that case, there are various rights and privileges afforded to us, most importantly that we cannot be scrapped alive, as it is considered cruel and unusual."

"Wait! Edward! Slow down!" Thomas exclaimed. "I think I can save you some breath. I just remembered that there's a book in the second coach about the laws."

I slowed. "What?! How?"

"I don't know why I brought it, but I left it in the coach because I didn't want to drop in your firebox."

I stopped. "Well, that's lucky! Better go and get it."

"Right! Be right back!"

Thomas jumped out of my cab and trotted back to the second coach, disappearing within.

"Edward? What's it like to run out of fuel?" Cadance asked. "Like, coal and water? Does anything happen?"

I chuckled. "Contrary to popular belief, when we run out of fuel, that simply means we can't move. It isn't the equivalent to starving."

"Oh. Huh."

I heard Cadance write something down on whatever notebook she had.


Thomas climbed over my tender back into my cab. With two whistles, we were off once again.

"Here," Thomas said, dropping the book from his maw into Luna's grasp. "This book shows the most up-to-date laws, rights, and privileges awarded to all non-faceless vehicles. Here, have a look."

Soon we were traveling at speed again. I couldn't help but smile at the views I was getting from this high up. I had never been on a line that went up a mountain before, so this was a first for me. No standard gauge line on Sodor had this kind of view.

We rounded a bend, and there it was. The castle that was-...




The worst sound is silence.

I knew exactly what Thomas, Cadance, and Luna were feeling when my pistons stopped pumping. When steam stopped moving through my system. When the familiar rhythm of a steam locomotive ceased.

Unending paranoia.

My jaw hung open from the sight of Canterlot. Either an illusion spell had been placed on me, or I simply didn't want to believe it when I first saw it. What I thought was just an oversized castle was actually the biggest, grandest, tallest city I had ever seen.

The castle itself rose into the sky, scraping the clouds with its tallest towers. Waterfalls poured down into the forest below from pipes unseen, and the infrastructure was quite literally something you'd see out of fantasy. The city was bigger than Tidmouth, bigger than Knapford, bigger than even Vicarstown.

Did I mention that this city was parked on the side of a bloody mountain? I don't think I mentioned that!

"Edward?" Thomas asked, leaning out of my cab. "Edward are you... wuh..."

"That... that's certainly something else," I finally managed to say, resuming my puffing rhythm.

"Have you never seen a castle before, Edward?" Luna calmly asked.

"I've never seen a city quite like this," I replied, slowing down as we got closer to the city.

"Do you not have cities like this?"

"We have a few houses that might do this. Not entire cities with thousands of people."

"Its population is roughly ten thousand."

"That's about what Vicarstown has."

"A town on Sodor?"

"Yes. But... koh. I don't know if I'll ever get used to this."

"Yes, Canterlot truly is a sight to behold."

I looked in all directions as I passed under a white archway, officially entering the city. "How long did this take to build?"

Luna smiled. "Roughly fifty years. This city is 458 years old."


"Nonsense! You're having us on."

"If it truly is nonsense, blame my sister. She is the one who told me."

"You have a sister?"

"Yes. Her name is Celestia. She is a princess like me."

"Well, I can't wait to meet her."

Once again, the infrastructure was superb. It was classical. White marble buildings and bridges, parks sprouted here and there with canals flowing between the streets, and gems lined on buildings and paths to add extra flavor to the whole thing.

"I take back what I said before. I actually could get used to this. As long as this is just a stop, that is."

Luna laughed. "Of course. Here, let me guide us to the shed I keep Truro and Lode Star in."

"Lode Star?" I asked as we traveled over a set of points.

"Yes. Another train me and my sister found not long after I discovered Truro. It is a green 4-6-0 numbered 4003."

"I take it that it also belonged to the GWR?"


"How interesting."

A few minutes later, with Luna using her magic to switch points ahead of me, we came to a Y-Track that lead into a large six-birth shed.

Anyway, we pulled off the track towards the shed. I stopped and watched as Luna opened three of the doors, revealing two engines. City of Truro, and Lode Star.

Truro looked exactly how I remembered. A dark, Great Western Green paintjob with a bright red frame, a small six-axle tender similar to mine, the number 3440 under its cab windows, and finally, a semi-circular nameplate in the center of the boiler reading City of Truro.

Lode star looked just about the same as Truro, just slightly longer with an extra set of driving wheels. It also had a lighter shade of green.

"Edward? Is something wrong?" Luna asked.

"I'm just... baffled at how these two engines could have popped up here," I replied.

"Well, City of Truro has enjoyed the past two months as my personal express train, while Lode Star was brought back to working condition and will be placed into regular service sometime this week."

"I see..."

Maybe it was just me, but I could swear Luna herself was British. She wasn't, and her accent wasn't quite correct, but it also somewhat was at the same time.

"So what are gonna do?" Thomas asked.

"Well, I was thinking perhaps Edward could sleep here for the night," Luna said. "And that you could sleep in the castle."

"In... the castle?"

"Yes. You two I am sure have had a hard day. You deserve some rest."

"True," I said.

"You're gonna let me sleep in the castle?" Thomas asked.

"You can live in it if you want to," Cadance replied. "It has plenty of space."

"Well... Edward?"

"Don't you dare let me ruin this chance, Thomas," I stated. "You go enjoy that castle as much as you can."

"Well, a-alright then! I take it you're gonna stay here for the night?"

"Of course. I'll get myself turned around, and judging by the size of this shed, I could easily fit myself and the three coaches."

Thomas looked at Cadance. "Well uhh... hm. Lead the way I guess."

Cadance nodded. "Luna? Are you coming?"

"In a moment, Cadance," Luna replied. "I suggest not telling my sister about yours or Thomas and Edward's arrivals. She is likely asleep anyway."

"Alright. Well, see you tomorrow Edward. I can't wait to talk again and hear more about your world."

"And I can't wait to tell you more about my world."

"Hm. Say, Thomas? Do you know how to fly?"

"Uhhh... no?" Thomas replied.

"Okay, hop on my back then. I'll fly you there."


Thomas let out a mewl - a rather adorable one I might add - as he climbed onto Cadance's back. After psyching himself up, Cadance took off, and the two were gone.

I grinned. "It's been one of his dreams to live in a castle."

"Really now?" Luna asked. "Lucky him."

"Yep. Now, I shall get myself turned around, and you can leave for the castle."

I reversed away from the shed, then steamed forward past the second set of points. Luna switched the points which allowed me to reverse back onto the Y and into the shed. I settled in next to Truro, and finally let my cylinders and axles rest. I extinguished my fire - much to Luna's surprise - and looked out at the tracks ahead.

"Well, this has been a very interesting day," Luna said as she walked into my view, holding the rulebook Thomas had been showing them. "And these laws are amazing. Very well written, this book."

"I hope it is," I replied. "And I'm glad to have met you two."

"Likewise. Anyway, I will be off to the castle. I must grab some things."

"Right. Goodnight, Princess."

She unfurled her wings. "Goodnight Edward. And welcome to Equestria."

With that, Luna took off into the sky, closing the shed doors and leaving only my headlamp to illuminate the interior.

My smile faded as I began to feel... empty. Though I know she had good intentions, the way Luna said that was almost frightening. I looked over at Truro and Lode Star, raising an brow as I wondered how they could have possibly gotten themselves here.

I yawned. "I'll just ask Luna in the morning. Good night you two."

With that, I closed my eyes, and let myself drift off to a calm, dreamless sleep.

"A talking. train."

Luna nodded as she ate a tuna sandwich, looking at her sister, Princess Celestia.

"Named Edward."

Luna swallowed. "Indeed, sister. And he is 82 years old."

"82? That's impressive for an engine. Though my assumption is that steam locomotives how been around for a considerably longer time in his world compared to ours, it sounds like he should have been retired decades ago."

"There are laws that prohibit scrapping a non-faceless vehicle while it is alive."

"Interesting. Where is Edward now?"

"Sleeping in the same shed I keep Truro and Lode Star. He also had three coaches coupled behind him."

"And where is Thomas?"

"Sleeping next to Cadance's room. Speaking of Cadance, she is here in the castle."

"She is?"

"Yes. She was walking with me back to the station. The moment she saw Edward, few would have been able to stop her from coming."

Celestia chuckled. "I'm sure of it. Though, I'm also a little concerned for what is to come."

"What do you mean?"

"There are zero inter-universal spells. Even Twilight Sparkle would be hard-pressed to even attempt to make one without messing something up. Then there is the question of which universe Thomas and Edward hail from."

"Sister, you are being too pessimistic."

"Luna, think about it. Am I wrong to have concern over this?"

Luna said nothing for a moment. Celestia waited patiently for her answer, staying quiet and sipping on a cup of tea. Finally, Luna sighed.

"No, I suppose not."

Celestia nodded. "Speaking of Twilight, have you notified her?"

"Nay, I have not. Thomas said it would have been too crowded in the cab."

"You and Cadance rode in Edward's cab?"

"Indeed. How else would we be able to talk to Edward?"

"Why specifically Edward?"

"Because Thomas could have easily ridden in the coach while Edward drove us here to Canterlot."


Luna chuckled. "Did I ever mention that Edward can drive himself?"

Celestia returned the chuckle. "No you did not! Here, let's get going. Now I really want to meet him."

Luna held up a hoof as she gave the book of Laws, Rights, and Privilege's afforded to non-faceless vehicles to Celestia. "How about you read this first? Give Edward some rest."

Celestia narrowed her eyes and glanced at the clock. "It's only nine."

"And we arrived here at midnight. He had a harrowing day yesterday. By the time we finish reading this, he should be awake, and we can go see him. But first, would you please write a message to Twilight?"

My morning started like any other. I woke up, fresh as a daisy, ready to start the day. I looked to my right to spot City of Truro and Lode Star, then looked forward at the closed shed doors.

Oh how I wanted to get out there and truly put my upgrades to good use. I knew I couldn't, for my presence in... 'Equestria' would cause quite the stir.

I looked up at the clock, which read 10:09AM, and frowned.

"Do I really need to play the waiting game?" I asked nobody in particular as I lit my firebox.

I waited for several minutes before I heard a door creak open.

"Edward?" I heard Luna call out. "Are you awake?"

I smiled and gave a polite whistle. Luna giggled as she opened the shed door in front of Lode Star and stepped in.

"Edward? I would like you to meet my sister, Celestia."

I watched as a tall, beautiful, regal mare stepped inside and looked at me. She stopped and stared, which I did likewise. She was white, but also had a slightest tinge of pink covering her body. Her mane and tail flowed freely similar to Luna's, but bared the lighter colors of pink, blue, and green as opposed to ethereal blue. Her eye color was also a light shade of pink. Her regalia was about the same as Cadance's.

What surprised me the most was how tall she was. She was a full head taller than Cadance, eight feet at least, not counting her horn. This put her eyes almost level with my own.

I watched as she quickly cleared her throat and put on a smile. "Good morning Edward."

I smiled. "Hello. You must be Princess Celestia."

Celestia nodded as she walked towards me. "That I am. But please, call me Celestia."

None of us said anything as Celestia and Luna sat adjacent to the track. Celestia tilted her head, examining me closely.

"I see..."

"I beg your pardon?" I asked.

"Sorry, It's just that I've never seen a talking train before."

"And I've never seen talking ponies before."

Celestia chuckled. "Touché. So. Um... what would you like to talk about?"

"I don't know to be honest. I'm usually out and working right about now."

"Well, you can't exactly do that."

"Indeed..." Luna grimaced. "Equestria would be sent into a tizzy if they found out about you."

"Okay, Luna, are you part British?" I blurted out.

Luna was taken aback. "British?"

'"Yes. Your voice, some of the phrases you use, they are exactly what an englishman would say."

Luna and Celestia looked at each other, the former smirking. "No, Edward. I am not. I am a princess of old, so perhaps older phrases reflect that of the... 'British'."

"Hm. Anyway, what's so bad about Equestria finding out about me? I can handle publicity. I've done so in the past."

"Well, It's just..." Celestia trailed off. "It's just that you are a talking train. In my thousand years of life, not once did I think I'd see something quite like you."

"Wait..." I stared at her. "Excuse me?"

"I said that in my thousand years of life, not once did I think I'd see something quite like you."

"What do you mean 'thousand years of life'?"

"...Oh!" Celestia laughed. "I'm over a thousand years old."

I had no idea what to say. Never did I think a human- er, anything organic, would be able to live that long. I always knew that I could effectively live forever if kept maintained. But that was because I was a machine. Something whose parts could be replaced over and over. Humans and ponies were organic. You couldn't just replace their body parts.

"How can you live to be a thousand years old?"

"That's just how long Alicorns can live thus far."

"...I see. So are you... 'Alicorns' unable to die?"

"As of right now, no."


"Now. Luna told me that you were 82?"

"That I would be."

"Impressive. Though trains in our world are less than two decades old, and while I have no doubt that trains have been around for far longer in your world, 82 sounds very old for an engine."

I chuckled. "It does, doesn't it?"

"How is an engine able to last so long?"

"Routine maintenance. I'm no spring chicken but I'm hardly past it."

Celestia laughed. "I'm not saying you are. Though I must admit, you look amazing for your age."

"I did wake up from a lengthy overhaul yesterday, so I'd be surprised if I didn't look good."

"Heh. Well um... What have you done over your life?"

"Well, that is quite the list. I started out as a passenger engine for the Furness Railway back when I was built. When it..." I took in a breath. "When the Furness Railway closed in 1907, I was bought by the Sodor and Mainland Railway and permanently relocated to Sodor where I became a mixed-traffic engine."


"An engine that pulls both passengers and goods."

"Ah. Is that it?"

I laughed. "Absolutely not! I've probably had the most eventful life out of any engine! But first, what about you two? What have you done in your lives?"

"I spent a millennia on the moon," Luna blurted.

"I-" Celestia cut herself off as she stared dumbfounded at her younger sister.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked.

"I spent a millennia on the moon."


"Well, technically I wasn't on the moon. It was my darker counterpart, Nightmare Moon."

"...Well then. Um, Celestia? What about you?"

Celestia looked at me. "I spent most of my life doing what a monarch does. Keeping the peace, addressing my subjects, and taking a few breaks every now and again."



Myself and the sisters shot our attention to a purple Alicorn with dark purple hair standing in one of the shed doors.

"Good morning, Twilight Sparkle," Luna greeted.

"Uh- Morning Luna!" Twilight exclaimed as she sprinted towards me, stopping a few feet to the side of the tracks. "Ohmygosh you're actually real! You're an actual talking train!"

I chuckled. "Yes, I am. Twilight Sparkle?"

"Y-Yes! I am!"

"I'm Edward."

"Hi! Uh- Yeah! So... Hoh... Wow. You're an actual talking train. You are an actual talking train."

"Well isn't this adorable," I heard the familiar voice of my driver, Thomas, call out from across the room. I looked over to spot Cadance with him.

I looked back at Twilight as she looked all around me.

"Can I?" she began to ask, pointing at my frame.

"Examine me? Of course, my dear. Just don't touch anything."

"Sheesh Twilight!" a new voice called out. "Did you have to fly so fast?"

Both myself, Thomas, and the other three princesses watched as seven ponies walked into the shed, smiling as each pony began to wear dumbfounded looks upon seeing me.

The first, who I assumed was the one who asked Twilight about her speed, was a bright blue pegasus with magenta eyes and a rainbow mane and tail.

The second pony I saw was white with light blue eyes and a stylish purple mane and tail. The third was bright pink with a hot pink mane and tail. Said mane and tail were very unkempt and honestly looked like cotton candy. She had sky blue eyes.

The fourth was a light yellow pegasus with light pink hair and emerald green eyes. She was the slowest out of the seven, and seemed much more timid. She looked the most adorable.

Fifth was a orange with a cowboy hat on. She had a braided light orange mane and tail. Her eyes were equally orange. I'm going to start referring to manes and tails as simply 'hair'.

Sixth was a violet mare with purple and pink hair, and cyan eyes. The seventh was cauliflower blue with white hair, said hair having the slightest ting of blue. She also had a purple cape with stars on it.

The seven mares stared in awe at me. I could see Thomas holding in a laugh. Never before had either of us seen so many people- er, ponies, so gobsmacked by either myself, or any non-faceless vehicle. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hello everyone. I'm Edward. Edward of the NorthWestern Railway."

None of the ponies said anything as they proceeded to stop several feet in front of me. Except for the yellow one who was still slowly walking.

"And I'm Thomas. Thomas Eric Galindez," my driver said, trotting over to me. "Edward's driver."

Finally, the cauliflower blue mare spoke up.

"I'm... Trixie. Trixie Lulamoon."

"Hello Trixie."

"I'm Starlight Glimmer," the violet mare next to Trixie said.

"Well I'll be," the orange mare said with a very American accent. "Ahm' Applejack. This pegasus right here," she said as she pointed to the bright blue pegasus with rainbow hair. "Is Rainbow Dash. And that pink pony is Pinkie Pie."

"Hello," I greeted.

The white pony with purple hair cleared her throat. "I'm Rarity."

"Pleasure to meet you." I looked at the light yellow pegasus. "What about you? What's your name?"

The pegasus looked down at floor. "Um... I'm Fluttershy..."

"Hello Fluttershy," I greeted. "I'm Edward."

"Wait- You actually heard her?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Yes. I did."

"Wow..." I heard Twilight say as she came back into my view. "Everything about you seems so... normal! You aren't any different from any other steam locomotive! At least... well..."

I chuckled. "As I told Luna and Cadance, when people back in my world performed quasi-autopsies on us, they never revealed anything of use."


"I must admit, Edward," Rarity began. "You are possibly the most polished locomotive I have ever laid my eyes upon."

"More than Truro?" Luna asked.

"Possibly," Rarity replied.

"Miss Rarity, there is no locomotive that is more polished than Truro."

Thomas laughed. "Me and Charlie kept Edward so clean and polished, you could see your reflection. He's shinier than any engine."

"I, Princess Luna, keep City of Truro more polished than any other engine. There is no way you keep Edward as polished as it."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled as the princess and my driver glare at each other. "You two had better not start a competition to see who can keep their engine cleaner."

Thomas smirked. "I believe a competition like that is in order."

"Well," Celestia began with a chuckle. "I'm glad everypony is getting along."

"So... What do we do now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Luna smirked. "I do believe a story is in order."

I laughed. "I take it you want to see just how good I am at storytelling?"

"Yes, yes I would."

Twilight, using her magic, created a notebook and quill. "What are you gonna tell us?" she asked, suddenly sounding like an excited little kid. Er, 'filly', to use the proper term.

"Hmm... How about I tell you all about my life as a passenger engine back on the Furness Railway?"

Twilight mewled. "Yes! Please! I'd love to hear stuff about your world!"

I watched as Thomas sat down next to Fluttershy. "You all just woke up a beast, you know that?"

"We what?" everypony asked.

I laughed. "It's been a while since I've told stories to a group that weren't fellow non-faceless vehicles, so this should be an interesting experience."

"Now," I began. "This particular story takes place back in 1896..."

Author's Note:

Had this on the backburner for way longer than I should have, but decided to speedwrite it for a sir named Nightwhisperer so they could get some... thoughts out of their head. Thoughts about Rarity.

You're welcome!

For those that love writing lighthearted stories or love lighthearted music, Imma just leave this here. :scootangel: